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World Of Metin2: International Oldschool Server (5Th April 2013)

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~ Renaissance of a Paradise ~

Over the past few years, Metin2 has become more of a dense forrest of inadequate content, misbalanced gameplay, and false promisses. In this forrest, it has become quite difficult to find where one is or where to start walking. However, all is not lost.

WOM2 (World of Metin2) is a stable, long term, project combining traditional gameplay with balancing enhancements to present a classic Metin2 experience. If you are looking for a short lived server where you can reach the top level in a week, this is not the place for you. However, if you are a player looking for traditional game play, server stability, and good old competition, then this server is the right place for you!

WOM2 only features genuine game content; we do not borrow content from other games.
Instead, our focus is to refresh the golden times of Metin2 by enhancing the experience with well thought out updates from our game designers and programers.

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~ Knowledge United~

Some of the most talented minds have gathered together to bring you the most fulfilling Metin2 experience. Comprising of professional programers, game designers, artists, and gaming moderators; our team is able to deliver and excel where others have failed.
Here are the names of those who strive for your better Metin2 experience:

[GA]Shogun - Team Manager

The Support Team

The Technician Team


The Artists

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~ Shine through a new door, instead of a broken mirror. ~

You might be asking yourself right about now: What seperates our gaming experience from others?
Well, to put it simply, we strive for perfection not profit. Many servers hand out false promises and make it very easy to progress through the game. However, this is not balancing in our eyes. We strive to bring back the old ways of Metin2 with a new twist. Instead of making promises, we will show you those promises. Here are updates you can expect to see in our server:

The Dojang Test your PvP skills and battle with other players for the winning title. See Metin2 with New Eyes We have done an overall face lift to the Metin2 maps to present a vivid world with beautiful skyboxes and new textures for every map!

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For veteran players, everything that you know from your current gaming experience can be found here. You will find Heaven's Lair with the Aqua Dragon waiting for it's next victims; Devil's Catacomb with the root of all evil sealed within; Nation War to fight for supremacy over the Holy Land, and finally the home of the Dark Dragon's and their new treasures are just waiting to be discovered. All these and much more will be presented to you to bring you a better Metin2 experience.

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If you think we've stopped there, think again. Here is a sneak peek
of what is currently in the development process:

A Comrad in Combat A new pet system that will allow you to train your pet to enhance your battle strength. Once your pet has grown up you can learn to ride your pet and use mounted combat skills. The Dark Dragons We will be featuring the new content known as Metin2 - The Dark Dragons, but at this stage we are designing and reordering the content to give this enormous wave of new material a place in the game. Imagem colocada

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~ Your Diligence will Provide your Strenght ~

Item Mall items can be obtained in-game. Boss boxes, repeatable quests, and participation in wars or events now have a chance to reward you with items from the Item Mall. Your diligence will be rewarded and you will face no unfair priviligue compared to 'mallers'. The only exceptions to this are cosmetic pieces: hairstyles or costumes for example. However, even these may be given as prizes through events. So pay close attention to scheduled events!

WOM2 is designed to be challenging for the player while providing equal reward for equal work. Our quests are redesigned to reward players better for their hard work and make missions worth doing. No longer will players ignore quests because of a poor reward.

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~ Life is a Festival ~

You do not need to wait for very exquisite occasions to enjoy events in WOM2,
both regular and situational events will guarantee a diversity only WOM2 can deliver!

- A weekly PvP tournament in which you can fight for glory or bet for your favourite fighter to win yourself a fortune!

- The Nation War Event. Promissed by many, delivered by so few. Who will conquer the Holy Land and secure the domination of his kingdom?

- The Occupation War. Whose kingdoms' defences will stand strong under the siege of their opponents? Battle it out for big prizes and the pride of your nation!

- Monthly Empereor Elections. Whose leadership will be the key to success in the next wars to come? You decide as a new king for every nation will be elected once a month.

- Monthly Moonlight Box Event. Under the pale glow of the full moon you'll be able to drop Moonlight Boxes for unique rewards.

- Unique seasonal events for Christmas, Valentine's Day, Halloween and other popular holidays.

If these events don't excite you, our friendly GM Team will hold an array of self-designed surprise events to keep players on their toes including, but not limited to, classic Hide-And-Seek-Events and Nation Item Farming Challenges.

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~ Now is your chance! ~

The gates to World of Metin2 will open on April 5th 2013. Join our prospering community and claim victory over the hardships of this new World - The World of Metin2!

You can register your account in our webiste: World of Metin2: Cliente oficial (Mega)
or in this other mirror: World of Metin2: Cliente oficial (Descarga Directa)

* Servidor abre hoje, ele conta com tudo o que existe no oficial incluindo 2º episódio e muitas mais novidades. Olhem com olhos de ver para a Dev TeAm ;) Relambrando que são a maior parte profissionais que já trabalharam como Dev em servidores oficiais (SG).

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Uh... daqui a 4 horas tou lá :D

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Boa sorte

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I am proud to welcome our newest addition to our team: .Nova

He will be helping us with the work at the backend of the game.

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O cliente tanbem é em Portugues?

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PvM hard e em inglês é tenso, mas tem sistema de cash ou é totalmente free?

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Tem mas não tem armas nem armaduras nada disso. E tens tudo no jogo a dropar só vende tipo medalhas essas coisas e vai estar fechado nos primeiros 15 dias do servidor o itenshop. O servidor não é pay2win.

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Hum, entendi.Esses links ali para download estão com problema ou é só comigo ? o Mirror e o Mega

Edited by ραcificαdør
Double Post (see edit history)

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Alderes, custava muito editar o post anterior? Que necessidade havia de fazer double post?

Atenção para a próxima!

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Desculpa, não lembrei de editar na hora. Não acontecerá novamente =)

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