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[PvM - PvP][Internacional] SG2 Global - O Renascimento da Lenda

37 posts in this topic

5 horas atrás, morfo2 disse:

o ascyra ainda nem sequer abriu lol é só dia 7 e não, não vou jogar oldschool, para isso vou po oficial :FailFish:

Estes servidores são fáceis, e não tem nada haver com o oficial. Dou 3 semanas ao ascyra pela 3x, :Kappa:

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega
9 minutos atrás, Do U Even Tartarugas disse:

Por mim amarelos

Os mapas serão diferentes do normal?

Como serão os reinos e spots iniciais?


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52 minutos atrás, silvatorresfabio disse:

Os mapas serão diferentes do normal?

Como serão os reinos e spots iniciais?


Não faço ideia

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quem pensa que o sv é assim tão facil estão enganados como podem ver so começam a dropar adicionares e rodares a partir lv 25, e aposto vai estar sem metins o sv eu sinceramente acho que não vou.

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1 hora atrás, comerbolacha disse:

quem pensa que o sv é assim tão facil estão enganados como podem ver so começam a dropar adicionares e rodares a partir lv 25, e aposto vai estar sem metins o sv eu sinceramente acho que não vou.

Tantos servidores que fazem o mesmo ....

Para que queres rodares em low level?

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4 horas atrás, KruGrockz disse:

O servidor abre hoje às 16h certo? Obrigado.


17h hora Portugal 


Dear Players,


since we got requests to start a tec points event on the opening, or as some of you called "HAPPY HOUR", for the first 48 hours, every purchases will grant 20% more tec points.


As already announced, every new account gets a 7 days package, but the accounts registered at least 1 hour before the opening (so hurry up in case you didn't) will receive a mini executioner pet (5% vs monster for 7 days) in their mall storage.


Also so far a couple of players asked if they could use two PSC of the same amount at the same time because their store doesn't sell the highest available PSC. 
It is not possible to do so, but if you contact us before the purchase we can simply add the points that you would get if the purchase was combined. We are not picky but we ask to be informed first.



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Ja a empurrar IS? Mais um daqueles pay2win ou mais estilo pay2rush?

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Dear players,

Since the Server just started we will have to make a short Reboot

after the Reboot the following things will be changed.

  • Fixed a problem with the Change Channel System
  • Fixed some crash issues
  • Orc Maze now no longer has an Ip block
  • Adjusted the bonus for Mages and Assassins

We thank you a lot for the feedback, suggestions, support and bug reports.



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In this thread I will list the contents and bug fix that will be present on the upcoming patch. The thread may be subject to updates after more things are fixed / added

1) Extra inventory


The extra inventory allows you to store more items on a separated inventory, granting more space to farm and is considered a quality of life update.

2) Item broadcast improvment: the linked items are displayed on the language of your client and not anymore on the language of the client of who broadcast.

3) More stackable items: Adders, changers, polymorph and leadership books can stack.


Fixed the ghost hero inside the orc maze, the % were not matching the description

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