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[Oficial][Ing] Magic To Master

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The Beginning


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(Story of the Magic to Master)

Harbour of Zorandor, harbour headquarters

Lanamar was watching the ship with attention as it arrived to the dock overloaded with refugees. The guard commander knew the ship well and people knew its captain Urkathe as a reliable and experienced man. On the ship, incredible amount of poeple were crowded. At least thirty boats started go towards them to transport all of the refugees to the coast. The ship was in a bad condition. It suffered for the three months long voyage.

The guard commander thought about how many ship were heading to the harbour? How many ship was swallowed by the enourmos ocean meanwhile? Recently, lots ships arrived and many of them were not planned for long voyages. Lanamar knew the refugees had to use every possibility because of the recent situation. Who was lucky he/she reached the destination. The unlucky ones died in the depths of the ocean but it was better for them than remain on the another land.

The city became a huge and overloaded beehive. Lot of people were crowded on the streets, they dwelled or slept everywhere. Fortunately, not only paupers and poor refugees arrived on the ships. Many high-ranking people, nobles, wealthy citizens arrived with them and brought their wealth in form of gold and jewels.

The most important event was the following: several experienced adventurers arrived on the ships. The town needed them more than anything. These adventures had already fighting against the hellish creatures and won because they were alive and were walking on the streets in these moments too. So they have experience and tactic againts the monsters and they will have a chance in the battles.

Lanamar hoped that it is true and they will share their experiences with every man and woman who are able to fight. Lanamar had already known what the refugees and the simple citizen did not surmize. Only some high-ranking insider and the most important people know the truth: the first demon gates were opened on this continent too!


Imperial palace, Silver Hall, military conference

Alduin’Teven, the supreme commander of the imperial armies looked on the Silver Hall and stood up to share his opinion. Perfectly elaborated armours and weapons, shields ornamented with crests, military flags and huge pictures hung on the walls. Forged iron torches granted the light in the hall. The flaming torches did not care about the tension and the gloom which reigned in the hall.

In front of the walls, facing to the center of the hall, in green and silver uniform, the emperor’s guards were watching with close attention. There were two-handed spears in their hands and long sword in their scabbards. The guards did not care about what happens in the hall. Their only task was to protect the emperor against the assasinational attempts and betrayal. They attacked on the first suspicious sign immediately. Fortunatelly, it was not needed now, the participants of the conference did not conspire.

There is a table in the centre of the hall, fifty people can sit down around it. Emperor Yal’Rahun sat at the head of the table in an ornamented, green and silver colored clothes to let every participants know he is the emperor now.

Alduin’s place was at the right side of the emperor. On the left side the sullen and old Nogata’Rasan was listening to the conference who was the most important adviser and mage of the emperor. Next to him, the leader of the DragonPriest, Tajnar’Rahun sat who was the member of the imperial family. His look was friendly and raised faith in everybody who spoke with him. But now he spoke only a little, his words did not matter in this situation. There were two more people near the emperor: Ronovoj’Solon, the young and lean treasurer who was responsible for the economic cases and Tharganir, the dwarf who was the lead mining engineer in the imperial mines and the commissioned leader of the smaller dwarf settlement in the mountains. Mainly metals and jewels were brought to the surface from the imperial mines and the mountain dwarves mined the finest quality ores from the depth of their mines to make high quality weapons and armours in the imperial main city Zorandor. Further from the emperor and his escort, many sat but Alduin did not care about them.

Only those people got invitation to the conference who were really necessary to work out the next steps in the future. The emperor, the main advisors and the most important people had already known that the first gates and holes opened on the continent Anathen too which lead to the demonic world and now it become necessary to decide how can they solve the problems and fight against the monsters successfully. It can not happen here too what destroyed Arasina!

They listened to the harbour guard commander Lanamar’s report. He was the most reliable source, he could report in detail about everything. He worked 16 hours every day for weeks, did not care about the tiredness. He worked conscientiously, he knew always what his task is. He made lists about the ships, their crew, the number of the refugees and the useable equipments. These lists were always up to date and in details. He was in charge of the smooth operating of the harbour. He could answer every question about the harbour everytime, only took a look at his notes and gave the answer.

In the last two months, lots of ships arrived with desperate and frightened refugees from Arasina. The last one was captain Urkathe’s ship. The captain was reliable and experienced man so Lanamar listened to him.

