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  1. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to .Rui in Overfall2 - O Renascer do Dragão   
    Boa tarde,
    Este será o último tópico criado até a abertura oficial do Overfall2, com isto, queria informar que todas as novidades ou comunicados entre a equipa e a comunidade, serão feitos através deste tópico e do nosso discord.
    Como forma de promover a interação entre a comunidade do Overfall2, foi criado um servidor de discord. Nele poderão encontrar conteúdo exclusivo do Overfall2 até à abertura, como leaks e sondagens que poderão interferir positivamente no jogo.
    Recomendamos vivamente que assim que entrem no servidor de discord, leiam as regras com atenção para que todos possamos manter um bom ambiente neste.
    Gostaria de lembrar também, que as candidaturas para as vagas de GM e Moderador de Fórum continuam abertas até dia 20 de janeiro, agradeçendo também por todas as que foram feitas até ao momento.
    Link do Discord
    Os melhores cumprimentos,
    Overfall2 - O Renascer do Dragão
  2. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to AlpKhan in WoM3 - The Path of the Dragon - Abertura 19 de Abril   
    WoM2 Development Plan - Q1 of 2020
    We want to start this year on the right 🦶 and come with some improvements.
    A plan for the first quarter of the year was drafted and you might be curious about it.
    The main thing for this period is to focus the newcomers but not necessarily stoping here. 

    You can read more about it:
  3. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from demonelu in (Suporte Peer to Peer)Mukari2 - Files and Source   
    Ver Arquivo Mukari2 - Files and Source
    Olá malta.
    Venho-vos disponiblizar-vos as server files e source do conhecido Mukari2!
    O que contém?

    Como é o servidor/server files?

