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[Duvida]Como Ativar Evento Natal


Boas pessoal...

essas daquelas duvidas que nem vale a pena criar um tópico :| Mas nesse caso criou para

não pedir suporte na shoutBox.

quest xmas_2012 begin

state start begin

function has_santa()

if game.get_event_flag("xmas_event_2012") < 1 then

return false


return true



function is_xmas()

if game.get_event_flag("christmas_eve") < 1 then

return false


return true



function gift()

local n = number (1,100)

if n <= 4 then


elseif n <= 8 then


elseif n <= 12 then


elseif n <= 16 then


elseif n <= 21 then


elseif n <= 26 then


elseif n <= 31 then


elseif n <= 40 then


elseif n <= 50 then

pc.changegold (2500000)

elseif n <= 61 then

pc.changegold (1500000)

elseif n <= 73 then

pc.changegold (1000000)

elseif n <= 86 then

pc.changegold (500000)

elseif n <= 90 then

local costume_items = {41137,41138,41139,41140,41141,41142,41143,41144,45075,45076,45077,45078,45079,45080}

local rand = number(1,14)



pc.changegold (250000)



-- Quest Flag "event_state"

-- 0 = Uninitiated.

-- 1 = can accept first quest

-- 2 = first quest

-- 3 = first quest done, second available, resting state

-- 4 = second quest

when login or enter with xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin


send_letter("*It's Christmas Time!")

if pc.get_map_index() == 1 or pc.get_map_index() == 21 or pc.get_map_index() == 41 then

if find_npc_by_vnum(20384) == 0 then

if pc.get_map_index() == 1 then

mob.spawn(20384, 625, 676, 0, 0 )

elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 then

mob.spawn(20384, 542, 551, 0, 0)

elseif pc.get_map_index() == 41 then

mob.spawn(20384, 442, 717, 0, 0)





when button or info begin

if pc.getqf("state") == 2 then

say_title("The Lost Baby Reindeer")


say("Santa Clause has asked you to find a reindeer")

say("which went lost inside of the Ice Mountains.")


say("You should find her quickly, every second can decide")

say("between a christmas miracle or a christmas tragedy!")


say("Use the training whistle to call out for the reindeer!")

say("When you are in range it should react.")



say_title("It's Christmas Time!")


say("Season's greeting dear Metin2 SG player!")

say("It's Christmas Time and we have some special")

say("new quests and adventures for you!")

say("Santa is waiting in the northern end of")

say("the Ice Mountains - hurry to him!")


say_reward("A merry fest from your Metin2 SG Team!")




when begin

local selTab = {}

local pos = 1

table.insert(selTab, pos, "Merry Christmas!")

pos = pos + 1

if pc.getqf("init_nog") != nil then

table.insert(selTab, pos, "A Christmas Meal")

pos = pos + 1


if pc.getqf("state") == 3 then

table.insert(selTab, pos, "The Sock Hunt")

pos = pos + 1


if pc.getqf("state") == 6 then

table.insert(selTab, pos, "The mother reindeer...")

pos = pos + 1


table.insert(selTab, pos, "Close")

local s = select_table( selTab )

if selTab == "Merry Christmas!" then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas young adventurer!")


if pc.get_level() < 30 then



if pc.getqf("state") > 2 then

say("Have you found a Stocking yet?")


say("Stockings now drop from monsters near your level.")

say("Once you find a stocking, you can take it to the")

say("Christmas Tree in your town. This will be the")

say("proof to me that you have dedicated yourself")

say("to the joy of Christmas! With great effort comes")

say("great reward and on Christmas Day you shall receive")

say("a present for your hard labor!")

say("Until then, enjoy the festivities!")


elseif pc.getqf("state") < 2 or pc.getqf("state") == nil then

say("I need to ask you a favour!")

say("It's very, very important!")


say("If you have time for me please talk to me.")


local init = select("Talk to Santa.","I have no time right now.")

if init == 1 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Season's Greeting young adventurer!")

say("I have a request to ask of you...")

say("One of my reindeers has ran off!")


say("The Elves have looked in all the stables, but they")

say("fear she may have wandered deep into the Ice Mountains!")

say("The Elves are too terrified to go look for her in fear")

say("that they will run into a Ninetails.")



say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("To make matter worse, she's just about to give birth to")

say("a baby reindeer!")


say("I would go by myself, but as you can see, I have a very")

say("large list to check through and many presents to deliver.")


say("Please, can you find my lost reindeer?")

say("It has been several hours now and I fear the worst for")

say("her safety.")


local init2 = select("Of course!","Sorry, I'm busy.")

if init2 == 1 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Oh, thank you so much!")

say("Please hurry, the sooner you find her, the better.")

say("Here, you can use this training whistle to call her.")


say_white("He hands you a whistle with christmas decoration on it...")


say("Blow the whistle while you search for her, if she hears it,")

say("she will come running. Also, be careful out there, those")

say("Ninetails are very ferocious around this season.")


say("May the Christmas Spirit aid you on your journey!")






say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("That is too bad...")

say("Maybe I can convince one of the Elves to find her.")


say("I am sorry to have bothered you.")






say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Good luck on finding the mother reindeer!")

say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")



if pc.getqf("init_nog") < 1 then




elseif selTab == "A Christmas Meal" then

if pc.getqf("first_nog") == 1 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho young hero!")

say("You look a bit cold around your ears!")

say("I guess you're not used to the cold winter times")

say("as I am ho ho ho.")


say("Here take this, this should warm you up!")


say_reward("Eggnog Pouch (x6) received.")




pc.setqf("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())


say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("It's a traditional drink that will heat you")

say("up in no time, ho ho ho!")

say("And it even raises your Attack and Movement Speed")

say("a little")


say("Come to me tomorrow if you need more.")



say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho, here to warm your spirits up again?")


if get_global_time() - pc.getqf ("last_nog_give_time") >= 86400 then

say("Here you go! Enjoy!")


pc.setqf ("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())



say("Please wait a bit more my dear friend!")

say("One day has not passed yet and I have to treat")

say("everyone fairly! Wait until it's your turn again!")




elseif selTab == "The Sock Hunt" then

if pc.getqf("q_init") < 1 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Season's greeting young fighter!")


say("Thanks for achieving this christmas miracle, the baby")

say("is as healthy as it could be and strolls happily through")

say("the Ice Mountains! But that is not why I asked you here.")

say("I need a favour yet again from you. The stockings on the")

say("Christmas Tree have been stolen by monsters.")



