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Everything posted by HomenDoNorte

  1. O Narvikz faz pos 2 por isso podes escolher a vontade ele aconselha os 2 xD
  2. What seems to be the most criticized update so far in the history of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, which is saying a lot in itself, has been reverted almost in full in under a week following the release. After the huge nerf to the R8 Revolver, the changes that added a random factor to spraying with three most popular rifles, AK-47, M4A1-S and M4A4 have just been reverted in full. After rolling out tonight's update, Valve acknowledged making "a few mistakes causing pain to the CS:GO community", as their game-changing update hadn't brought the desired effect. In an extensive statement, Valve developers also delve into their thought process behind making the changes and explain that they will try to find another way to balance different styles of shooting. Below is the full changelog of tonight's update: [GAMEPLAY] – Reverted recent changes to pistols and the AK-47, M4A4, and M4A1-S (see the CS:GO blog for details). [MISC] – Other players can now hear the sound of the R8 Revolver primary fire hammer just before it fires. – Smoke clouds from smoke grenades detonated by burning fire will now correctly cover the ground instead of floating above that area. – Fire grenades that had been only partially extinguished by smoke will no longer deal damage from the flames under smoke grenade (fix for a bug discovered by jasonRRR) – Flames from fire grenades that are still spreading will no longer spread into the smoke cloud and will instead spread along the edge of the smoke cloud. – Fixed up-to-360-degree camera flip in Killer Replay. – Fixed an instance where an offer showed the incorrect price. [GAMEPLAY] Reverted recent changes to pistols and the AK-47, M4A4, and M4A1-S Adjusted recovery time on the AK47, M4A4, and M4A1-S assault rifles to reduce the range at which spraying is preferable to tapping/bursting. Increased move inaccuracy on pistols: Elites, Fiveseven, Glock, P2000, P250, Tec9, USP, CZ75a. [MISC] Other players can now hear the sound of the R8 Revolver primary fire hammer just before it fires. Smoke clouds from smoke grenades detonated by burning fire will now correctly cover the ground instead of floating above that area. Fire grenades that had been only partially extinguished by smoke will no longer deal damage from the flames under smoke grenade (fix for a bug discovered by jasonRRR) Flames from fire grenades that are still spreading will no longer spread into the smoke cloud and will instead spread along the edge of the smoke cloud. Fixed up-to-360-degree camera flip in Killer Replay. Fixed an instance where an offer showed the incorrect price. Fonte:HLTV
  3. Este pobre coitado fez uma sugestão porreira que acabou por nao dar em nada xD
  4. Meu tele nao consegue aceder à net nem as apps por isso nao quero isso dos wtf que é tudo uma
  5. Top animu 2k15 top animu last decade *..*
  6. Dr Oz aprova eu sou gordo af vou fumar canhos aos fins-de-semana para emagrecer :)
  7. A new update for CS:GO, shipped as version number, has released and has added a new pistol to the game, the R8 Revolver. A new update for CS:GO was just spotted and the most obvious change is going to be the introduction of a new in-game weapon, the R8 Revolver. The gun is undergoing testing at a furious pace, with an apparent one-shot kill damage value in its slower firing rate against armoured opponents. In addition, Valve have tweaked several gameplay settings that will have a huge impact on gameplay, including increasing movement inaccuracy with pistols as well as changing movement values with rifles to try and tweak the distance at which spraying becomes preferable to rifling. Another huge change will be a 1:55 roundtime and 0:40 second bomb timer in matchmaking, which is also apparently going to be extended to CS:GO majors. The in-between time to old matchmaking time and the current 1:45/0:35 competitive ruleset may be an attempt to counter the effectiveness of smokes and molotovs in delaying pushes. A huge number of backend and other changes have been made to the game as well, and the reader would be best off going through the changelog for themselves, which can be found below: [WINTER UPDATE] Slight adjustments to Holiday Cheer. Gifts are now available for purchase. Gift leaderboards will be displayed until January 15th. Added the Revolver Case. Added several new community sticker capsules, currently available as offers. Added Service Medals for 2016. Players achieving Global General rank after December 31st will receive the new year’s medal. [R8 REVOLVER] Added a new secondary weapon, the R8 Revolver, which occupies the Desert Eagle loadout slot. Note: The R8 Revolver will become usable in-game when the back-end servers restart. [GAMEPLAY] In Competitive Matchmaking times are now 1:55 and 0:40 for round and C4, respectively. These are also the new times for CSGO Major Championships. Adjusted recovery time on the AK47, M4A4, and M4A1-S assault rifles to reduce the range at which spraying is preferable to tapping/bursting. Increased move inaccuracy on pistols: Elites, Fiveseven, Glock, P2000, P250, Tec9, USP, CZ75a. Added team timeouts to Competitive Matchmaking, which can be called with a vote. Default is 60 seconds, set by mp_team_timeout_time. [KILLER REPLAY] Added new Killer Replay to Casual and Demolition modes. GOTV must be active on the server to enable the feature. Menu option Help/Options->Game Settings->Automatic Killer Replay will turn replay off. Several convars are available to customize the Killer Replay. Search for ‘replay’ in the console for a complete list. [COMMUNITY] Game servers and GOTV relays not logged in to a persistent game server account with a Game Server Login Token (GSLT) will only allow clients to connect from the same LAN. Community servers can now be only connected by their real public IP or their internal RFC1918 address. To create a GSLT, visit the GSLT creation utility here: Each GSLT is restricted for use on one dedicated server instance only, and should be passed on command line with +sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE -net_port_try 1 Added an option to report servers for misrepresenting players’ inventory and/or rank. Game servers will now display their SteamID to an operator’s status request in the server console. Game servers with GOTV enabled and GOTV relays that need to support external clients connecting on GOTV port must set tv_advertise_watchable 1 [MISC] Users’ options are now stored independently in a Steam account-local data folder and can be different across Steam accounts on the same machine. Administrators setting up tournament Active Directory logons with Roaming Profiles can create a directory inside the user’s roaming profile storage and expose that location to the game by setting an environment variable USRLOCALCSGO=%USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingcsgo Video options for shadow quality, model/texture detail, effect detail, shader detail, and texture filtering mode can now be autodetected at startup to adjust for multitasking with other background applications. These video options can also be permanently set by the user to remain the same regardless of other background applications detected during game launch. Minor sound mix tweaks. First person footsteps slightly quieter, third person footstep volume remains unchanged. Highlights and Lowlights now transition smoothly between clips. Lowlights will now identify the target using the same visual indicator as the Killer Replay. [MAPS] Fixed some surfaces playing the wrong footstep sounds in Mirage, Overpass and Train. Fixed a DM spawnpoint in de_dust where the player would get stuck. [sTEAM CONTROLLER] Made toggle crouch work Fixed several bugs [GAME STATE INFORMATION] CS:GO’s game state can be relayed remotely, allowing third parties to integrate their services with the game. For example, game state integration was used at the CS:GO Major Championship at DreamHack Cluj-Napoca to present special stage effects (e.g., lighting and pyrotechnics) during a match. For details on how to set up your service to use game state integration, visit the wiki page here: [sERVERS] Added official servers in Hong Kong Fonte:HLTV Link: Edit:Ja tive a jogar com a arma e pisa of shita tem que se esperar para que a bala saia LOL prefire ftw e passa a ser a 2 arma a dar mais dano 105 dmg com colete ;-; head:Damage Given to "pol1ice" - 419 in 1 hit
  8. Ja levou nerf pela 2 vez xD The nerf must go on
  9. HomenDoNorte