    Autor nagatto Enviado 11-10-2017 Categoria Server Files 'reloaded'  
  4. Upvote
    nagatto got a reaction from Luts in [PvP-Fácil][Internacional]RiseOfLegends - Onde as lendas nascem!   
  5. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from LegendRafa in [PvP-Fácil][Internacional]RiseOfLegends - Onde as lendas nascem!   
    E vermelhos?
  6. Upvote
    nagatto got a reaction from Luts in [PvP-Fácil][Internacional]RiseOfLegends - Onde as lendas nascem!   
  7. Haha
    nagatto got a reaction from morfo2 in [2020] CES 2020   
    2023 talvez? 
  8. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to .Rui in [Candidaturas] Overfall2 - O Renascer do Dragão   
    Boa Tarde,
    Este tópico foi criado com o propósito de recrutar membros para a nossa equipa e de forma a complementar este tópico, vamos dar-vos a conhecer um pouco deste projeto.
    O que é?
     O Overfall2 é um projeto de origem portuguesa de um servidor privado de Metin2 que começou a ser pensado há 3 meses atrás, começando a ser desenvolvido dia 02-01-2020 exclusivamente para a comunidade portuguesa .
    Quem somos & Objetivos? 
    Somos uma equipa experiente nos diversos ramos do jogo e com o objetivo de proporcionar uma nova experiência no mundo do Metin2.
    Data de Abertura? 
    O servidor não tem data de abertura por ainda estar no início do seu desenvolvimento, mas ambicionamos que esteja online ainda este ano para todos vós.
    Vagas & Informações:
    Atualmente precisamos de duas pessoas dinâmicas, responsáveis e experientes no jogo para finalizar a nossa equipa nos cargos de:
         -Moderador do Fórum;
    Caso estejas interessado/a poderás candidatar-te mandando-me uma mensagem aqui na Cyber-Gamers com o Título: "Overfall2 - Candidatura" e a tua mensagem deverá conter os seguintes tópicos:
         -Uma apresentação sucinta de ti;
         -Habilitações Literárias;
         -Qual o cargo a que te estás a candidatar;
         -Experiência no jogo e de que forma, achas que poderás ser a pessoa certa para esta vaga;
         -Ambos os cargos serão remunerados após a abertura do servidor;
  9. Thanks
    nagatto got a reaction from .Rui in [Candidaturas] Overfall2 - O Renascer do Dragão   
    Boa sorte no projeto,
    Caso precises de alguma dica, eu posso-te ajudar, visto que ando com tempo livre (quando falámos não tinha).
    Agora que se calhar já tens um planeamento do servidor, será mais fácil dizer algo.
    Em termos de servidor, pensas abrir com várias linguas? Se sim, tens malta estrangeira para o servidor?
  10. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to OnlZ in Gameforge Fechando Servidores!   
    Ontem as 23:25 da noite o ch1 do Hipérion estava full e não dava para entrar , se a GF for inteligente consegue voltar a encher os servidores oficiais , basta a possibilidade de ter loja offline e/ou features simples como click no nome para mandar PM , chat global etc que os oficiais ficam com mais pessoas que nunca.
  11. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to αlexαndre in Um bom ano a todos os cyberianos/as!   
    Bom ano para vocês também. Grande abraço 
  12. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to OnlZ in Gameforge Fechando Servidores!   
    Oh puto tens de ir ver a diferença entre desenvolvedor e distribuidor lol. Aproveita cria ai um "Futebolzinho 2020" com o core game do fifa , basta retirares o fifa e os trademarks que o jogo já passa a ser teu
  13. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to Honeybear in Um bom ano a todos os cyberianos/as!   
    É assim, pessoal, que damos 2019 por fechado.
    Fechamos essa porta para abrir uma nova. A porta que nos traz tudo o que 2020 terá para dar. E desejamos que tudo o que vos dê seja positivo: boa companhia de amigos e familiares, saúde, e muito sexo! Nós a equipa Cyber-Gamers desejamos-vos um ano bem mexido, e contamos com a vossa companhia por estas ondas, que por bastantes anos já circulam no nosso humilde mar.
    Um feliz ano novo a todos!
    Aqui fica um recap do ano de 2019 para todos aqueles curiosos e curiosas.
    Partilhem também connosco, aquele momento especial, abusado ou divertido :D
  14. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from Hykari ღ in [PvM/PvP]International] Aeldra   
    Venham jogar ;)
  15. Haha
    nagatto got a reaction from morfo2 in Inferna - O novo MMORPG que promete!   
    Eu gostei da parte do desinstalar. 
    Foi a única parte
  16. Thanks
    nagatto reacted to p0w3r0ff in Chegou o Natal!   
    Chegou o Natal!
    A equipa Cyber-Gamers deseja-lhe umas fantásticas festas, na companhia da sua família e amigos.
    Que este seja um Natal recheado de amor e de muito dinheiro!
    Obrigado por estar connosco,
    A equipa Cyber-Gamers
  17. Haha
    nagatto reacted to p0w3r0ff in Inferna - O novo MMORPG que promete!   
    com €71.47, até tu consegues fazer melhor....
  18. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from demonelu in (Suporte Peer to Peer)Mukari2 - Files and Source   
    Ver Arquivo Mukari2 - Files and Source
    Olá malta.
    Venho-vos disponiblizar-vos as server files e source do conhecido Mukari2!
    O que contém?

    Como é o servidor/server files?

    Autor nagatto Enviado 11-10-2017 Categoria Server Files 'reloaded'  
  19. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to Dynamic Things in Inferna - O novo MMORPG que promete!   
    Bem estava a espera para poder falar sobre, o que posso dizer sobre? Fizeram um bom trabalho ao tentar algo novo, mas faltou interesse e vontade de fazer melhor,
    não tive tempo nem paciência para ir testar o jogo ainda, mas pela imagem que o site me transmite, demonstram claramente uma enorme falta de interesse, além do desrespeito ao criador do tema ao removerem os créditos do mesmo, não se deram ao trabalho de editar o tema do site sequer, mudaram 3 imagens e comentaram/removeram algumas partes do código. Fora isso não posso falar muito sobre o gameplay em si pois ainda não o testei, mas pelo pouco que vi no video, vejo que não estão a utilizar a potencia da engine que tem em mãos e limitaram-se somente a copiar o básico do metin2, atenção não digo que isto é mau, ou que é uma má ideia, desde que seja algo bem estruturado com pés e cabeça.
    Template HTML original utilizado por vocês:
    Vossa versão Final:
    Logo se chegar a testar dou a minha opinião sobre o gameplay.
    Edit: (Não digo mais nada sobre este assunto)...
  20. Haha
    nagatto got a reaction from morfo2 in Black Desert Mobile   
    Este login mata-me!
  21. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to morfo2 in Black Desert Mobile   
    Não largues as drogas que não é preciso.
    MMORPG mobile com os melhores gráficos que existe.
    Caso não tenhas percebi tens de jogar o jogo para ires desbloqueando todas as funcionalidades. Eu e o Nagas estamos lvl 40+ e mesmo assim ainda temos bues m3rdas limitadas. Jogo torna-se cada vez melhor a medida que vais upando, tens muitas features e sistemas bem construídos ao contrário desses low poly mobile games que só servem para cash grab.
    Único ponto negativo é o "cheat" de CP na Arena PvP e o loot drop do World Boss mas sei que Pearl Abyss está focada em resolver problema da arena.
    O jogo não tem culpa que não saibas falar Inglês. Estudasses...
    Eu e o Nagas temo-nos divertido a farmar pa crlh.

