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[PVM][De/En/Ro/Tr] Cymera [24.03.17]

29 posts in this topic

Ja ha guild tuga em algum reino?


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Guild tuga no reino azul com o nome TUGA ainda nao entrei mas yha ja sei que há. Agora a cena é como é que já há gajos 75+ xD.

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alguem ta a conseguir jogar?

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32 minutos atrás, xardaz disse:

alguem ta a conseguir jogar?

Dear community,

due to technicial issues our hosting provider recently had the game server was not reachable since 05:00am today.
This can be traced down to problems of the network of the hosting provider OVH. Last night, they received a massive DDoS attack which affected wide ranges of their servers and network - including our game server. That's why it was not reachable for you. We already investigated the problem and tried to fix it since the early morning but we couldn't do anything.

The statement of the hoster:

We are currently encountering an incident impacting traffic routed through OVH firewall.
For the moment, to troubleshoot the incident and reduce the impact on your IPs, you can disable temporarily OVH firewall and permanent mitigation ( via API/manager v6) until we correct the situation.
Our VAC team is investigating the cause of the incident, and will resolve it as soon as possible.

There is another sad message. Our server crashed which caused irreparable errors in our database which failed to get recovered. Due to these issues we had to upload a backup of 27th of march 2017 11:18pm. Everything you did afterwards is now lost. We feel very sorry for that!

Furthermore, we are still investigating channel and map problems.

We will start a compensation event soon! Informations coming soon.

Kindly regards,
the Cymera staff

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4 minutos atrás, .รtгเкє disse:
Dear community,

due to technicial issues our hosting provider recently had the game server was not reachable since 05:00am today.
This can be traced down to problems of the network of the hosting provider OVH. Last night, they received a massive DDoS attack which affected wide ranges of their servers and network - including our game server. That's why it was not reachable for you. We already investigated the problem and tried to fix it since the early morning but we couldn't do anything.

The statement of the hoster:


sim eu ja tinha visto isso, so que no site aparecem bue players on por isso achei estranho

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Agora, xardaz disse:

sim eu ja tinha visto isso, so que no site aparecem bue players on por isso achei estranho

Podes ter ficado sem a conta, se criaste depois de  27th of march 2017 11:18pm

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nop, eu ja jogo desde o 1º dia que abriu

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a mim nao passa do log in alguem consegue entrar?

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15 minutos atrás, xardaz disse:

a mim nao passa do log in alguem consegue entrar?

Eu começei a jogar abocado e até agora estou a conseguir

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Opiniões? Alguém ainda joga?

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24 minutos atrás, ShadyVII disse:

Opiniões? Alguém ainda joga?

eu já joguei e recomendo, evoluis relativamente rápido, os extras para os itens veem em cofres que dropas em todo o lado e tem muita gente online.


Tens é que dropar livros para as skills

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22 minutos atrás, .รtгเкє disse:

eu já joguei e recomendo, evoluis relativamente rápido, os extras para os itens veem em cofres que dropas em todo o lado e tem muita gente online.


Tens é que dropar livros para as skills

Muito obrigado pela opinião!

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Reavaliação (do estado do servidor)
O servidor encontra-se Desconhecido


Contudo o tópico necessita de ser actualizado devido a ausência de imagens do servidor, assim como os links de acesso ao website do servidor o criador do tópico tem 24 horas para actualizar o tópico caso contrario o tópico será movido para a lixeira por incumprimento do protocolo.

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