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EREN3 - Praise the Lord | International PVP | ServerStart 27.03.2020

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Topic moved from Metin2 - Servers to Metin2 - Creativity.


I will move again to Servers when it opens.


Best Regards.

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I really don't understand if this is Online Casino or League of Legends...

I'm going to test it anyway.

20:30 GMT+2 = 18:30 GMT

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How is the Itemshop?

Its p2w or will have some items that boost our damage?


I liked the idea! Might work!

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Isto é só cringe.



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23 hours ago, nagatto said:

How is the Itemshop?

Its p2w or will have some items that boost our damage?


I liked the idea! Might work!


95% from Itemshop it s based just for design, change texture colors for costumes, customize faces and other things.

And diffrence between normal player and player who donate it s 10-20% HH, btw all people can do Dragon Coins on events if they play constantly :)



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Topic moved from Metin2 - Creativity to Metin2 - Servers.


Good Luck!


Best Regards.

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[EN] EVENT: Guild Tournament - 21:00 (Romania time zone) More information and sign-ups here: 

We added again League of Legends Arena fixed.
We added new 5-8 costumes for League of Legends Arena
For the Team who winning, each player will receive 50 LP, 50 RPand 1 Dragon coins.
Don t forget about Easter Event too

For 3-5 days at 20:30-00:00 it will be Special Jigsaw Event where u can get much more ItemShop Items


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First, I want to apologize to the whole community, and I am very sorry to make this announcement. EREN3, was one of the long awaited PVP server, but the disappointment was big as well. We decided to shut down the server and restart it. We are aware of all our mistakes, we assume them publicly, our involvement left much to be desired from the beginning, and when we wanted to “change” the things including our attitude, it was too late. There are a lot of things that pulled down the server, especially on our part, involving the organization, the lack of seriousness and many other things that you also pointed out to us. At the opening, we had a lot of players, about our expectations. I was very confident, beyond the limit and thinking that I will easily stay on top – totally wrong. The opening will be soon, but we do not give an exact date. To implement the whole plan, all the new systems, all the improvements, we need a little more time to achieve everything we set out to do. EREN, WITH EVERYTHING THAT OUR NAME MEANS, BROUGHT NEW SYSTEMS, INNOVATION IN PVP SERVERS - NOT JUST COSTUMES AND EFFECTS. What do we promise? Involvement, seriousness, time for players - all the things we did not offered in past. With the consolidation of the current STAFF, everyone knowing their duties, we have the desire to keep the server up with the reopening of the server. The gameplay will be much easier and very different, and you will be able to purchase items much easier For PVP players - all the remaining small issues will be fixed. The Item-Shop will be redesigned and accessible to everyone. Donations and personalized items with the player’s name will be given back.

If it s here a mod, please close the topic because i ll reopen it or create the new one when will be the reopening of the server.

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