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Quest Cavalo - Bug


Quest nem abre :( Alguém ajuda?

quest militarhorse begin	state start begin		when"Horse Militar" with horse.get_grade()>=11 begin			if pc.level<=49 then				say("You need level 50")				say("to buy a militar horse!")				say("")			elseif pc.countitem("50050")>=1 then				say("To have the militar horse")				say("you need 21 medals.")				say("You can drop the medals")				say("at Cave of the Monkeys.")				say("When you have a medal, please, come to me.")				say("")				setstate(need_item50050)			elseif pc.countitem("50050")>=1 and pc.level>=49 then				say("To get the horse")				say("you need to pass an exam.")				say("In 30 minutes, you must kill 300 Demon")				say("Soldiers. Only then will receive the horse!")				say("Results will be recorded on the medal.")				local b=select("Okay", "Close")				if 1==b then					if pc.countitem("50050")>=1 then						pc.removeitem("50050", 1)						setstate(test)					end				elseif 2==b then					say("You can not get your horse.")				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("You miss the Horse Mission.")			end		end	end	state need_item50050 begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Get 1 Horse Medal")			q.set_title("Get 1 Horse Medal")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."1 Horse Medal!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("You need 1 Horse Medal")			say("to be able to take the exam for the horse.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."1 Horse Medal!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("You need 1 Horse Medal")			say("to be able to take the exam for the horse.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end	end	state test begin		when letter begin			q.set_counter("剩下的五狼射手數量", 300-pc.getqf("kill_count"))		end		when 1001.kill begin			pc.setqf("kill_count", pc.getqf("kill_count")+1)			q.set_counter("剩下的五狼射手數量", 300-pc.getqf("kill_count"))			if get_time()>=pc.getqf("limit_time") then				setstate(failure)			end		end		when letter begin			q.set_clock("剩餘時間", pc.getqf("limit_time")-get_time())		end		when enter begin			pc.setqf("limit_time", get_time()+300*60)			pc.setqf("kill_count", 0)		end		when leave begin			q.done()		end		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Kill 300 Demon Soldiers")			q.set_title("Kill 300 Demon Soldiers")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Kill 300 Demon Soldiers!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("In 30 minutes you have to kill 300 Demon Soldiers.")			say("Then back to the Stable Boy.")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Kill 300 Demon Soldiers!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("In 30 minutes you have to kill 300 Demon Soldiers.")			say("Then back to the Stable Boy.")		end		when 1001.kill with pc.getf("pony_buy","kill_count") >= 30 and pc.getf("pony_buy","limit_time")>=get_time() begin			setstate(report)		end		when"PONY QUEST STATE REPAIR" with horse.get_grade()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Examination of the Horse" begin			say("You want start the examination?")			local b=select("Yes", "No")			if 1==b then			elseif 2==b then				say("Are you sure?")				local b=select("Yes", "No")				if 1==b then					say("So, Go!")					setstate(start)					q.done()				elseif 2==b then					say("Well!")					say("Check back soon!")				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")			end		end	end	state report begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Exam Successfully Completed")			q.set_title("Exam Successfully Completed")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Exam Successfully Completed!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Returns to the Stable Boy")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Exam Successfully Completed!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Returns to the Stable Boy")		end		when"PONY QUEST STATE REPAIR" with horse.get_grade()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Mission Successfully Completed!" with horse.get_grade()==0 begin			say("Congratulations!")			say("You concluded the exam successfully!")			say("What you have to wait a day for the thumbnail")			say("Horse is completed.")			say("And also need to 10,000,000 Yangs.")			if is_test_server() then				pc.setqf("make_time", get_time()+10)			else				pc.setqf("make_time", get_time()+number(8, 16)*60*60)			end			setstate(wait)		end	end	state wait begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			q.set_title("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Waiting for the Military Horse Book"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Your exam is being recorded on the Military Horse Book")			say("You have to wait.")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Waiting for the Military Horse Book"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			say("You have to wait.")				end		when login with get_time()>=pc.getf("pony_buy","make_time") begin			setstate(buy)		end		when"Receive the Military Horse Book" with horse.get_grade()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Military Horse Book is ready?" with horse.get_grade()==0 begin			say("Military Horse Book")			say("Is still not ready. Back later.")			say("Remember to bring 10.000.000 Yangs.")		end	end	state buy begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Miniature Horse Finished")			q.set_title("Miniature Horse Finished")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Miniature Horse Finished!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Apparently the Stable Boy")			say("has finished your miniature.")			say("Bring 10.000.000 Yangs. Go to Stable Boy")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Miniature Horse Finished!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Apparently the Stable Boy")			say("has finished your miniature.")			say("Bring 10.000.000 Yangs. Go to Stable Boy")		end		when"Miniature Horse" with horse.get_grade()==0 and get_time()>=pc.getf("pony_buy","make_time") begin			say("Miniature Horse Is Finished!")			say("Want to Buy a Miniature Horse?")			local b=select("Yes", "No", "Abort!")			if 1==b then				if>=100000 then					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "BEGIN")					pc.changemoney(-10000000)					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "DEC money 10000000")					horse.unride()					horse.advance()					horse.ride()					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "INC horse_advance 1")					pc.give_item2("50051", 1)					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "INC 50051 1")					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "END")					say ("You already have the Horse.")					say ("You can call the horse by clicking")					say ("In Miniature Horse.")					say ("Remember the Food!")					setstate(start)					q.done()				else					say("Back!")				end			elseif 2==b then				say("Ok, back later.")			elseif 3==b then				say("Even Want to Abort?")				say("Would Cancel It?")				local b=select("Yes", "No")				if 1==b then					setstate(start)				elseif 2==b then				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")			end		end	end	state failure begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("You failed the exam")			q.set_title("You failed the exam")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."You failed the exam"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Have you killed all 300 Demon Soldiers?")			say("In 30 minutes? No.")			say("What a shame.")			say("Get yourself another Horse Medal")			say("If you want to re-do the mission.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."You failed the exam"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Have you killed all 300 Demon Soldiers?")			say("In 30 minutes? No.")			say("What a shame.")			say("Get yourself another Horse Medal")			say("If you want to re-do the mission.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end	end	state __COMPLETE__ begin		when enter begin			q.done()		end	endend

