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[PvM/PvP]International] Aeldra

263 posts in this topic

5 horas atrás, Rox_ disse:

Hey Cyber-Gamers Community,

I'am from the Aeldra Team, I just want to clarify  that there is not Yang or Exp Bug on the server.
Also we just Fixed the disconnects, so the server will be a lot better now.

The screenshot posted by @numbed is maybe not a fake maybe just a visual error.
I will show you a proof of our database now.

Here are the top 100 players ordered by the yang of them.

And here the Gold/Silver Bar's which exists on the server.

Also we're currently searching for Portuguese team members, we want to improve the translation and offer a nice game experience for whole Portugal!
If you are interested you can contact me on our Discord, that would make me happy.

Have a great day Cyber Gamers :)

For sure, is not a visual error 

Edited by Barbiee. (see edit history)

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Hello Rox!


I really enjoyed the fact that you come to clarify these kinds of situations, who do that aren't many.
It's the first server that I see continuous activity in corrections, I praise your work.
I hope you continue your good work because you have the potential to go further.
As for the translator think of putting a topic here in the forum to recruit that will surely have people willing to help.


Once again, good luck for this project.
Bruno Pinto

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today we're having a maintenance at 11:45 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.0.9


  • It is now possible to get a Shrunk head from Charon.
  • It is now possible to get a Fencing Pamphlet from Beran Setaou.


  • Fixed a bug in the Character select.
  • The right price will be displayed now when you sell items.
  • Fixed a bug with the Offline Shop


  • Azrael's Chest is now stackable.
  • Price change for Cor Draconis (Rough)
  • The Channel changer is highlighted now.
  • The production of Gaya can no longer fail.

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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today we're having a maintenance at 17:00 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.0


  • A refound system has been added.


  • Fixed a bug with the Guildstorage.
  • Bosses now have a def phase.
  • A fishing error has been fixed.
  • Fixed a Bug with the Shop System.
  • Fixed a Bug with the offline messages.
  • Fixed an error at the offlineshop system
  • Fixed an error at some items which expire at the first time usage.


  • Moved the dungeons to an additional server, to increase performance and avoid disconnects/crashes.
  • Meley now has a minimum level of 40.
  • Improved some Translations



Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team



Agora é mais díficil de se fazer boss's -.-

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today we're having a maintenance at 00:45 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.1.


  • You can now teleport directly to beran-setaou


  • Fixed a crash, if an arrow stack runs out of count.
  • Fixed a text error when you read master books
  • The description of the Crescent Moon Ring has been corrected


  • The Quest Uriel's Worries II was simplified.
  • Razador and Nemere were strengthened
  • The bosses of the 90s map were strengthened
  • Dragon Stone shards now land directly in the inventory
  • The level range at weddings is now 30 levels instead of 15.
  • Low level ores can now be found in the desert and high level ores in the fireland
  • The 14 and 30 day versions of the Gaya items are now tradable.

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team


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today we're having a maintenance at 03:25 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.2



  • Fixed a bug, which could cause a dc at Nemere/Razador.
  • Arachnid keys are no longer running out of time.
  • Fixed a Bug with improving the talismans..

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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today we're having a maintenance at 02:45 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.5


  • At soon you can now craft a potion of the thief
  • You can renew the runtime of your offline-shop


  • Fixed a bug where you could increase some status values
  • When you spawn bosses too close to the wall, the roll no longer disappears
  • Fixed a bug with the Dragon Room


  • When entering a new guild you now have 3 hours Cooldown on Meleys Lair
  • The chance of silver and gold plates has been increased
  • The green dew has been reduced to a maximum of 10%

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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today we're having a maintenance at 00:50 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.7.


  • It is now possible to hide quests letters in the game options
  • Ores take up to 3 bonuses
  • If the system refunds you an item, no relog is required anymore, the popup arrives instantly


  • Magic Iron and Copper Ores can now be sold
  • The bonus of Stone of Magic has been changed from "Max MP" to "Magic break %.."
  • Fixed the toogle function of Enchanted Blade skill
  • Fixed the overkill bug at the skill Enchanted Blade, so that you don't lose hp anymore
  • The Nephrite Bay is now neutral area
  • Fixed a bug with the whisper block
  • Fixed the [SYSTEM] Message System
  • Removed the popup message, when you unequip a Dragon Soul Alchemy Stone
  • Fixed accents letters in the announcement chat/notices

Note: This week we will be looking at the PVP damage of all classes as there is too much HP compared to the damage 
Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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today we're having a maintenance at 13:15 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.8.