    Actualmente lvl máx é 55.
    No futuro virão mais 3 classes e lvl 60, 65 e 70.
  22. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to Snooke in Que músicas andas tu a ouvir?   
  23. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from Snooke in Que músicas andas tu a ouvir?   
    O Plutónio está ao mais ativo!
  24. Upvote
    nagatto reacted to morfo2 in Black Desert Mobile   
    "Building on what led to the success of the original title and a series of successful launches in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, Black Desert Mobile is gearing up to expand its global services. Black Desert Mobile gives the original Black Desert’s maps and in-game content a complete facelift. Running on a newly developed in-house engine that breaks the boundaries of previous graphical limits, Black Desert Mobile offers action-packed content, skill-based styles of combat, and remarkably fast-paced development-to-update speeds. All of this and so much more will be available to our Adventurers across the globe. Black Desert Mobile is coming soon!"
    Os servidores abrem amanhã, dia 11 de Dezembro pelas 8:00 da manhã.
    O cliente já está disponível para download e podem criar a vossa personagem!
    Venham servidor Velia e juntem-se ao @Really, @nagatto e eu.
    A partir de nível 20 usem o meu código para receberem prémios: 4K3U8YSR3IKM


    BDM tem 5 classes gender lock com personalização estética total. Podem usar pre-sets no Beauty Album.

    Family Name
    O Family Name é o nome partilhado por todas as tuas personagens. Cada personagens tem nicks individuais mas o que te representa é sempre o Family Name.
    Warrior – is the balanced melee class of the game. They have fairly even stats and has the ability to block attacks to some degree due to them using shields as a secondary weapon while their main weapon is the long sword. As a melee class, warriors rely on close-quarter combat favoring combo skills while dodging enemy attacks. They excel in one on one PvP and can serve as either a tank or a damage dealer in PvE. They are quite easy to learn so the Warrior is a good pick if you’re familiar with MMO games.
      Valkyrie – are the female counterpart of the Warrior. They are a bit slower than Warriors but they make up for it with higher defense and tremendous damage output.  They also use a sword and shield which gives them damage blocking abilities. The Valkyrie excels in group PvP and party PvE.
      Giant – is one of the newbie-friendly classes in the game. They deal a ton of damage against enemies and excel in group PvE. They wield deadly axes and an ornamental knot as a secondary weapon. In exchange for brute strength, their mobility is low and disengaging in fights is difficult. Nevertheless, they are fun to play and easy to learn. Berserkers are probably the most newbie-friendly class in the roster so if you’re an absolute beginner, you might want to consider this class.
      Ranger – is long-range physical attackers with high single target damage output with their longbow and dagger. They are quite difficult to master but excel in both PvP and PvE. Rangers are good starting class if you plan to farm first for your main character.
      Witch – deals with magical damage using her staff and dagger. The majority of a Witch’s skill leans towards AoE which makes her a great asset in PvP and PvE. Just like the Ranger class, she is a good choice for farming. Despite being a bit weak in defense, Witches can be a well-rounded class that class, but players will need to learn how to position themselves on the battlefield and how to time their spells right.
      O teu loot é partilhado por todas as tuas contas sem limites. Por isso convém selecionar uma boa classe PvM como Main para ter gear bom que possas partilhar com as outras chars e evoluir mais facilmente. As melhores classes PvM actualmente são Witch (Most AoE) e Ranger (Most CC).
    Leveling up in Black Desert Mobile:
    Increasing your character level is just the same as any mobile MMORPG. It basically splits into two main branches: the main quest and side/sub-quests. The main quests will push the story and the plot that you are following in BDM. This will also unlock features in the game as you move on. Sub quests are extra tasks you can tackle to gain more experience points and level up. They’re usually requests from NPC’s that you need to accomplish. Think of it as a bit like a side story. The usual rule is finishing the sub-quests first then continue with the main quest and BDM is no exception. 
    There are other ways to level up such as using the Black Spirit Mode which we’ll talk about later on. Aside from that, here are some other ways for you to level up which will also become a daily routine for you to maximize:
    Grinding – find a spot where you can grind a monster without consuming too much HP potion and kill away with XP Boost in use. XP boosts can be acquired from events or can be bought in the Pearl Shop. Repeatable quests – there are a number of quests you can retake again in BDM. This is a great way to rack up XP points if you’re not into grinding. Life skills – aside from gathering materials, life skills can also give you bonus XP, especially at lower levels. Boss Rush – boss rush is just another term for the boss dungeon or boss hunting. You’ll need boss stamps to enter the boss dungeons. Additionally, you’ll also need to defeat a boss to unlock their dungeon. Higher tier boss equals higher XP. Ruins – the ruins is more or less the multiplayer equivalent of Boss Rush. You’ll need to create your own team or join one plus a tablet to participate in Ruins.  The mysterious Black Spirit:
    The Black Spirit is an enigmatic figure in the world of BDM. It is connected to you as a companion of sorts but with some hidden agenda. You can level the spirit up by feeding him spare equipment or condensed dark energy. Dark energy can be obtained by finishing quests. They can also drop by killing monsters and can be bought in the cash shop. There’s also the Spirit’s quests you can finish to get dark energy as a reward. Arguably the biggest role of the Black Spirit is that it allows you to equip higher tier gear when you perform an awakening on it. Each awakening will give you access to the next higher tier equipment set.