say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Would you mind tracking down Christmas Stockings")

say("and bring them back to your christmas tree?")

say("My baby reindeer can help you, in fact it would")

say("be impossible to do without it!")


say("After you've hunted the stockings bring them")

say("to the christmas tree - it might bless you for your deeds!")


say_reward("Important: The baby reindeer will be fatigued after 4 hours.")

say_reward("You'll need to wait for a day before the next hunt after.")




pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())




if pc.count_item(53007) > 0 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Good luck on your sock hunt!")

say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")




if get_global_time() - pc.getqf("last_reindeer_give_time") < 86400 then

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("The baby reindeer is still exhausted.")

say("Try again in a few more hours.")



say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho young hero!")

say("The baby reindeer has fully regenerated again.")

say("So you may go hunt for four more hours today.")

say("Do you want to go on another sock hunt now?")


local a = select("Yes.","No.")

if a == 1 then



pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())





elseif selTab == "The mother reindeer..." then

local my_x = pc.get_local_x()

local my_y = pc.get_local_y()

say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho! Why the sad face my friend?")


say("Ah it is you! Do you know what happened to")

say("the reindeer?")


say("A ha ho ho ho! There's no need to worry my friend,")

say("you've done exceptionally well! This emblem is our")

say("dearest mother reindeer and it's in great shape!")

say("Just hold on to the emblem and think of the reindeer.")



say_title("You focus your thoughts on what just happened...")


say_white("Suddenly, the mother reindeer appears near you -")

say_white("and she is as fit as ever!")


say("She will be safe now, so you don't need to worry anymore.")

say("As a sign of my gratitude, you shall spread the christmas")

say("spirit around the world by mounting up one of my adult")

say("reindeers - it will be of great asset to you!")


say_reward("2.500.000 Yang received.")

say_reward("Reindeer Mount (20 hours) received.")







if game.get_event_flag("christmas_spawn") < 50 then


say_title("Santa Clause:")


say("Ho ho ho.. what a brilliant little baby reindeer")

say("she has gotten!")

say("She must be a very lucky mother.")

say("Come back here on christmas eve and maybe you can")

say("play with the baby reindeer.")







when kill with npc.is_pc() == false and pet.is_summon(34010) == true and xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin

if pc.get_level() - get_mob_level[npc.get_race()] < 11 then

local chance = number(1,80)

if chance == 1 then





when"Pet the baby reindeers" with xmas_2012.is_xmas() == true begin

say_title("Pet the baby reindeer")


say("It seems to enjoy your warm hand on its skin.")


if pc.getqf("got_gold") < 4 and pc.getqf("state") > 2 then

say("As you turn your hand back it feels a little heavy.")

say("There's solid Yang inside your hand!")

local amount = number(100000,1000000)


say_reward("You received "..amount.." Yang.")






when 71144.use begin



when"The Christmas Stockings" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 4 begin

local p = pc.count_item(50010)


local q = pc.getqf("socks_count")


say_title("You hang the socks on the tree..")


say("Good job, it works way better now.")


if q > 4 then

say("Hey... is this a present under the tree?")

say("It wasn't there before.. is it for me?")


say_reward("Christmas Gift Box received.")






say("Maybe I should gather more socks tomorrow.")





when 90080.use with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 2 begin

local reindeer_tab = {



























local my_x = pc.get_local_x()

local my_y = pc.get_local_y()

if pc.get_map_index() != 61 then

chat("You are not in the Ice Mountains - The baby reindeer has to be in there!")


elseif math.abs(my_x-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][1]) > 20 or math.abs(my_y-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][2]) > 20 then

chat("You blow the training whistle, but nobody reacts, the mother reindeer must be someplace else.")



chat("You see an animal frozen in the snow, it seems to be the lost mother reindeer!")

mob.spawn(20216,my_x+1, my_y+1,0,0)




when"Pet the Reindeer" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 5 begin

say_title("As you start petting the reindeer...")


say("The reindeer is smiling, it tries to express")

say("that it feels okay but you can sense its pain.")


say("[DELAY value=200]. . .[/DELAY]")





say_white("As you try to hold on to it, fearing the worst,")

say_white("it dissolves into a horde of glowing lights.")

say_white("There's an emblem on the ground - maybe you should")

say_white("bring this to Santa and tell him what happened.")






Edited by õ.õ._.NoNaM3?._.õ.õ (see edit history)

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Adicione a quest a 1 npc, ou item, próprio, e coloque a quest para ativar  / desativar por ele...

fica mas pratico e menos problemático... 

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega
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Adicione a quest a 1 npc, ou item, próprio, e coloque a quest para ativar / desativar por ele...

fica mas pratico e menos problemático...

xD Problema e que tenho aqui a quest nem sei se ela funciona :P

Vou deixar a quest aqui em baixo para veres, se a puder meter juntamente com o Nakajima seria optimo assim tinha a do futebol e natal no mesmo npc.

Se me puderes ajudar agradeço c:

quest xmas_2012 begin	state start begin		function has_santa()		   if game.get_event_flag("xmas_event_2012") < 1 then				return false			else				return true			end		end				function is_xmas()			if game.get_event_flag("christmas_eve") < 1 then				return false			else				return true			end		end				function gift()			local n = number (1,100)			if n <= 4 then				pc.give_item2(25100,1)			elseif n <= 8 then				pc.give_item2(71084,1)			elseif n <= 12 then				pc.give_item2(71085,1)			elseif n <= 16 then				pc.give_item2(71109,1)			elseif n <= 21 then				pc.give_item2(25040,1)			elseif n <= 26 then				pc.give_item2(71101,5)			elseif n <= 31 then				pc.give_item2(71107,1)			elseif n <= 40 then				pc.give_item2(50513,1)			elseif n <= 50 then				pc.changegold (2500000)			elseif n <= 61 then				pc.changegold (1500000)			elseif n <= 73 then				pc.changegold (1000000)			elseif n <= 86 then				pc.changegold (500000)			elseif n <= 90 then				local costume_items = {41137,41138,41139,41140,41141,41142,41143,41144,45075,45076,45077,45078,45079,45080}				local rand = number(1,14)				pc.give_item2(costume_items[rand])			else				pc.changegold (250000)			end		end						-- Quest Flag "event_state"		-- 0 = Uninitiated.		-- 1 = can accept first quest		-- 2 = first quest		-- 3 = first quest done, second available, resting state		-- 4 = second quest					when login or enter with xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin			q.set_icon("scroll_open_blue.tga")			send_letter("*It's Christmas Time!")			if pc.get_map_index() == 1 or pc.get_map_index() == 21 or pc.get_map_index() == 41 then				if find_npc_by_vnum(20384) == 0 then					if pc.get_map_index() == 1 then						mob.spawn(20384, 625, 676, 0, 0 )					elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 then						mob.spawn(20384, 542, 551, 0, 0)					elseif pc.get_map_index() == 41 then						mob.spawn(20384, 442, 717, 0, 0)					end				end			end		end				when button or info begin			if pc.getqf("state") == 2 then				say_title("The Lost Baby Reindeer")				say("")				say("Santa Clause has asked you to find a reindeer")				say("which went lost inside of the Ice Mountains.")				say("")				say("You should find her quickly, every second can decide")				say("between a christmas miracle or a christmas tragedy!")				say("")				say("Use the training whistle to call out for the reindeer!")				say("When you are in range it should react.")				say("")			else				say_title("It's Christmas Time!")				say("")				say("Season's greeting dear Metin2 SG player!")				say("It's Christmas Time and we have some special")				say("new quests and adventures for you!")				say("Santa is waiting in the northern end of")				say("the Ice Mountains - hurry to him!")				say("")				say_reward("A merry fest from your Metin2 SG Team!")				say("")			end		end			when begin			local selTab = {}			local pos = 1 			table.insert(selTab, pos, "Merry Christmas!")			pos = pos + 1			if pc.getqf("init_nog") != nil then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "A Christmas Meal")				pos = pos + 1			end			if pc.getqf("state") == 3 then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "The Sock Hunt")				pos = pos + 1			end			if pc.getqf("state") == 6 then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "The mother reindeer...")				pos = pos + 1			end			table.insert(selTab, pos, "Close")						local s = select_table( selTab )						if selTab[s] == "Merry Christmas!" then				say_title("Santa Clause:")				say("")				say("Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas young adventurer!")				say("")				if pc.get_level() < 30 then					return				end				if pc.getqf("state") > 2 then					say("Have you found a Stocking yet?")					say("")					say("Stockings now drop from monsters near your level.")					say("Once you find a stocking, you can take it to the")					say("Christmas Tree in your town. This will be the")					say("proof to me that you have dedicated yourself")					say("to the joy of Christmas! With great effort comes")					say("great reward and on Christmas Day you shall receive")					say("a present for your hard labor!")					say("Until then, enjoy the festivities!")					say("")				elseif pc.getqf("state") < 2 or pc.getqf("state") == nil then					say("I need to ask you a favour!")					say("It's very, very important!")					say("")					say("If you have time for me please talk to me.")					say("")					local init = select("Talk to Santa.","I have no time right now.")					if init == 1 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Season's Greeting young adventurer!")						say("I have a request to ask of you...")						say("One of my reindeers has ran off!")						say("")						say("The Elves have looked in all the stables, but they")						say("fear she may have wandered deep into the Ice Mountains!")						say("The Elves are too terrified to go look for her in fear")						say("that they will run into a Ninetails.")						say("")						wait()						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("To make matter worse, she's just about to give birth to")						say("a baby reindeer!")						say("")						say("I would go by myself, but as you can see, I have a very")						say("large list to check through and many presents to deliver.")						say("")						say("Please, can you find my lost reindeer?")						say("It has been several hours now and I fear the worst for")						say("her safety.")						say("")						local init2 = select("Of course!","Sorry, I'm busy.")						if init2 == 1 then							say_title("Santa Clause:")							say("")							say("Oh, thank you so much!")							say("Please hurry, the sooner you find her, the better.")							say("Here, you can use this training whistle to call her.")							say("")							say_white("He hands you a whistle with christmas decoration on it...")							say("")							say("Blow the whistle while you search for her, if she hears it,")							say("she will come running. Also, be careful out there, those")							say("Ninetails are very ferocious around this season.")							say("")							say("May the Christmas Spirit aid you on your journey!")							say("")							pc.give_item2(90080,1)							pc.setqf("target",number(1,25))							pc.setqf("state",2)						else							say_title("Santa Clause:")							say("")							say("That is too bad...")							say("Maybe I can convince one of the Elves to find her.")							say("")							say("I am sorry to have bothered you.")							say("")						end					end				else					wait()					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Good luck on finding the mother reindeer!")					say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")					say("")				end				if pc.getqf("init_nog") < 1 then					pc.setqf("init_nog",1)					pc.setqf("first_nog",1)				end			elseif selTab[s] == "A Christmas Meal" then				if pc.getqf("first_nog") == 1 then					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho young hero!")					say("You look a bit cold around your ears!")					say("I guess you're not used to the cold winter times")					say("as I am ho ho ho.")					say("")					say("Here take this, this should warm you up!")					say("")					say_reward("Eggnog Pouch (x6) received.")					say("")					wait()					pc.give_item2(50216,6)					pc.setqf("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())					pc.setqf("first_nog",0)					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("It's a traditional drink that will heat you")					say("up in no time, ho ho ho!")					say("And it even raises your Attack and Movement Speed")					say("a little")					say("")					say("Come to me tomorrow if you need more.")					say("")				else					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho, here to warm your spirits up again?")					say("")					if get_global_time() - pc.getqf ("last_nog_give_time") >= 86400 then						say("Here you go! Enjoy!")						