According to the captain, his ship was the last which left Arasina before the demons defeated it. Everything and everybody were lost who remained there. The captain was an experienced sailor so he was able to perform his duty with small amount of sleeping or rest: he brought several refugees to city Zorandor. During the voyage, he could see sevaral desolate ships. On several ships there were some survivors but they were weak and close to the mental madness. The captain ignored these ships by way of precaution. Probably the most of these ships sank meanwhile.

Urkathe estimated his ship is the last which reached the imperial harbour successfully. The vehicles which he left behind probably never arrive anywhere. Maybe the survivors’ tide ended, the overpopulated city can have a sigh of relief. Now Alduin began to speak:
‘I do not care about the refugees, the ships and the crowdedness of the city. We are here to solve the danger which comes from the demons. If I get the necessary equipment, me and my soldiers will defeat the demons’ hordes,’ he said it with deep and sharp voice, his soldiers always completed these commands without opposition.
‘I am afraid it will not be enough. It is difficult to wound the creatures of the underworld, but destroying them is more difficult. They will defeat our armies without any effort. It happened on the Dragon Field too however experienced adventures fought there,’ he said it firmly, all participant were listening to him with attention. He was Vorodur, a tall warrior who sat at a simple wooden bench with his friend Alsadir, the battle mage. They were neither the most important people nor have any considerable rank. They had already fought against the demons successfully, that is why they could take part on this session.
‘My companion refered to the number of the imperial soldiers is not enough to destroy the demons so the empire can be in danger easily,’ Alsadir, the middle aged mage stood up to give the respect to the other people in the hall. He seemed as a beggar because of his simple clothes. But still Nogata, the personal mage of the emperor admitted his magical skills.
‘The soldiers of the noble families can join to the imperial armies. It may be enough, or not?’ Namaron’Solon, the current leader of the Solon Dynasty asked from Alsadir. Namaron wore yellow clothes which was the color of his dinasty. Harsan, the warlord of the Solon Dynasty who sat next to him wore the same yellow clothes. Behind them, bodyguard with also yellow-patterned armor was standing without batting an eyelid, holding the flag of the dynasty. Vorodor only grumpled one to express his opinion. He spoke only if it was necessary.
‘I think it is still not enough, we need more soldiers to be able to defeat the demons,’ the honest answer sounded. The people in the hall were overcome by dissatisfaction. The present members of the three noble dynasties – Solon, Rasan and Teven – showed their disapproval as one man. The answer was hurtful for them because a middle-ranking person questioned their soldiers’ abilities.

The bodyguard behind the emperor knocked with his lance on the tile floor twice. The noise stopped, everybody turned toward the emperor. Only the emperor had the right to speak so he stood up. Emperor Yal’Rahun looked around the present people to gain some time to make a decision.
‘We have to be prepared for the worst. Remember what happened in Arasina. They did not have chance, the attack came as a surprise and they could not avoid their destiny. We have time, we can prepare for it. Do we have enough raw material and will our weapon and armour smiths be able to statisfy the needs for every adventures who are in the city?’ the emperor asked the city messengers who was here on behalf of the guilds. Four people took part on the conference: Vonatur, the leader of the weapon smiths’ guild, Gorlan on behalf of the amor smiths, Yasitur, the leader of the merchants’ guild and Olonamar who represented the other not too important guilds. Carpenters, stonemasons, looksmiths, bakers, jewelers, butchers and other professions which were not too important now, but they were also necessary. Olamar will inform them about the decision and plans. Gordan stood up to answer the emperor’s questions:
‘If we have enough raw material, mainly metals and leathers, then we will able to statisfy the claims. As we know at the moment, the ore transportation from the mines to the city by the dwarves is still undisturbed. If we need something else then we will ask for Yasitur’s help,’ Gorlan said and Yasitur nodded to show the merchants will do everything to provide the missing materials.
‘I guaranteed that the ores and metals will be alright. Until the depth of mountains hides ores, the smith will have raw materials,’ Tharganir, the dwarf said it with deep voice.
‘So be it,’ the emperor said. ‘Replace the imperial and the noble soldiers’ missing equipments. Be the soldiers prepared and if it is needed, start the training to prepare for the battles. Support the guilds that they have enough amount of weapon and armor. If it is needed then demand loan from the emperial treasury and I order that the tax collectors not to disturb them now,’ the emperor turned to Ronovoj.
‘The most important that the masters can work continuously and undisturbed. Start to announce that the empire needs adventurers. We trust them that they will be able to defeat the hellish creatures and protect the civilization.’


