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DazyShield - Free for now!

8 posts in this topic

i've been developing this project for 2 3 years. There doesn't seem to be any solution for an anti-cheat for clients, and all of the solutions I've seen so far are sloppy and don't work. So today, looking DazyShield free for everyone

DazyShield patches against every single cheat with ease on the market, and doesn't need to be updated in order to evade new cheats.

This will completely stop and detect for example M2Bob, M24Pro, lalaker, python cheats, macro scripts , auto dragon bot and all other 3rd software.

[+] Extremely easy to implement in your client, just build and go.
[+] No need addiontal sofware or framework full based native coding
[+] Full based heuristic protections
[+] Will detect any type of anti-cheat, injector etc.
[+] Complete anti injection for the entire process.
[+] Stops DLL injection(Manual Map, Thread Hjacking,Reflective and other ring3 methods)
[+] Stops remote code injections and other code cave methods.
[+] Advanced anti hooking methods and hook protections
[+] Hint: Self thread protections(suspend or kill) Server-Side Based
[+] Advanced anti-debugging methods.
[+] Advanced anti analysis methods.
[+] Its incredibly hard to dump the process and get an idea of how its working.
[+] Optional:
[+] Detects potentially cheat files in the game folder(py,asi,mix)
This is the ultimate solution to stop cheaters and free

This is a brief summary of some of the features of Dazy Shield, sorry for the short thread.

Ps: A daily 40.000 player with Dazyshield is experiencing an uncheating gaming experience


Setup And Files:
Client Setup Files (The guide is included in the files) ; Download
Anti Cheat Dll Files ; Download

If there's any problem Contact him :
Discord: Professor#9215
Email: [email protected]

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Quando li server-side based self thread protection e ring3, uff... 


Maior parte dos problemas não se resolvem com estas 'protecções', juntamente com algumas correcções realmente necessárias é bom, mas não assim. 



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peço que a equipe remova esse post, avaliei virus scan  e deu trojan e myare

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19 minutos atrás, divulgadormt2tj disse:

peço que a equipe remova esse post, avaliei virus scan  e deu trojan e myare

Falso positivo.

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4 horas atrás, divulgadormt2tj disse:

peço que a equipe remova esse post, avaliei virus scan  e deu trojan e myare

Só um conselho, da próxima vez utiliza o botão reportar, e como é um crack, é normal que vai ter trojan/malware. Não tens que te preocupar, o membro é da equipa e não ia andar a pôr virus

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a sim nagatto desculpa então, eu achei que era aqueles cara que queria roubar projetos... esse antihack ai para o lalaker?

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