say("")						pc.setqf ("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())						pc.give_item2(nog_pocket,6)					else						say("Please wait a bit more my dear friend!")						say("One day has not passed yet and I have to treat")						say("everyone fairly! Wait until it's your turn again!")						say("")					end				end			elseif selTab[s] == "The Sock Hunt" then				if pc.getqf("q_init") < 1 then					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Season's greeting young fighter!")					say("")					say("Thanks for achieving this christmas miracle, the baby")					say("is as healthy as it could be and strolls happily through")					say("the Ice Mountains! But that is not why I asked you here.")					say("I need a favour yet again from you. The stockings on the")					say("Christmas Tree have been stolen by monsters.")					say("")					wait()					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Would you mind tracking down Christmas Stockings")					say("and bring them back to your christmas tree?")					say("My baby reindeer can help you, in fact it would")					say("be impossible to do without it!")					say("")					say("After you've hunted the stockings bring them")					say("to the christmas tree - it might bless you for your deeds!")					say("")					say_reward("Important: The baby reindeer will be fatigued after 4 hours.")					say_reward("You'll need to wait for a day before the next hunt after.")					say("")					pc.give_item2_select(53007,1)					item.set_socket(0,get_global_time()+14400)					pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())					pc.setqf("state",4)					pc.setqf("q_init",1)				else					if pc.count_item(53007) > 0 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Good luck on your sock hunt!")						say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")						say("")						return					end					if get_global_time() - pc.getqf("last_reindeer_give_time") < 86400 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("The baby reindeer is still exhausted.")						say("Try again in a few more hours.")						say("")					else						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Ho ho ho young hero!")						say("The baby reindeer has fully regenerated again.")						say("So you may go hunt for four more hours today.")						say("Do you want to go on another sock hunt now?")						say("")						local a = select("Yes.","No.")						if a == 1 then							pc.give_item2_select(53007,1)							item.set_socket(0,get_global_time()+14400)							pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())							pc.setqf("state",4)						end					end				end			elseif selTab[s] == "The mother reindeer..." then				local my_x = pc.get_local_x()				local my_y = pc.get_local_y()				say_title("Santa Clause:")				say("")				say("Ho ho ho! Why the sad face my friend?")				say("")				say("Ah it is you! Do you know what happened to")				say("the reindeer?")				say("")				say("A ha ho ho ho! There's no need to worry my friend,")				say("you've done exceptionally well! This emblem is our")				say("dearest mother reindeer and it's in great shape!")				say("Just hold on to the emblem and think of the reindeer.")				say("")				wait()				say_title("You focus your thoughts on what just happened...")				say("")				say_white("Suddenly, the mother reindeer appears near you -")				say_white("and she is as fit as ever!")				say("")				say("She will be safe now, so you don't need to worry anymore.")				say("As a sign of my gratitude, you shall spread the christmas")				say("spirit around the world by mounting up one of my adult")				say("reindeers - it will be of great asset to you!")				say("")				say_reward("2.500.000 Yang received.")				say_reward("Reindeer Mount (20 hours) received.")				say("")				wait()				pc.setqf("state",3)				pc.remove_item(90080)				pc.give_item2_select(71164,1)				pc.change_gold(2500000)				if game.get_event_flag("christmas_spawn") < 50 then					mob.spawn(34010,my_x-1,my_y-1,0,0)					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho.. what a brilliant little baby reindeer")					say("she has gotten!")					say("She must be a very lucky mother.")					say("Come back here on christmas eve and maybe you can")					say("play with the baby reindeer.")					say("")					game.set_event_flag("christmas_spawn",game.get_event_flag("christmas_spawn")+1)				end			else			end		end				when kill with npc.is_pc() == false and pet.is_summon(34010) == true and xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin			if pc.get_level() - get_mob_level[npc.get_race()] < 11 then				local chance = number(1,80)				if chance == 1 then					game.drop_item_with_ownership(50010,1)				end			end		end				when"Pet the baby reindeers" with xmas_2012.is_xmas() == true begin			say_title("Pet the baby reindeer")			say("")			say("It seems to enjoy your warm hand on its skin.")			say("")			if pc.getqf("got_gold") < 4 and pc.getqf("state") > 2 then				say("As you turn your hand back it feels a little heavy.")				say("There's solid Yang inside your hand!")				local amount = number(100000,1000000)				say("")				say_reward("You received "..amount.." Yang.")				say("")				pc.change_gold(amount)				pc.setqf("got_gold",pc.getqf("got_gold")+1)			end		end				when 71144.use begin			item.remove()		end				when"The Christmas Stockings" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 4 begin			local p = pc.count_item(50010)			pc.setqf("socks_count",pc.getqf("socks_count")+p)			local q = pc.getqf("socks_count")			pc.remove_item(50010,p)			say_title("You hang the socks on the tree..")			say("")			say("Good job, it works way better now.")			say("")			if q > 4 then				say("Hey... is this a present under the tree?")				say("It wasn't there before.. is it for me?")				say("")				say_reward("Christmas Gift Box received.")				say("")				pc.give_item2(71144,1)				pc.setqf("socks_count",pc.getqf("socks_count")-5)				pc.setqf("state",3)			else				say("Maybe I should gather more socks tomorrow.")				say("")				pc.setqf("state",3)			end		end					when 90080.use with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 2 begin			local reindeer_tab = {				{1437,1341},				{1267,1389},				{1248,1273},				{1437,1052},				{1283,916},				{1431,742},				{252,1427},				{146,1222},				{258,1268},				{131,1018},				{140,517},				{416,375},				{397,151},				{1377,410},				{1463,530},				{1183,157},				{992,660},				{1117,1012},				{449,991},				{419,1360},				{485,1345},				{577,1335},				{268,850},				{1257,671},				{1249,1013},			}			local my_x = pc.get_local_x()			local my_y = pc.get_local_y()			if pc.get_map_index() != 61 then				chat("You are not in the Ice Mountains - The baby reindeer has to be in there!")				return			elseif math.abs(my_x-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][1]) > 20 or math.abs(my_y-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][2]) > 20 then				chat("You blow the training whistle, but nobody reacts, the mother reindeer must be someplace else.")				return			else				chat("You see an animal frozen in the snow, it seems to be the lost mother reindeer!")				mob.spawn(20216,my_x+1, my_y+1,0,0)				pc.setqf("state",5)			end		end				when"Pet the Reindeer" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 5 begin			say_title("As you start petting the reindeer...")			say("")			say("The reindeer is smiling, it tries to express")			say("that it feels okay but you can sense its pain.")			say("")			say("[DELAY value=200]. . .[/DELAY]")			say("")			wait()			npc.purge()			say("")			say_white("As you try to hold on to it, fearing the worst,")			say_white("it dissolves into a horde of glowing lights.")			say_white("There's an emblem on the ground - maybe you should")			say_white("bring this to Santa and tell him what happened.")			say("")			pc.setqf("state",6)		end	endend
Edited by õ.õ._.NoNaM3?._.õ.õ (see edit history)