Days Before Breakdown
  76th day before the breakdown

Oranar knew the forest well. He walked on this land since his childhood; the trees, streams, hills and cracks were his good friends. As well as the herbs, trees, the fragrance of the flowers and the animals who lived here, their hunting ground and the watering place on the bank of the nearby brook which increased to river a bit further. He started to walk here and learnt to swin in the cool mountain lake, played war and battle of stone with his fellow youngsters, he captured his first prey here and he was together with a woman here the first time. But now Oranar only was watching the rock what was before him and he knew its all crack, projection and rift.

But now there was a several meters wide and long crack in the cliff. A crack which should not be here. Oranar was watching it with disbelief and tried to check more parts from the darkness which was inside the hole. He tried to use his all senses. They did not alarm and he was curious so he collected his bravery and took a deep breath then made a step. The creature what was in the deep of the hole only was waiting for this.

The black colored, thick hair covered, panther-sized and flexible moving beast started to attack noiselessly. It ran quicly and jumped with great power to Oranar’s chest. Oranar fell. The attacker went to left and Oranar turned his head toward it instinctively to measure his opponent. He looked into its ruby-colored glowing eyes when the creature opened its sharp teeth-fulled jaw to consume its prey with the demonic fire of the hell. Oranar did not have time to scream. He burned into ashes and only a human-formed body was lying in the grass movelessly.

A rattling sound was heard bye Oranar’s attacker then behind it more frightening cretures appeared to view the sun bathing and peachful landscape with satisfaction. The demons have arrived from the deep of the hell to conguer the inhabited and human-dominated world!


50th day before the breakdown

Aldagor was watching the tide of the hell beasts hiding behind the thick foliage of a tree. The different-looking monsters were running towards their target: a small nearby sentinel post was their target where a few guards were fighting persistently. It was clear they do not have a chance but they knew what their obligation is. Furthermore, they protected their nation, homes and family. They knew if they fail, the loved ones will be the prey of the monsters. They did not want it so fought until their death.

Aldagor almost fainted because of the fear, his feet trembled as his legs clambered into the tree. If he could do it, he would like to melt into the tree to hide from the seeking look. News said for some days that fearful creatures of the underworld were walking to the surface through demon gates. They destroy everything and everybody, both human and animal. Aldagor and his companions could not see the trace of it at the outpost but they were careful. They did more patroling every day and were watching the region. If the news are real then they wanted to be ready for fighting.

He and his tree companions started their patrol to the forests on the surrounding hills early in the morning. It was usually a routine task, but now they were very careful. Despite the carefulness they were not prepared and alert enough. The monsters attacked them from the bushes. The attack was a surprise but they had many years of fighting experience. They could halt the first attackers but the beasts had numerical superiority. Some moments later, Aldagor and his companions ran for their life to the outpost.

Aldagor changed his direction after a short time, jumped into the thicket and hoped the chasers will lose his track. He was running for some minutes – while spikes and thorns rended his dress and skin – then he caught a branch, draw on himself and hid in the foliage. It happened a half an hour before, thence he was watching hundreds of the walking monsters under himself with amazement and dread. He knew his companions in the stronghold does not have chance. Their fate was sealed.

After a short time, there was smoke over the trees on east as the stronghold caught fire. Fire was the main weapon of the hell’s offsprings. Aldagor blinked some to wash the tears from his eyes then he climbed down from the tree. The creatures left some time ago. He knew he has only one chance to survive if he reach the main city called Janagurt which was surrounded with a strong stonewall. Where the men can fight successful against the monsters, it can be only the main city which is strengthened and filled with soldiers.


42nd day before the breakdown

First a strange vibration appeared at the foot of the rocky mountainside. It seemed, the air thickened and started to wave on the surface as the weak wind ruffles it. Then the gap which opened to the hell started to take shape in red color.