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horse.get_grade() dá return a um valor entre 0 e 3. Logo a condição do 1º when é sempre falsa. A função que procuras deve ser horse.get_level().

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega
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quest militarhorse begin	state start begin		when"Horse Militar" with horse.get_level()>=11 begin			if pc.level<=49 then				say("You need level 50")				say("to buy a militar horse!")				say("")			elseif pc.countitem("50050")>=2 then				say("To have the militar horse")				say("you need 21 medals.")				say("You can drop the medals")				say("at Cave of the Monkeys.")				say("When you have a medal, please, come to me.")				say("")				setstate(need_item50050)			elseif pc.countitem("50050")>=2 and pc.level>=50 then				say("To get the horse")				say("you need to pass an exam.")				say("In 30 minutes, you must kill 300 Demon")				say("Soldiers. Only then will receive the horse!")				say("Results will be recorded on the medal.")				local b=select("Okay", "Close")				if 1==b then					if pc.countitem("50050")>=1 then						pc.removeitem("50050", 1)						setstate(test)					end				elseif 2==b then					say("You can not get your horse.")				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("You miss the Horse Mission.")			end		end	end	state need_item50050 begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Get 1 Horse Medal")			q.set_title("Get 1 Horse Medal")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."1 Horse Medal!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("You need 1 Horse Medal")			say("to be able to take the exam for the horse.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."1 Horse Medal!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("You need 1 Horse Medal")			say("to be able to take the exam for the horse.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end	end	state test begin		when letter begin			q.set_counter("剩下的五狼射手數量", 300-pc.getqf("kill_count"))		end		when 1001.kill begin			pc.setqf("kill_count", pc.getqf("kill_count")+1)			q.set_counter("剩下的五狼射手數量", 300-pc.getqf("kill_count"))			if get_time()>=pc.getqf("limit_time") then				setstate(failure)			end		end		when letter begin			q.set_clock("剩餘時間", pc.getqf("limit_time")-get_time())		end		when enter begin			pc.setqf("limit_time", get_time()+300*60)			pc.setqf("kill_count", 0)		end		when leave begin			q.done()		end		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Kill 300 Demon Soldiers")			q.set_title("Kill 300 Demon Soldiers")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Kill 300 Demon Soldiers!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("In 30 minutes you have to kill 300 Demon Soldiers.")			say("Then back to the Stable Boy.")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Kill 300 Demon Soldiers!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("In 30 minutes you have to kill 300 Demon Soldiers.")			say("Then back to the Stable Boy.")		end		when 1001.kill with pc.getf("pony_buy","kill_count") >= 30 and pc.getf("pony_buy","limit_time")>=get_time() begin			setstate(report)		end		when"PONY QUEST STATE REPAIR" with horse.get_level()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Examination of the Horse" begin			say("You want start the examination?")			local b=select("Yes", "No")			if 1==b then			elseif 2==b then				say("Are you sure?")				local b=select("Yes", "No")				if 1==b then					say("So, Go!")					setstate(start)					q.done()				elseif 2==b then					say("Well!")					say("Check back soon!")				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")			end		end	end	state report begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Exam Successfully Completed")			q.set_title("Exam Successfully Completed")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Exam Successfully Completed!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Returns to the Stable Boy")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Exam Successfully Completed!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Returns to the Stable Boy")		end		when"PONY QUEST STATE REPAIR" with horse.get_level()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Mission Successfully Completed!" with horse.get_level()==0 begin			say("Congratulations!")			say("You concluded the exam successfully!")			say("What you have to wait a day for the thumbnail")			say("Horse is completed.")			say("And also need to 10,000,000 Yangs.")			if is_test_server() then				pc.setqf("make_time", get_time()+10)			else				pc.setqf("make_time", get_time()+number(8, 16)*60*60)			end			setstate(wait)		end	end	state wait begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			q.set_title("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Waiting for the Military Horse Book"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Your exam is being recorded on the Military Horse Book")			say("You have to wait.")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Waiting for the Military Horse Book"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Waiting for the Military Horse Book")			say("You have to wait.")				end		when login with get_time()>=pc.getf("pony_buy","make_time") begin			setstate(buy)		end		when"Receive the Military Horse Book" with horse.get_level()!=0 begin			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when"Military Horse Book is ready?" with horse.get_level()==0 begin			say("Military Horse Book")			say("Is still not ready. Back later.")			say("Remember to bring 10.000.000 Yangs.")		end	end	state buy begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("Miniature Horse Finished")			q.set_title("Miniature Horse Finished")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Miniature Horse Finished!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Apparently the Stable Boy")			say("has finished your miniature.")			say("Bring 10.000.000 Yangs. Go to Stable Boy")		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."Miniature Horse Finished!"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Apparently the Stable Boy")			say("has finished your miniature.")			say("Bring 10.000.000 Yangs. Go to Stable Boy")		end		when"Miniature Horse" with horse.get_level()==0 and get_time()>=pc.getf("pony_buy","make_time") begin			say("Miniature Horse Is Finished!")			say("Want to Buy a Miniature Horse?")			local b=select("Yes", "No", "Abort!")			if 1==b then				if>=100000 then					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "BEGIN")					pc.changemoney(-10000000)					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "DEC money 10000000")					horse.unride()					horse.advance()					horse.ride()					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "INC horse_advance 1")					pc.give_item2("50051", 1)					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "INC 50051 1")					char_log(0, "HORSE_BUY", "END")					say ("You already have the Horse.")					say ("You can call the horse by clicking")					say ("In Miniature Horse.")					say ("Remember the Food!")					setstate(start)					q.done()				else					say("Back!")				end			elseif 2==b then				say("Ok, back later.")			elseif 3==b then				say("Even Want to Abort?")				say("Would Cancel It?")				local b=select("Yes", "No")				if 1==b then					setstate(start)				elseif 2==b then				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")			end		end	end	state failure begin		when letter begin			setskin(NOWINDOW)			makequestbutton("You failed the exam")			q.set_title("You failed the exam")			q.start()		end		when button begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."You failed the exam"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Have you killed all 300 Demon Soldiers?")			say("In 30 minutes? No.")			say("What a shame.")			say("Get yourself another Horse Medal")			say("If you want to re-do the mission.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end		when info begin			say(locale.NOTICE_COLOR.."You failed the exam"..locale.NORMAL_COLOR)			say("Have you killed all 300 Demon Soldiers?")			say("In 30 minutes? No.")			say("What a shame.")			say("Get yourself another Horse Medal")			say("If you want to re-do the mission.")			setstate(start)			q.done()		end	end	state __COMPLETE__ begin		when enter begin			q.done()		end	endend
Alterei e ainda nada :(#200 MD's para quem conseguir resolver o BUG da quest por completo. #Rota4(Servidor em desenvolvimento)