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xD Problema e que tenho aqui a quest nem sei se ela funciona :P

Vou deixar a quest aqui em baixo para veres, se a puder meter juntamente com o Nakajima seria optimo assim tinha a do futebol e natal no mesmo npc.
Se me puderes ajudar agradeço c:

quest xmas_2012 begin	state start begin		function has_santa()		   if game.get_event_flag("xmas_event_2012") < 1 then				return false			else				return true			end		end				function is_xmas()			if game.get_event_flag("christmas_eve") < 1 then				return false			else				return true			end		end				function gift()			local n = number (1,100)			if n <= 4 then				pc.give_item2(25100,1)			elseif n <= 8 then				pc.give_item2(71084,1)			elseif n <= 12 then				pc.give_item2(71085,1)			elseif n <= 16 then				pc.give_item2(71109,1)			elseif n <= 21 then				pc.give_item2(25040,1)			elseif n <= 26 then				pc.give_item2(71101,5)			elseif n <= 31 then				pc.give_item2(71107,1)			elseif n <= 40 then				pc.give_item2(50513,1)			elseif n <= 50 then				pc.changegold (2500000)			elseif n <= 61 then				pc.changegold (1500000)			elseif n <= 73 then				pc.changegold (1000000)			elseif n <= 86 then				pc.changegold (500000)			elseif n <= 90 then				local costume_items = {41137,41138,41139,41140,41141,41142,41143,41144,45075,45076,45077,45078,45079,45080}				local rand = number(1,14)				pc.give_item2(costume_items[rand])			else				pc.changegold (250000)			end		end						-- Quest Flag "event_state"		-- 0 = Uninitiated.		-- 1 = can accept first quest		-- 2 = first quest		-- 3 = first quest done, second available, resting state		-- 4 = second quest					when login or enter with xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin			q.set_icon("scroll_open_blue.tga")			send_letter("*It's Christmas Time!")			if pc.get_map_index() == 1 or pc.get_map_index() == 21 or pc.get_map_index() == 41 then				if find_npc_by_vnum(20384) == 0 then					if pc.get_map_index() == 1 then						mob.spawn(20384, 625, 676, 0, 0 )					elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 then						mob.spawn(20384, 542, 551, 0, 0)					elseif pc.get_map_index() == 41 then						mob.spawn(20384, 442, 717, 0, 0)					end				end			end		end				when button or info begin			if pc.getqf("state") == 2 then				say_title("The Lost Baby Reindeer")				say("")				say("Santa Clause has asked you to find a reindeer")				say("which went lost inside of the Ice Mountains.")				say("")				say("You should find her quickly, every second can decide")				say("between a christmas miracle or a christmas tragedy!")				say("")				say("Use the training whistle to call out for the reindeer!")				say("When you are in range it should react.")				say("")			else				say_title("It's Christmas Time!")				say("")				say("Season's greeting dear Metin2 SG player!")				say("It's Christmas Time and we have some special")				say("new quests and adventures for you!")				say("Santa is waiting in the northern end of")				say("the Ice Mountains - hurry to him!")				say("")				say_reward("A merry fest from your Metin2 SG Team!")				say("")			end		end			when begin			local selTab = {}			local pos = 1 			table.insert(selTab, pos, "Merry Christmas!")			pos = pos + 1			if pc.getqf("init_nog") != nil then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "A Christmas Meal")				pos = pos + 1			end			if pc.getqf("state") == 3 then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "The Sock Hunt")				pos = pos + 1			end			if pc.getqf("state") == 6 then				table.insert(selTab, pos, "The mother reindeer...")				pos = pos + 1			end			table.insert(selTab, pos, "Close")						local s = select_table( selTab )						if selTab[s] == "Merry Christmas!" then				say_title("Santa Clause:")				say("")				say("Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas young adventurer!")				say("")				if pc.get_level() < 30 then					return				end				if pc.getqf("state") > 2 then					say("Have you found a Stocking yet?")					say("")					say("Stockings now drop from monsters near your level.")					say("Once you find a stocking, you can take it to the")					say("Christmas Tree in your town. This will be the")					say("proof to me that you have dedicated yourself")					say("to the joy of Christmas! With great effort comes")					say("great reward and on Christmas Day you shall receive")					say("a present for your hard labor!")					say("Until then, enjoy the festivities!")					say("")				elseif pc.getqf("state") < 2 or pc.getqf("state") == nil then					say("I need to ask you a favour!")					say("It's very, very important!")					say("")					say("If you have time for me please talk to me.")					say("")					local init = select("Talk to Santa.","I have no time right now.")					if init == 1 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Season's Greeting young adventurer!")						say("I have a request to ask of you...")						say("One of my reindeers has ran off!")						say("")						say("The Elves have looked in all the stables, but they")						say("fear she may have wandered deep into the Ice Mountains!")						say("The Elves are too terrified to go look for her in fear")						say("that they will run into a Ninetails.")						say("")						wait()						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("To make matter worse, she's just about to give birth to")						say("a baby reindeer!")						say("")						say("I would go by myself, but as you can see, I have a very")						say("large list to check through and many presents to deliver.")						say("")						say("Please, can you find my lost reindeer?")						say("It has been several hours now and I fear the worst for")						say("her safety.")						say("")						local init2 = select("Of course!","Sorry, I'm busy.")						if init2 == 1 then							say_title("Santa Clause:")							say("")							say("Oh, thank you so much!")							say("Please hurry, the sooner you find her, the better.")							say("Here, you can use this training whistle to call her.")							say("")							say_white("He hands you a whistle with christmas decoration on it...")							say("")							say("Blow the whistle while you search for her, if she hears it,")							say("she will come running. Also, be careful out there, those")							say("Ninetails are very ferocious around this season.")							say("")							say("May the Christmas Spirit aid you on your journey!")							say("")							pc.give_item2(90080,1)							pc.setqf("target",number(1,25))							pc.setqf("state",2)						else							say_title("Santa Clause:")							say("")							say("That is too bad...")							say("Maybe I can convince one of the Elves to find her.")							say("")							say("I am sorry to have bothered you.")							say("")						end					end				else					wait()					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Good luck on finding the mother reindeer!")					say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")					say("")				end				if pc.getqf("init_nog") < 1 then					pc.setqf("init_nog",1)					pc.setqf("first_nog",1)				end			elseif selTab[s] == "A Christmas Meal" then				if pc.getqf("first_nog") == 1 then					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho young hero!")					say("You look a bit cold around your ears!")					say("I guess you're not used to the cold winter times")					say("as I am ho ho ho.")					say("")					say("Here take this, this should warm you up!")					say("")					say_reward("Eggnog Pouch (x6) received.")					say("")					wait()					pc.give_item2(50216,6)					pc.setqf("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())					pc.setqf("first_nog",0)					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("It's a traditional drink that will heat you")					say("up in no time, ho ho ho!")					say("And it even raises your Attack and Movement Speed")					say("a little")					say("")					say("Come to me tomorrow if you need more.")					say("")				else					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho, here to warm your spirits up again?")					