The demon lord stiffened for a moment waiting for the vibration to disappear. Then he shouted one and watched with pleasure that the hell’s servants with lower rank were running through the demonic gate to the unprotected and sunny surface. They were ignorant and silly creatures which lived for the destruction and carnage, their actions were managed by instincts or they did what they leaders said. The demon lord set them free and they took the opportunity to kill everybody and defeat everything which they met.

Foremost the fast hell hunds and demon wolves were running. Everybody can hear their howling from afar. The desire for destruction drove them, the promise of death gleamed in their red-glowing eyes. If they slowed down, then the bull-headed hell servants slapped them with a fiery whip to urge them to run faster and fight.

Meanwhile under the foot of demon lord, big sized demon snakes were gliding. They wormed noiselessly and went very fast, only the steel-hardness demon scales grated on the walls of the cave. On the surface, this noise will be sucked by the soft ground and vegetation. So snakes can pounce on the prey unexpectedly and without noise.

Above the snakes, giant scorpion demons walked. Their chitin armor which covered their body can defend them against almost every kind of physical attacks. First limbs ended with human-sized scissors which were able to crush the armors made by humans. Their tail attacked the prey as a huge lance, then the green-glowing poison kills the surviving opponent in moments.

Far ahead, storm demon went forward almost crossing the gate. There was a swirl around him as he is walking in a small tornado. He defeated his weaker opponent with thunderbolt which only paralyzed the stronger ones, then he ripped them into pieces with his gigant claw paws.

Near to the demon lord, there were his most strongest servants, the bone demons and the incubus demons which protected their lord. Bone demons did not have flesh but their bones were harder than the steel and were sorrunded by fire aura. Incubus demons had almost infinite vitality and were able to survive almost every kind of damage. If they can cause damage on their prey, they steal their power immedately and even the most stonger fighters collapses before the feet of incubus demons. This skill came from hellish ancient magic.

Demon lord checked his servants again then he started to move too. He shouted one to let the creatures of the surface know that he arrived and prepared for the destruction. He knew that also another hordes have started to attack the unprotected world with the leadership of demon leaders, demon lords and demon princes.



34th day before the breakdown

Hiang Su, the leader of the imperial armies leant with his hands on the table and was watching the marks on the big map with care-worn look. In Emperor Waganir’s palace, several commanders, leaders and warlords gathered to discuss the possibilities and decide on the strategies which they will follow. Here and now, the cooperation of everybody was necessary, the ancestry and the past did not matter! Only the fighting knowledge and the experience!
‘Let’s hear the report!’ Hiang Su turned to the messenger who had arrived some moments ago. The messenger took breath fast, his face was covered by dust, his cloth was sweaty and dirty after the 2-days long riding. He looked up and started to recite the report with Hardanal, the leader of the sent armies, entrusted him.
‘Demonic hordes crossed the border of the empire 5 days ago. They arrived in the night, surprised the Seventh Imperial Legion which we arranged only recently. The legion consisted of inexperienced voluntaries. Their equipments were excellent but the moral, the hardiness and the bravery was on very low level. Demons defeated them during a few hours. It was not a battle, only a massacre. The survivors scattered, gathering of the the soldiers and reorganize them are impossible and unnecessary,’ the messenger looked up timidly, he was not happy that he have to tell these news.
‘Continue!’ the commander said.
‘In the same time the Sixth Imperial Legion was attacked too. This legion consisted of voluntary adventures who had fighting experience and enlisted in the army some days ago. They did not receive military training but they were qualified fighters who had chance in the fighting against the demons. They retreated in small groups while they caused serious damage to the attackers. It seemed it is not enough, the demons had inexhaustible resupply, they were swarming out of the gates. According to the calculations, the legion retreated to the main city and the monster are on their track,’ the messenger stopped speaking and gulped one from his cup to make wet his dry lips.
‘What happened with the First Imperial Legion?’
‘The First Imperial Legion was surrounded by the hellish creatures. By the lead of Hardal, the veterans who were forged in battles, after they entered into deffensive formation broke out from the circle of enemies at the eastern side. They retreated to the capital as fast as they could to participate in the defense of the city. Their casualities were minimal but they caused horrible casualities to the demons which attacked without thinking, strategy and plan. As Warlord Hardanal said, they will arrived in three days. They had to leave the resupply and the spare equipments behind so they will need food, drink and newer weapons and armours. The members of the legion are exhausted because of the continuous fight so they have to take a rest for 10 hours at least.’
‘Thank you for the report, you can take a rest,’ Hiang Su turned toward the leaders who were around the table and gave them the instructions. Everbody knew what to do and that they can not make mistake because they will not have a chance. Maybe they do not have any… The four legions which are in the region gather on the Dragon Field and take battle formation. Recharge their supplies, the imperial treasury, the armoury and the smiths of the city are at their service. The first Imperial legion are allowed to rest for 12 hours. During this time they must recharge their supplies and then move to the Dragon Field and take battle formation in the centre. Recruit new soldiers from the imperial guards. If we lose the battle, the guards will not be needed anymore. Gather the members of the Sixth Imperial Legion, reorganise them and increase their numbers with the adventurers in the region. Then the legion move to the Dragon Field and join the right wing of the Third Legion. Healers, mediwitches and priests be prepared to tend the wounded - the leader stopped the talking, glanced through the participants to search for any sign of fear or weakness. If a leader does not believe in himself/herself, and doubt are in the mind, it can be fatal. Nobody likes the weak-handed and uncertain leaders in war time. Hiang Su nodded with satisfaction and finished the conference on softer tone:
‘Lords! We can not lose this war! If it happens, then our empire and civilization will be defeated and our women, mothers and children will be the prey of the demons, our city will burn down. Emperor Wanagir trusts in us, we can not lose! Go and prepare the soldiers for the final battle! And everbody pray! We need the power from above.’