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Tem cuidado com o double-post, da próxima vez levas aviso por pontos.



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Tem cuidado com o double-post, da próxima vez levas aviso por pontos.



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Peço imensa desculpa, não volta a acontecer.

Quero informar a todos que a mesma quest encontra-se noutro fórum (Epvp) e o prémio só está disponível para o primeiro lugar, ou seja, quem resolver primeiro.


Que fique claro.



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Como não consegui utilizar esta quest, farei algo 

quest militar begin	state start beginwhen"A secret..." with horse.get_level()==11 begin			say_title("Seon-Hae:")			say("I will tell you a secret")			say("never share with Stable Boy.")			say("I can advance your horse.")			say("")			if pc.level<=49 then				say("You need level 50")				say("to buy a militar horse!")				say("")			elseif pc.countitem("50050")<2 then				say("To have the militar horse")				say("you need 2 medals.")				say("You can drop the medals")				say("at monkeys. City 2 of your Kingdom.")				say_item("2 Horse Medals" , 50050 , "")				say_reward("When you have all medals, please, back to me.")				say("")			elseif pc.countitem("50050")>=2 and pc.level>=50 then				say("I see...")				say("You have the horse medals.")				say("You are more than level 50.")				say("You want to advance your horse now?")				local b=select("Yes", "No")				if 1==b then					if pc.countitem("50050")>=2 then						say_title("Seon-Hae:")						say("Now you have the militar horse.")						say("I will give you a item")						say_item("Riding Manual" , 50062 , "")						say("")						say("Open the item and wait some time")						wait("")						say_title("Seon-Hae:")						say("After wait the time you can have your")						say("Military Horse Book for 10.000.000 Yangs.")						say_item("Military Horse Book" , 50053 , "")						say_reward("Have a good wait time.")						pc.removeitem("50050", 2)						pc.give_item2("50062")						horse.set_level(21)					end				elseif 2==b then					say("Back again later!")				else					say("UNKNOWN BUTTON ["..b.."]")				end			else				say("Back again later!")			end		end	endend

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