say("")					if get_global_time() - pc.getqf ("last_nog_give_time") >= 86400 then						say("Here you go! Enjoy!")						say("")						pc.setqf ("last_nog_give_time", get_global_time())						pc.give_item2(nog_pocket,6)					else						say("Please wait a bit more my dear friend!")						say("One day has not passed yet and I have to treat")						say("everyone fairly! Wait until it's your turn again!")						say("")					end				end			elseif selTab[s] == "The Sock Hunt" then				if pc.getqf("q_init") < 1 then					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Season's greeting young fighter!")					say("")					say("Thanks for achieving this christmas miracle, the baby")					say("is as healthy as it could be and strolls happily through")					say("the Ice Mountains! But that is not why I asked you here.")					say("I need a favour yet again from you. The stockings on the")					say("Christmas Tree have been stolen by monsters.")					say("")					wait()					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Would you mind tracking down Christmas Stockings")					say("and bring them back to your christmas tree?")					say("My baby reindeer can help you, in fact it would")					say("be impossible to do without it!")					say("")					say("After you've hunted the stockings bring them")					say("to the christmas tree - it might bless you for your deeds!")					say("")					say_reward("Important: The baby reindeer will be fatigued after 4 hours.")					say_reward("You'll need to wait for a day before the next hunt after.")					say("")					pc.give_item2_select(53007,1)					item.set_socket(0,get_global_time()+14400)					pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())					pc.setqf("state",4)					pc.setqf("q_init",1)				else					if pc.count_item(53007) > 0 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Good luck on your sock hunt!")						say("May the christmas spirit guide you on your journey!")						say("")						return					end					if get_global_time() - pc.getqf("last_reindeer_give_time") < 86400 then						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("The baby reindeer is still exhausted.")						say("Try again in a few more hours.")						say("")					else						say_title("Santa Clause:")						say("")						say("Ho ho ho young hero!")						say("The baby reindeer has fully regenerated again.")						say("So you may go hunt for four more hours today.")						say("Do you want to go on another sock hunt now?")						say("")						local a = select("Yes.","No.")						if a == 1 then							pc.give_item2_select(53007,1)							item.set_socket(0,get_global_time()+14400)							pc.setqf("last_reindeer_give_time", get_global_time())							pc.setqf("state",4)						end					end				end			elseif selTab[s] == "The mother reindeer..." then				local my_x = pc.get_local_x()				local my_y = pc.get_local_y()				say_title("Santa Clause:")				say("")				say("Ho ho ho! Why the sad face my friend?")				say("")				say("Ah it is you! Do you know what happened to")				say("the reindeer?")				say("")				say("A ha ho ho ho! There's no need to worry my friend,")				say("you've done exceptionally well! This emblem is our")				say("dearest mother reindeer and it's in great shape!")				say("Just hold on to the emblem and think of the reindeer.")				say("")				wait()				say_title("You focus your thoughts on what just happened...")				say("")				say_white("Suddenly, the mother reindeer appears near you -")				say_white("and she is as fit as ever!")				say("")				say("She will be safe now, so you don't need to worry anymore.")				say("As a sign of my gratitude, you shall spread the christmas")				say("spirit around the world by mounting up one of my adult")				say("reindeers - it will be of great asset to you!")				say("")				say_reward("2.500.000 Yang received.")				say_reward("Reindeer Mount (20 hours) received.")				say("")				wait()				pc.setqf("state",3)				pc.remove_item(90080)				pc.give_item2_select(71164,1)				pc.change_gold(2500000)				if game.get_event_flag("christmas_spawn") < 50 then					mob.spawn(34010,my_x-1,my_y-1,0,0)					say_title("Santa Clause:")					say("")					say("Ho ho ho.. what a brilliant little baby reindeer")					say("she has gotten!")					say("She must be a very lucky mother.")					say("Come back here on christmas eve and maybe you can")					say("play with the baby reindeer.")					say("")					game.set_event_flag("christmas_spawn",game.get_event_flag("christmas_spawn")+1)				end			else			end		end				when kill with npc.is_pc() == false and pet.is_summon(34010) == true and xmas_2012.has_santa() == true begin			if pc.get_level() - get_mob_level[npc.get_race()] < 11 then				local chance = number(1,80)				if chance == 1 then					game.drop_item_with_ownership(50010,1)				end			end		end				when"Pet the baby reindeers" with xmas_2012.is_xmas() == true begin			say_title("Pet the baby reindeer")			say("")			say("It seems to enjoy your warm hand on its skin.")			say("")			if pc.getqf("got_gold") < 4 and pc.getqf("state") > 2 then				say("As you turn your hand back it feels a little heavy.")				say("There's solid Yang inside your hand!")				local amount = number(100000,1000000)				say("")				say_reward("You received "..amount.." Yang.")				say("")				pc.change_gold(amount)				pc.setqf("got_gold",pc.getqf("got_gold")+1)			end		end				when 71144.use begin			item.remove()		end				when"The Christmas Stockings" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 4 begin			local p = pc.count_item(50010)			pc.setqf("socks_count",pc.getqf("socks_count")+p)			local q = pc.getqf("socks_count")			pc.remove_item(50010,p)			say_title("You hang the socks on the tree..")			say("")			say("Good job, it works way better now.")			say("")			if q > 4 then				say("Hey... is this a present under the tree?")				say("It wasn't there before.. is it for me?")				say("")				say_reward("Christmas Gift Box received.")				say("")				pc.give_item2(71144,1)				pc.setqf("socks_count",pc.getqf("socks_count")-5)				pc.setqf("state",3)			else				say("Maybe I should gather more socks tomorrow.")				say("")				pc.setqf("state",3)			end		end					when 90080.use with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 2 begin			local reindeer_tab = {				{1437,1341},				{1267,1389},				{1248,1273},				{1437,1052},				{1283,916},				{1431,742},				{252,1427},				{146,1222},				{258,1268},				{131,1018},				{140,517},				{416,375},				{397,151},				{1377,410},				{1463,530},				{1183,157},				{992,660},				{1117,1012},				{449,991},				{419,1360},				{485,1345},				{577,1335},				{268,850},				{1257,671},				{1249,1013},			}			local my_x = pc.get_local_x()			local my_y = pc.get_local_y()			if pc.get_map_index() != 61 then				chat("You are not in the Ice Mountains - The baby reindeer has to be in there!")				return			elseif math.abs(my_x-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][1]) > 20 or math.abs(my_y-reindeer_tab[pc.getqf("target")][2]) > 20 then				chat("You blow the training whistle, but nobody reacts, the mother reindeer must be someplace else.")				return			else				chat("You see an animal frozen in the snow, it seems to be the lost mother reindeer!")				mob.spawn(20216,my_x+1, my_y+1,0,0)				pc.setqf("state",5)			end		end				when"Pet the Reindeer" with pc.getf("xmas_2012","state") == 5 begin			say_title("As you start petting the reindeer...")			say("")			say("The reindeer is smiling, it tries to express")			say("that it feels okay but you can sense its pain.")			say("")			say("[DELAY value=200]. . .[/DELAY]")			say("")			wait()			npc.purge()			say("")			say_white("As you try to hold on to it, fearing the worst,")			say_white("it dissolves into a horde of glowing lights.")			say_white("There's an emblem on the ground - maybe you should")			say_white("bring this to Santa and tell him what happened.")			say("")			pc.setqf("state",6)		end	endend[/spoiler]		