Day of Breakdown & its Direct Antecedents


  25th day before the breadown

Hardanal, the commander of the First Emperial Legion awakened from his nightmare. He was lying on the edge of the Dragon Field which was covered by corpses. He was alive but he felt will not be for long. He could breathe hard, his lung was pierced, weakened and half-filled with blood. Around him, there were several truncated, scorched and tortured bodies of soldiers, legionaries and voluntaries. There were many massacred demon body among them. Hardanal estimated he was lying here for two days. He was not able to move his body, he did not know how many and how serious injuries he has. Only his mind remained intact and vigilant if he did not have nightmare. Sometimes the general was lying on the ground unconsciously, sometimes he was able to remember the battle.

His lips were very dry, he knew if he do not tend of his injuries then he will die of the dehydration. He tried to turn his head to look round. He heard terrible and disgusting noises, the demons feasted from the defeated opponents’ bodies. Breaking of the bones, disruption of the flesh and skin. He was not angry now, he made peace with his destiny. He knew he and his soldiers, the city and the inhabitants did everything what they could. But simply they did not have a chance. The creatures overcame all obstacles, burned everything and hunted down everybody. They did not give a chance for the humans.

‘How long will be anybody able to survive? Who has a chance to survive the destruction of the horde?’ asked the general from himself. He knew it is the end. The most fortified city has fallen. Nobody is a safe anymore, nobody can protect the weak, the women, the children and the old ones. Everbody who could take and use the weapons were lying here dead. The empire and the humanity came to an end.

While Hardanal was thinking, he heard a noise from an another direction. He tried to turn there. A three meters tall demon was watching him with interest. They were looking each other for one minute, then the demon lifted its leg and stepped on Hardanal’s chest. His ribs broke, his heart beat one more then the last general of the imperial armies closed his eyes forever.


11th day before the breakdown

The former legionary Aldagor was hiding in the thick undergrowth and watching that the last building of the small settlement burns down. He knew all resistance came to an end, the demons killed all of the defenders. He felt himself very lonely and unprotected. He knew he has only one chance: he has to reach the ocean, get a ship and leave the cursed continent Arasina. He had already known it when the united legions lost the battle on the Dragon Field. He was saved miraculously, he was one of the survivors. He lost his comrade or left them. He can move faster by himself. In the last few days, he lost all of his acquaintances and all settlements fell which he knew. His last chance was the ocean.

Aldagor turned carefully and noiseless to crawl to the opposite trees. He heard noise suddenly from his right side. He pulled his sword quickly and swinged the sword to the direction of the noise. Metallic sound was heard as the blade slipped on the steely scale of the demon snake. The snake ascended his body and attacked him. Aldagor looked at the forked tongue of the demon snake then the darkness swallowed him.


