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Metin2Earth - Player vs Player

14 posts in this topic

Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Why we need voucher to make that new weapons and i dont saw where we can get voucher ingame..


Only in Itemshop?

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16 minutos atrás, nagatto disse:

Why we need voucher to make that new weapons and i dont saw where we can get voucher ingame..


Only in Itemshop?

After some research in the Itemshop , there are no vouchers as well , so how its supposed to craft that weapons ? 



Edited by OnlZ (see edit history)

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este server ja esta aberto ? ou ainda vai abrir ? parace um bom server  e apostaram na linguajem pt probabelmente irei testar

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You can get vouchers by voting the server or events, such as OX, Invasion, Tournament PvP or Nation War

Also i'll add vouchers on these 3 big bosses, Easy voucher on death reaper, normal voucher on Blue Dragon and the big voucher that players need to upgrade at Azrael.


Cyber Gamers Promotion: Report to [OWN]Johnny that you come from Cyber Gamers and you'll receive Full Moon Sword +9 for the first 1000 Accounts.

Edited by BrMaGiC (see edit history)

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Good Luck with the server!


Try to put the download on MEGA


Best regards,


Edited by 'STRiiKER' (see edit history)

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2 horas atrás, BrMaGiC disse:

You can get vouchers by voting the server or events, such as OX, Invasion, Tournament PvP or Nation War

Also i'll add vouchers on these 3 big bosses, Easy voucher on death reaper, normal voucher on Blue Dragon and the big voucher that players need to upgrade at Azrael.


Cyber Gamers Promotion: Report to [OWN]Johnny that you come from Cyber Gamers and you'll receive Full Moon Sword +9 for the first 1000 Accounts.


Can you see private message please ?


Good Lucky with the server :)

Edited by Hellblazer (see edit history)

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8 horas atrás, Hellblazer disse:


Can you see private message please ?


Good Lucky with the server :)


In case that i'm not online, press here: support.png  and if i'm not online here neither then wait until i get back online or farm until level 30 to be prepared for the weapon.


8 horas atrás, 'STRiiKER' disse:

Good Luck with the server!


Try to put the download on MEGA


Best regards,



This is not direct download of the full client, are 2 steps that needs to be done and to always keep the client updated, MEGA doesn't do that, cheers

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Update: Server has became PvP Fun.

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vou dar uma olhadela 



só tem 10 pessoas on


Edited by lakay1997 (see edit history)

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Servidor está bom, claro que falta dar revisão em algumas coisas e rever também os membros da equipa, de resto por agora está bom.


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Reavaliação do servidor: 9dfSaab.png
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Reavaliação do servidor: streaming___online___by_flltch-d8l7xpe.png
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