Procure a quest do pescador no object do pescador não lembro o id dele agora, mas se nele tiver a quest do pescador que aposto que tem, pelo que vi desta quest que possuí em uma certas serverfiles, é so comparar ...

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Procure a quest do pescador no object do pescador não lembro o id dele agora, mas se nele tiver a quest do pescador que aposto que tem, pelo que vi desta quest que possuí em uma certas serverfiles, é so comparar ...


A quest do pescador que falas é essa?

quest fisher begin    state start begin                when"Use of the Shop" begin                    npc.open_shop()                        setskin(NOWINDOW)                end                when"Upgrading of the Fishing Rod" begin                        say_title("Fisher:")                        say("")                        ----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                        say("So, you want to learn about the secrets of upgrading your")                        say("Fishing Rod? To be honest, there is no big secret about it.")                        say("")                        say("If you spend more time fishing, your Fishing Rod level will")                        say("increase. When your rod has reached the  maximum level,")                        say("bring it to me and I will try then to upgrade it.")                        say("")                        say("Good. Choose the Fishing Rod you want to have upgraded and")						say("give it to me.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum < 27400 or item.vnum > 27590 begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("I can only upgrade Fishing Rods.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum == 27590 begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("This Fishing Rod cannot be upgraded again.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum >= 27400 and item.vnum < 27590 and item.get_socket(0)!= item.get_value(2) begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("The level of this Fishing Rod is too low.")                        say("")                        say("I cannot upgrade it yet.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum >= 27400 and item.vnum < 27590 and item.get_socket(0) == item.get_value(2) begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("Do you want to upgrade this Fishing Rod?")                        say("Let me see ...")                        say("")			----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                        say(string.format("The level of the Fishing Rod is %d.", item.get_value(0) / 10))                        say("")                        say("Hmm, I don't know if I am good enough to upgrade this")                        say("Fishing Rod. But shall I try?")                        say("")                        say("It's possible for the upgrade to fail and your Rod's level")                        say("could even be reduced. Shall I try nevertheless?")                        say("")                        local s = select("Yes", "No")                        if s == 1 then                                local f = __fish_real_refine_rod(item.get_cell())                                if f == 2 then                                        say_title("Fisherman:")                                        say("")                                        ----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                                        say("Unfortunately I was not successful in upgrading your Fishing")                                        say("Rod, but it's level was not decreased either.")                                        say("")                                        say("You will recover it like it was. Perhaps it will be")					say("successfully upgraded next time!")                                        say("")                                elseif f == 1 then                                        say_title("Fisherman:")                                        say("")                                        say("Hey, perfect it worked!")                                        say("")                                        say("Here is your upgraded Fishing Rod!")                                        say("")                                else                                        say("Oh no! Damned! It has not worked!")                                        say("")                                        say("I am sorry. The Fishing Rod's level was reduced by one.")                                        say("")                                        say("I am sorry but I warned you.")                                        say("")                                end                        else                                say_title("Fisherman:")                                say("")                                say("Please return later on.")                                say("")                        end                end    endend 

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A quest do pescador que falas é essa?

quest fisher begin    state start begin                when"Use of the Shop" begin                    npc.open_shop()                        setskin(NOWINDOW)                end                when"Upgrading of the Fishing Rod" begin                        say_title("Fisher:")                        say("")                        ----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                        say("So, you want to learn about the secrets of upgrading your")                        say("Fishing Rod? To be honest, there is no big secret about it.")                        say("")                        say("If you spend more time fishing, your Fishing Rod level will")                        say("increase. When your rod has reached the  maximum level,")                        say("bring it to me and I will try then to upgrade it.")                        say("")                        say("Good. Choose the Fishing Rod you want to have upgraded and")						say("give it to me.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum < 27400 or item.vnum > 27590 begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("I can only upgrade Fishing Rods.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum == 27590 begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("This Fishing Rod cannot be upgraded again.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum >= 27400 and item.vnum < 27590 and item.get_socket(0)!= item.get_value(2) begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("The level of this Fishing Rod is too low.")                        say("")                        say("I cannot upgrade it yet.")                        say("")                end                when 9009.take with item.vnum >= 27400 and item.vnum < 27590 and item.get_socket(0) == item.get_value(2) begin                        say_title("Fisherman:")                        say("")                        say("Do you want to upgrade this Fishing Rod?")                        say("Let me see ...")                        say("")			----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                        say(string.format("The level of the Fishing Rod is %d.", item.get_value(0) / 10))                        say("")                        say("Hmm, I don't know if I am good enough to upgrade this")                        say("Fishing Rod. But shall I try?")                        say("")                        say("It's possible for the upgrade to fail and your Rod's level")                        say("could even be reduced. Shall I try nevertheless?")                        say("")                        local s = select("Yes", "No")                        if s == 1 then                                local f = __fish_real_refine_rod(item.get_cell())                                if f == 2 then                                        say_title("Fisherman:")                                        say("")                                        ----"123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                                        say("Unfortunately I was not successful in upgrading your Fishing")                                        say("Rod, but it's level was not decreased either.")                                        say("")                                        say("You will recover it like it was. Perhaps it will be")					say("successfully upgraded next time!")                                        say("")                                elseif f == 1 then                                        say_title("Fisherman:")                                        say("")                                        say("Hey, perfect it worked!")                                        say("")                                        say("Here is your upgraded Fishing Rod!")                                        say("")                                else                                        say("Oh no! Damned! It has not worked!")                                        say("")                                        say("I am sorry. The Fishing Rod's level was reduced by one.")                                        say("")                                        say("I am sorry but I warned you.")                                        say("")                                end                        else                                say_title("Fisherman:")                                say("")                                say("Please return later on.")                                say("")                        end                end    endend 

A do evento de pesca !