The day of the breakdown

Captain Urkathe was watching the harbor which they left behind. He thought his ship is the last which leaves this cursed region. The three huge empires fell ealier, everbody was responsible only for himself or herself. The captain had had enough of the continuous standby, battle, blood, sweat and tears. They fought at the docks for weeks. They collected every usable equipment and food, then several refugees crowded to the lower deck. The ones who was able to fight, got armour and weapon. Everybody was necessary who knew something about the handling of weapons. But there was only a few people like this, the most of them were killed in the continuous battles.

Many ships left the coast. Their destination was the imperial city called Zorandor on continent Anathen. People said the hellish creatures did not occupy it so it should be safe. Certainly, the most of them will not survive the more months long journey on the open ocean. Some ship will sink because of the overloading. Some will not have enough food. On some ship, people will debate and fight each other. The most people can not tolerate the stress. But it is the only chance, they have to try to survive it. Urkathe believed in that he and his ship will be one of the lucky survivors. If they arrived, maybe everything will take a turn for the better. Reliable and heavy-duty ship and well-trained crew are necessary everywhere and everytime.

Urkathe was looking at the coast once again which was full with monsters, then he gave a sigh and went to the wheel to take over the navigation of the ship. He would like to sail to the new life and hope. He thought sadly about what was his life so far and what he left behind will turn into a distant dream and nothing human remained there. Continent Arasina became the new home of the hellish creatures.


About the Dynasties
Rahun Dynasty, the imperial dynasty

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The imperial dynasty lives in the imperial palace isolated from the mere mortals. Well-trained and experienced guards defend the palace day and night, their task is protecting the imperial dynasty and the palace. Passage is needed to enter the palace. Nobody can wear a weapon there. Even more active magic power grant protecting beside the thick stone walls.


Rahun Dynasty Story:

The imperial dynasty lives in the imperial palace isolated from the mere mortals. Well-trained and experienced guards defend the palace day and night, their task is protecting the imperial dynasty and the palace. Passage is needed to enter the palace. Nobody can wear a weapon there. Even more active magic power grant protecting beside the thick stone walls.

Several servants and subjects provide convenience for the emperor and his relatives. Even they live in the palace in spite of their simple ancestry and do not communicate with the people outside the palace.

The emperor comes from the Rahun Dynasty since time immemorial. During this time, the area reigned by the city was increasing as the city extended its military, cultural and commercial supremancy. Nobody can believe that earlier it was only a small town. Yal’Rahun reigns the huge empire now who is the lord of both the life and death. His words are the law!

The emperor is in the middle of his 40’s, his look was straight and radiant with intelligence. His hair is short and brown, and does not have mustache or beard. Everybody knows him as an intelligent, educated man who can speak on every subject and realize the connections very well. He likes the arts and to speak with intelligent people, wise men and scientist about the big questions of the life. He knows several sciences as maths, astronomy or poetry, and knows the history of his empire and dynasty. People says he is proficient in the magic too, but nobody knows it surely. He is interested in the physical training too. His body does not show the signs of the aging. He often excercises to keep his strong build. He is proficient in the fencing and archery, and he is a good rider.

His reign was peachful so far. His laws were strict and just, their aims were to stop the crime and the corruption. He was not so successfull in this, because he should punish his own family member or some people with important position…

The gods and the weather were graceful towards him and his people so the plauges and the drought avoided the empire. The inhabitants were very thankful and offered sacrifices for them.

Something has changed now. The peaceful weekedays ended. The lords of the underworld decided to send their servants, the demons to the surface. Is it only a revenge or is the timing only accidental? Nobody knows the answer but it is sure that Zorandor is in danger and the first real trial arrived in the emperor’s life.


Teven Dynasty - fight

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The colour of the ancient Teven Dynasty is the red which is also the colour of the war and the blood. The most popular warriors and the warlord of the empire come from the Teven Dynasty every time. The members of this dynasty take part in military trainings and have bonuses to the fighting abilities. If you like the physical fight, then the Teven Dynasty will be that where you can enforce your abilities.


Teven Dynasty story:

The Teven Dynasty is a military dynasty. Their colour is the red which is also the colour of the blood. They spend their life with training, doing excercises and handling weapons. Their whole life is a continuous military training.