    Black Spirit Quests
    Black Spirits can also give you bonus stats as well as giving you access to the Black Spirit Mode. This mode is very important to remember as this will allow you to perform actions even when the game is offline. In short, it’s an auto-farm AFK mode. It has three options: auto hunt, auto gathering, and auto fishing. Once you’ve chosen the task, the Black Spirit will take your place and will do the grinding for you instead. After a while, the game will be shut down. The next time you log in, you’ll receive the rewards of the AFK grinding. 
    Equipment System in Black Desert Mobile:
    The equipment system in BDM is very different from traditional MMORPGs. When you start the game, all available equipment slots are unlocked. This is due to the unique mechanic where all your characters can share your gears and items regardless of equipment grade or level. So if you made a new character, they can use the high tier gears from your other characters right off the bat.
    Enhancing skills is quite simple to understand. You just need to use enhancing stones. There are different stones that give various ratios of enhancing success rates. The higher the rate, the better the chance of a successful gear enhancement. The enhancements can be transferred as well as long as it’s the same type of equipment but at the cost of using some materials and a dwindling success rate every time you transfer. Don’t worry though since there are items you can use to increase your success rate.
    You can acquire higher tier gear by either crafting them or get a lucky gacha draw in Shakatu’s Gold Coin Shop. High tier gears also have a chance of dropping in instances and from bosses.

    Craft Armor
    Accessories are different. To enhance them, you’ll need the same type of accessory and use them as enhancement material. You can also use relics as an alternative. Just like gears, they also have a success rate, so better horde some relics and duplicate accessories so you’ll have plenty of materials to use.
    About Stamina and how to use it:
    The Stamina is more or less an Energy used in various contents and tasks in BDM like gathering resources, camp activities, and so on. Stamina normally recovers on its own after a certain period of time, but you can also instantly recover stamina by using stamina potions.

