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[PvM - PvP][Internacional] SG2 Global - O Renascimento da Lenda

37 posts in this topic


Dear Players,


today we organized with several streamers a preview of our server. We are happy that the general feedback was positve, but of course there were some good constuctive critcism of things that were not good. Some of these changes were done in the previous days but they will be listed as well:


  • The pick up of items is as fast as you can collect. Once again we don't forbid the use of macros unless they provide unfair advantages (with unfair it means something that is not humanly possible)
  • The speed of the text of the quests or the npc is faster
  • The teleport ring cooldown is 30 seconds, to avoid abuses
  • Pets, costumes and hairs, won't have any pvp bonus
  • Third hand (auto collect golds) is free
  • You can open the offline shop outside the safe zone
  • Mages and Assassins have damage vs monster as innate bonus, to balance the difference in pvm
  • Preview system can now be turned off / on from the System menu
  • Night mode is always on and can be turned off from the System menu
  • Moonlight drops directly inside player's inventory
  • Horse medal stacks


We are currently working on a quick sell system as this was requested.


Thanks for the good feedbacks that help us improve the server! 



Que excelentes notícias!! 

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Que boas notícias, tou lá batido!

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37 minutos atrás, nagatto disse:

Dear Players,


today we organized with several streamers a preview of our server. We are happy that the general feedback was positve, but of course there were some good constuctive critcism of things that were not good. Some of these changes were done in the previous days but they will be listed as well:


The pick up of items is as fast as you can collect. Once again we don't forbid the use of macros unless they provide unfair advantages (with unfair it means something that is not humanly possible)

The speed of the text of the quests or the npc is faster

The teleport ring cooldown is 30 seconds, to avoid abuses

Pets, costumes and hairs, won't have any pvp bonus

Third hand (auto collect golds) is free

You can open the offline shop outside the safe zone

Mages and Assassins have damage vs monster as innate bonus, to balance the difference in pvm

Preview system can now be turned off / on from the System menu

Night mode is always on and can be turned off from the System menu

Moonlight drops directly inside player's inventory

Horse medal stacks


We are currently working on a quick sell system as this was requested.


Thanks for the good feedbacks that help us improve the server! 



Que excelentes notícias!! 

Ou seja, posso ser principal ninja sem criar logo um farmer? :D :D :D :D

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2 minutos atrás, Do U Even Tartarugas disse:

Ou seja, posso ser principal ninja sem criar logo um farmer? :D :D :D :D

Eles aumentaram um pouco nao quer dizer que saquem todos o mesmo

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1 minuto atrás, disaster disse:

Eles aumentaram um pouco nao quer dizer que saquem todos o mesmo

Se assim fosse não faria sentido, claro que deve ser só pequeno aumento, mas que fará toda a diferença

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Vou jogar , gostei  ja tinha visto a apresentaçao antes. Se tencionarem criar guild digam ai no topico @nagatto , vais jogar ? Acho que era engraçado criar a guild da cyber , ja nao se faz ha algun tempo num servidor recente. Combina-se no discord e jogamos todos , torna-se mais facil trocar livros e tudo.  @morfo2 larga o ascyra e anda. 

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Ainda não sei que reino vou, mas é um caso a combinar..


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4 horas atrás, Really disse:

Vou jogar , gostei  ja tinha visto a apresentaçao antes. Se tencionarem criar guild digam ai no topico @nagatto , vais jogar ? Acho que era engraçado criar a guild da cyber , ja nao se faz ha algun tempo num servidor recente. Combina-se no discord e jogamos todos , torna-se mais facil trocar livros e tudo.  @morfo2 larga o ascyra e anda. 

o ascyra ainda nem sequer abriu lol é só dia 7 e não, não vou jogar oldschool, para isso vou po oficial :FailFish:

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3 minutos atrás, morfo2 disse:

o ascyra ainda nem sequer abriu lol é só dia 7 e não, não vou jogar oldschool, para isso vou po oficial :FailFish:


Este não é oldschool, é a primeira vertente até nível 99, após isso irá sair conteúdo 100+ e posteriormente 120+

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2 horas atrás, nagatto disse:

Ainda não sei que reino vou, mas é um caso a combinar..



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