The members of the Teven Dynasty always fight in the first lines against the opponent. They never run away, the most beautiful end for them was to die beside the emperor in a battle. Already at the time of the foundation of the empire, they were the most fearful and trained warriors. They could show their abilities during the battles and they went immediately if somebody called them. Teven were the first dynasty which got noble rank. The members of the dynasty never forgot what owe the imperial dynasty in exchange for it. During the battles, the Teven Dynasty has always the most casualities from the noble dynastie.

The members of the dynasty begin to train already in their childhood. The training happens in more steps. The masters consider the child’s age and physique to see which kind of weapon and style become them. A tall, thin and flexible man needs other traning than a stronger and slower ones. The trainers have to find the training which is the most appropriate for the cildren and they do it very well. So it is not a miracle that the warlord of the imperial armies is a member of the Teven Dynasty always. Now, Alduin’Teven has this position.

Sartan’Teven leads the dynasty. He has got this title from his father not long ago who teaches in the military school of his dynasty now. Sartan is not young, he is in the middle of his 40’s but his body does not show his age. Sartan has military, magical and political experience so he was ideal leader. He is proficient in the diplomacy, he is well-informed and communicate with the people well. The members of the Teven Dynasty are very inflammable and they can cause heated debate. So it is a hard task to lead the dynasty but Sartan is able to stay calm almost in every situations.

The warlord of the dynasty is Hirsan’Teven who got this title not long ago as Sartan. The young Hirsan is able to handle almost every weapon, has fast movements and deadly attacks. Probably he will have the title warlord for a long time.


Rasan Dynasty - magic

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The Rasan Dynasty specialized in the magical arts. The members of this dynasty take part in magical training. The mage of the emperor often comes from this dynasty. After learning the basics of the magic, all members of the dynasty specialize himself or herself in a school of magic. If you join to the Rasan Dynasty, you will get bonuses on every schools of magic.


Rasan Dynasty story:

The members of the Rasan Dynasty were obsessed with the sciences and magic. The first Rasan ancestors were already blessed with magical abilities and did several things to help the dynasty rise as a comet. They could help the emperor if the army needed magical support. The emperor thanked more victories for them so they won noble rank shortly.

After they had more possibilities to develop their magical abilities and understand the most enormous magics to use for the protection of their dynasty. Their wealth and influence made possible to search for the secret of the magic and get the oldest and rarest scrolls. Nowadays, all the inhabitants of the empire know the most powerful and talented mages come from the Rasan Dynasty. At present, Nogata’Rasan is the mage of the imperial dynasty.

The leader of the Rasan Dynasty is Yalon’Rasan, a middle-aged and powerful battle mage. His look is not too fearful, he is bald and lank. He is obsessed with the science and magic. He is friendly, polite and likes to speak with everybody. We can often see him in the laboratory as he experiments or in the libary as he reads old pergaments. If he could, he would live alone and lonely, but he is responsible for his dinasty and it is not the time to move over the title head of the dinasty in favour of his son yet.

There is a laboratory in the palace of the dynasty where any member of the dynasty can experiment. Next to the labor, there is an enormous library where magical books can be found. And there is a third room where the older and experienced members of the dynasty teach the basics of magic for the younger ones. If somebody completes it, then he/she will become fully entitled member and mage.

The warlord of the dynasty is Wangor’Rasan. He is 30 and an excellent swordsman. Of course as his dynasty, he knows something about the magic, but as a warlord, he has to fight mainly. He is one of the members of his dinasty whose physical and combat abilites are exceed their magical ablilities. He is able to handle the lance and the bow beside the sword and rides excellent. He is inflammable in contrast with the most member of his dynasty, likes the trials of strength and challenges. His main wish to lead his soldiers to the battle beside the emperor.


Solon Dynasty - trade

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The power of the Solon Dynasty comes from the trade and the incomes. They got this power already at the beginning of the empire’s rise and controlled the most important trade routes. They have the most wealth and often lend money to the emperor. If you are a member of the Solon Dynasty, then you never are short of money, you will be able to buy and sell items and equipments cheaper in the imperial city.


Solon Dynasty story:

The Solon Dynasty has served the imperial dynasty for a long time. This dynasty is proficient in everything, they knows everything about the rich and poor people. At the time of the foundation of the empire, they had only a little power, they were only one of the smaller dynasties. They tryed to get the control of the trade and transportation in the empire. The importance of this sector was increasing with the size of the empire together. Longer distance and more inhabitants meaned more goods and more incomes. It was all which a merchant wants. Later it turned out that they know everything about the trade. During some centuries, they collected much wealth and became one of the biggest dynasties. They received noble rank and their power and wealth grew even bigger.