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A do evento de pesca !

Penso que não tenho essa quest õ.õ

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Penso que não tenho essa quest õ.õ

Na area de quest deve ter, é que to com preguiça de entrar no dedicado agora pra pegar ela ... ;x

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Na area de quest deve ter, é que to com preguiça de entrar no dedicado agora pra pegar ela ... ;x

a quest de pesca que eu encontrei foi essa aqui :p

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Criado por Rancoroso - Overgame.-- Quest evento de pescar by Rancoroso.-- Email: [email protected] Skype: invisionbrazil.-- Site: evento_pescar beginstate start beginwhen"GM: Evento de Pescador" with pc.is_gm() beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Olá, Administrador gostaria de iníciar um")say("evento de pescar para animar o pessoal?")say("")local s = select ( "Começar Evento" , "Terminar Evento" , "Fechar" )if s == 1 thennotice_all("Evento de pescar foi iníciado!")command("e peixaria 1")elseif s == 2 thennotice_all("Evento de pescar foi finalizado!")command("e peixaria 0")elseif s == 3 thenreturnendendwhen"Pescar do Pescador" with game.get_event_flag("peixaria")>0 beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Olá pescadores estou precisando de ajuda")say("não consigo pescar 1 peixe.")say("Preciso de 1 peixe usado para pegar peixes maiores.")say_item_vnum(27802)say("Em trocar da sua ajuda vou lhe dar um grande")say("prêmio como recompensa.")say("")endwhen"Trouxe a Isca de Peixe?" with game.get_event_flag("peixaria")>0 and pc.countitem(27802) >= 1 beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Nossa! muito obrigado por mim ajudar")say("como recompensa lhe darei seu prêmio.")say("")wait()pc.removeitem("27802", 1)local r=number(1, 20)if r==1 thenpc.give_item2("71085", 1)elseif r==2 thenpc.give_item2("70024", 1)elseif r==3 thenpc.give_item2("71051", 1)elseif r==4 thenpc.give_item2("71084", 1)elseif r==5 thenpc.give_item2("71052", 1)elseif r==6 thenpc.give_item2("71083", 1)elseif r==7 thenpc.give_item2("71001", 1)elseif r==8 thenpc.give_item2("71020", 15)elseif r==9 thenpc.give_item2("71032", 1)elseif r==10 thenpc.give_item2("71033", 1)elseif r==11 thenpc.give_item2("71034", 5)elseif r==12 thenpc.give_item2("71044", 5)elseif r==13 thenpc.give_item2("71045", 5)elseif r==14 thenpc.give_item2("71094", 1)elseif r==15 thenpc.give_item2("27992", 1)elseif r==16 thenpc.give_item2("70038", 20)elseif r==17 thenpc.give_item2("71027", 5)elseif r==18 thenpc.give_item2("71028", 5)elseif r==19 thenpc.give_item2("71029", 5)elseif r==20 thenpc.give_item2("71030", 5)endendendend 

Ps: Ve uma mensagem que tens ai xD

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a quest de pesca que eu encontrei foi essa aqui :p

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Criado por Rancoroso - Overgame.-- Quest evento de pescar by Rancoroso.-- Email: [email protected] Skype: invisionbrazil.-- Site: evento_pescar beginstate start beginwhen"GM: Evento de Pescador" with pc.is_gm() beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Olá, Administrador gostaria de iníciar um")say("evento de pescar para animar o pessoal?")say("")local s = select ( "Começar Evento" , "Terminar Evento" , "Fechar" )if s == 1 thennotice_all("Evento de pescar foi iníciado!")command("e peixaria 1")elseif s == 2 thennotice_all("Evento de pescar foi finalizado!")command("e peixaria 0")elseif s == 3 thenreturnendendwhen"Pescar do Pescador" with game.get_event_flag("peixaria")>0 beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Olá pescadores estou precisando de ajuda")say("não consigo pescar 1 peixe.")say("Preciso de 1 peixe usado para pegar peixes maiores.")say_item_vnum(27802)say("Em trocar da sua ajuda vou lhe dar um grande")say("prêmio como recompensa.")say("")endwhen"Trouxe a Isca de Peixe?" with game.get_event_flag("peixaria")>0 and pc.countitem(27802) >= 1 beginsay_title("Pescador:")say("")say("Nossa! muito obrigado por mim ajudar")say("como recompensa lhe darei seu prêmio.")say("")wait()pc.removeitem("27802", 1)local r=number(1, 20)if r==1 thenpc.give_item2("71085", 1)elseif r==2 thenpc.give_item2("70024", 1)elseif r==3 thenpc.give_item2("71051", 1)elseif r==4 thenpc.give_item2("71084", 1)elseif r==5 thenpc.give_item2("71052", 1)elseif r==6 thenpc.give_item2("71083", 1)elseif r==7 thenpc.give_item2("71001", 1)elseif r==8 thenpc.give_item2("71020", 15)elseif r==9 thenpc.give_item2("71032", 1)elseif r==10 thenpc.give_item2("71033", 1)elseif r==11 thenpc.give_item2("71034", 5)elseif r==12 thenpc.give_item2("71044", 5)elseif r==13 thenpc.give_item2("71045", 5)elseif r==14 thenpc.give_item2("71094", 1)elseif r==15 thenpc.give_item2("27992", 1)elseif r==16 thenpc.give_item2("70038", 20)elseif r==17 thenpc.give_item2("71027", 5)elseif r==18 thenpc.give_item2("71028", 5)elseif r==19 thenpc.give_item2("71029", 5)elseif r==20 thenpc.give_item2("71030", 5)endendendend 

Ps: Ve uma mensagem que tens ai xD

Basea-se nesta quest basta alterar algumas coisas, é so presta atenção que você consegue sem problemas xd!

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Basea-se nesta quest basta alterar algumas coisas, é so presta atenção que você consegue sem problemas xd!

ok vou tentar obrigado pela ajuda ;)

Qualquer coisa dou noticias sobre essa quest ;)

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Se não estou em erro tens de escrever isto no chat:


/e xmas_event_2012 1

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/e xmas_event 1Ou podes iniciar por quest

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/e xmas_event 1Ou podes iniciar por quest

thanks bro ;) +1

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