    Cs Go

    LoL é muito melhor mesmo mas tipo over 99999
  10. HomenDoNorte

    Cs Go

    é verdade C ajudei dé joinha :D
  11. HomenDoNorte

    Cs Go

    mais de 35k num casual + win = 1/3 do exp que pressisas
  12. Rua com o Lopotegi fdz --'

    1. thecrazy


      Ele é o treinador perfeito para o FCP. Enquanto estiver lá, podemos ter a certeza que o FCP nunca irá ganhar nada xD

    2. ☆♕ CabrinhaSexy ♕☆

      ☆♕ CabrinhaSexy ♕☆

      Pior que um treinador que não ganhe titulos, é treinadores que estão sempre no "quase" em todos os trofeus, e perdem no final xDDDD

  13. Infelizmente sim ;-; a cena é que é um coto lenta a disparar ja vi povo que ta sempre a disparar ainda tenho que ver como fazem
  14. O metin para mim ja esta na pasta dos super marios e dos pokemons ok joguei mas so vou jogar se me apetecer mesmo nao estou para andar todo o dia a matar caes e lobos como fazia naquela altura --'
  15. Ta me a mandar ddos a kernel stop plz anonimo narvikz
  16. É porque o Narvikz é um haxor 1337? Ou sao os meus olhos trocados? O.o
  17. A ideia é meh <-< Eu aposto no cs e vejo sempre ultimos resultados teams e o caralho e em 10 jogos tenho 2 vitorias e nunca apostei para perder quer a ode esteja a 7 ou a 0.5 --'
  18. Quando isso acontecer vou hibernar --'