If somebody from the dynasty was not interested in the trade, then he/she lived for the art or science. Several poems were written about the abilities of the dynasty’s members. Lot of knowledge and invention comes from the Solon Dynasty but it was only a hobby for them.

Many of them serve the emperor. At the moment, the most important Solon is Ronovoj who is the inspector of the imperial treasury and the person responsible for the economic affairs.

The male members of the dynasty serve in the imperial guard. All dynasties owns a smaller army too which is always prepared for protecting the empire, the emperor and the dynasty.

The head of the dynasty is Namaron’Solon. Namaron is a quiet and considered man. He is in the end of his 50’s and already shows his age. He trusts in his mind and good judgment, not in his physical strenght. He is able to analyzed the difficult problems and find the best solution. He knows that the deliberte decisions are better as the sudden one. So he thinks on everthying for long and then decides.

The warlord of the dynasty is Harsan’Solon who is Namaron’s nephew. Harsan is in his 30’s and his body shows that he spend lot of time with training. He treats his people strictly, but never asks for anything which he was not able to do. It is why his people like him and loyal towards him.




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It is the most basic class. It likes the close-combat and its main weapon is the razor-sharp sword which it use deadly. It likes the open and direct fight and tries to defeat its opponent quickly. Strong armor and high pain tolerance help it to endure more injuries so it will not be in trouble if the opponent survives the first attack. It has only one aim: to defeat the opponent as soon as possible.



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The shamans get their power from the souls, ghosts and other higher-order creatures. The shamans believe in these creatures and also by their magical abilities they can see them and communicate with them. The shamans respected the life so only rarely fight. They prefer the deffensive and healing magics. It is wrong to think the shamans can not defeat the opponent easily. If a shaman uses his physical and magical power, it can be a very strong fighter.



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The petrun is the grandmaster of the black magics. It uses mainly dark magic in the fight and rarely its weapon which can not cause too much damage on the well-defended opponent. It uses mainly the offensive and destructive magics, likes destroying more than defending. It has to complete several trials to join the petruns. The deformed hand shows that we can see a petrun who performed the ancient trial and became a full mage.



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The ninjas are the fighters of the night who unnoticed, softly and quickly kills their opponents. It can kill the opponent from a distance with the help of its deadly arrows. It rarely fights close and likes getting close to the opponent unnoticed and in secret. In close-combat, it hits quickly and rarely miss the target but it can avoid the opponent’s attack. Its magical skills are weaker as petrun’s and shaman’s, but it has more possibilities to be stronger in the fight by its magics.


System Requirements

Minimum system requirements:

Processor: dual core processor 1,6 GHz

Memory: 1,5 GB free memory (RAM)

Video Card: video card with 256 MB RAM and DirectX 9.0c support






Release date:







Por favor não apaguem o tópico porque será atualizado periodicamente

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Até alguém se lembrar de mudar o nome para Metin3

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Quem quiser jogar será bem vindo no Reino Azul

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ALguem pode informar como sao as rates?

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Isto nao tem Rates.Mas é relativamente facil de upar e o drop em relação ao que upas é muito bom.Cumps

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Até alguém se lembrar de mudar o nome para Metin3

acho que isso ja existe xD

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acho que isso ja existe xD


Só se estiveres a tentar referir o Rise of Metin... mas isso nem se pode chamar de Metin.Fora isso, até a data nao há nenhum servidor que se posssa intitular de Metin3.

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Mas já Está Online?

Cumprimentos, Swearengen

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Mas já Está Online?

Cumprimentos, Swearengen


Se está nesta área, penso que sim.

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Os personagens foram muito cagados .__. gosto muito mais dos personagens do Metin2 mesmo ...

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Os personagens foram muito cagados .__. gosto muito mais dos personagens do Metin2 mesmo ...


Ainda esta semana o jogo vai levar um update mesmo enorme para corrigir imensos bugs que foram reportados e para melhorar os skills, chars, e em termos graficos, melhorar a renderização (que nao é muito boa em PC's mais antigos).O Servidor encontra-se Online desde 28-2-2014.

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site n da LOL


Muda de PC porque a mim está a dar.Cumps

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