  • Seon-Pyeong arrived now on every map1
  • The size of Metins and Bosses has been changed by they're level and difficulty


  • Blacksmith Handbook is now tradeable
  • If you open the friendlist, it will popup in front of the inventory, not behind
  • Fixed a bug that bosses used the random Deadly Attack on a random Class and ignored warriors in that case
  • Fixed a bug that you coudn't revive your horse


  • The success chance on the lv94 and lv92 biologist quests has been increased
  • Razador and Nemere were finally adapted
  • You drop only 1 Puzzle Box by the stones on lv90 map
  • Changed the upgrade-system and removed upgrade-items at Baek-Go
  • You now need emeral crystal for crafting a fish-chest
  • The manufacture of ores works now with 100% success
  • To craft a Book of the Leader you need now tumalin crystals
  • Chest of Queen Meley & Chest of the Dragon Guard are now stackable

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team


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Malta eu tou a jogar nos reds se alguem tiver interessado em jgr cmg, eu tou a curtir do sv até agr, tenho objetivo de criar guild, ou de me juntar a uma 

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today we're having a maintenance at 02:40 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.9.


  • Now also spawning the other 90s Map Bosses who drop to 100% either a silver or a gold plate
  • Nemere and Razador can drop now a Refined enchanting.
  • It is now possible to craft the level 100 helmets at Dragonguard Jaharr.


  • Fixed an error which caused the heavy server issues the past day.
  • It is now possible to revive a dead horse.
  • Fixed a bug with Shoulder Sash manufacturing.
  • Fixed few language issues.
  • Fixed an Bug when Items stacking over 200.
  • Fixed that questletters showed up after you open a quest(if you used the game option)
  • Fixed an Bug that caused some Users to not be able to activate the Battlepass.


  • Experience rings and thief gloves can now be stacked.
  • The drop chance of exp rings and thief gloves has been increased.
  • Cut the shop title display range in half.
  • The drop of "Piece of Stone" from Metinstones and the clam drop were adjusted.
  • The required crystals, while improving items where you need Pearls was increased.
  • Some 90s Map Bosses were adjusted again because they did too much damage.
  • All normal monsters of the 90s maps were set at level 106.


Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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today we're having a maintenance at 16:30 CET with a duration of 3 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.1.10.


  • Fixed a metin spawn in Nephrit Bay which was in a unavailable position.
  • Fixed a bug, if you move your camera while minimizing the game, it will lock the camera movement.
  • Fixed a bug where you could still use level 1 characters for Meleys.
  • Fixed a bug with the Turkish registration.
  • Fixed the ban timer display on the login for banned accounts.


  • At Meley you now have 3 minutes to collect your reward.
  • The little Bosses of the 90 's map now have more HP (is already live)
  • The Soulstone drop was removed on the 90 's maps.
  • To craft the Soul belt, you need dragon claws and scales instead of pearls.

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team

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Evento Ramadão!

Sabe mais AQUI

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today we're having a maintenance at 13:30 CET with a duration of 5 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 1.2.0.

Shop Search:

  • New Design 
  • A category overview
  • New sorting Options
  • If you have Premium, you now have the Option to buy the Item directly or you can mark the Shop.
  • (So you can save your taxes)
  • If you want to write the seller a click on his name is enough.
  • The search now proposes Items which can be completed with tab.


  • Some adjustments have been made to the PVP System. More information about the changes in this Thread: PvP Balancing
  • The Tradingwindow has been enlarged and re-designed
  • Its now Possible to pick up all Items with CTRL + Y/^ if you allowed the Feature in Game Options
  • You can buy Redistribution (INT, VIT, STR, DEX) at the General Store now.
  • You are able to craft Boss Room Tickets at Soon
  • It is now possible to mark several items and sell them together. (Ctrl + LMB)
  • Now you can teleport to a dungeon via the quest timer.
  • Whether a Autopot is active is now shown in the upper left.
  • It is now possible to save up to 8 Accounts.


  • Fixed the glow effect of Armor and Weapon Costume Shop NPC.
  • Fixed that sometimes mark system for the shops didn't properly.
  • Fixed an error that your shop was closed by the system and you couldn't reopen it.
  • Changes:
  • The Lemures Prince spawns now in the upper part of the Island.
  • You can no longer put started Exp Rings and Thieves ' gloves in a shop.
  • The success rate of Golden Cog wheel, Frostkey and Frostflower key has been increased
  • Potion of Thiefs cost 5 instead of 10 Thief Gloves now

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

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