    Pets and Mounts: Your trusty companions throughout the game:
    Throughout your adventures in BDM, you’ll be able to meet various pets and mounts you can befriend and collect. They can provide additional stat boosts as well as other useful perks.
    Pets are your trusty companions in the game. They will do a variety of useful actions like picking up loot and assisting you with skills among other helpful actions. The game will provide you with your first pet as you progress through the quests in the form of the “Valenos Mischievous Dog”. You can also buy more pets at the Pearl Shop. Here are important notes you need to remember about pets:
    Pet skills are random. The higher the tier the pets are, the more skills they have. Skills can be upgraded through training. You can only train one skill at a time. Don’t forget to feed your pet. If their hunger gauge reaches zero, they won’t pick up dropped loot for you. You can take out a maximum of 3 pets. You can exchange pets for a higher tier one. You’ll need 2 pets of the same tier to do this. Horses are the preferred mounts in BDM. They are a lifesaver when it comes to traveling but they also provide useful skills as well. You can obtain a horse by completing quests or capturing one in the wild by using a rope and brown sugar. Both can be bought from the Livestock Merchants and the Pearl Shop. You can capture horses in specific areas that you can easily check on your map.
    Horses have two types of skills: normal and bonding. Higher tier horses will have more skills and abilities. A random skill will be given to your first horse. Skills can be exchanged by using an item sold at the Pearl Shop: “Horse Bonding Exchange Coupon” where once you use it, a random bonding skill will be acquired by your horse. If there’s already an existing bonding skill, it will be replaced by the new one. The other item is the “Horse Skill Exchange Coupon” which you can use to change a horse’s normal skill. Just like pets, higher tier horses can have more normal skills.
    Finally, you can breed your horses to get a higher tier horse. In order to do this, both horses should be the same tier and with maxed out level (10). The highest tier is tier 5.
    The Guild System
    An MMORPG would be complete without the guild system and BDM is no exception. To create a guild, your character must be at least be level 30, have 400,000 silver, and not be a member of another guild, of course. Do note that if you have left a guild to make your own, you will have to wait 24 hours before the game allows you to do so. There are no restrictions for joining a guild; your character will be able to join a guild starting from level 1.
    Activities in the guild can earn you social points. As more members join the guild and guild activity increases, the more social points you can receive. Depending on the guild level, the maximum number of joinable guild members will vary. The maximum amount of members is 50. Guild masters are responsible for enlisting members, assigning officers, dismissal of members, accepting quests, canceling them and more.
    Guild quests and Guild rushes
    By doing guild quests, you can obtain guild points, activity, Guild EXP, and guild funds. You can also obtain social points or silver by completing quests. Guild points can be exchanged to summoning stone for Guild Rush in the Guild Fortress: The personal area where members of a guild can meet and enjoy various content, such as the aforementioned Guild Rush and Node War. Don’t forget that guild quests can be done 3 times a day, so maximize your entries with your guild members.
    Ramoness Arena: where PVP legends are born
    Players who crave for more action can participate in PVP in the Ramoness Arena, a 3v3 PVP mode where you can join forces with other players to outmatch the other team by raking in points. This can be done by either defeating an opponent or destroying certain items. To unlock Ramoness Arena, you’ll need to defeat the Muskan boss first. The overall Combat Power and HP of participants will automatically be balanced.

    Ramoness Arena
    Adventurers can acquire Ramoness Score and EXP by simply participating in battles. You can earn more points and EXP if you are on a winning streak. The player that acquires the most points in a single battle will be chosen as the MVP and will earn additional Ramoness Score.

    Wealth and Resources:
    In a typical MMO game, we usually see around two or three types of in-game currency. But in BDM there’s a wide variety of them used for different features. Aside from Silver, there are other types of wealth in the game like Pearls, the aforementioned Stamina, and entrance tickets.

    Wealth and Resources
    So there you have it. We know it’s a lot to take in for a “basic beginners” guide but ultimately, Black Desert Mobile is complicated with deep mechanics to it. There’s a learning curve to the game but figuring it out is a reward in itself since you’ll be taking advantage of the knowledge you have acquired so far. We hope this guide will help you on your journey through Black Desert Mobile.
    Mais Guias:
    Pets & Horses
    Camp System
  25. Like
    nagatto got a reaction from Blekitny in (Suporte Peer to Peer)[PvM] Elitarius2.   
    Ver Arquivo [PvM] Elitarius2.
    Boas malta.
    Venho-vos disponibilizar todo o conteúdo do Elitarius2. Foi um servidor que por acaso joguei e está muito bom em termos de PvM. 
    Escusado será dizer que se encontra tudo em Alemão.
    Têm o download dos seguintos arquivos: (respeitando a ordem nos links de download)
    Files Client Source Homepage  
    Aqui vos deixo as informações das serverfiles bem como o gameplay ;)

    Autor nagatto Enviado 27-10-2017 Categoria Server Files 'reloaded'