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Everything posted by MagicToMaster

  1. Goat Simulator is a small, broken and stupid game. I t was made in a couple of weeks so don’t expect a game in the size and scope of GTA with goats. In fact, you’re better off not expecting anything at all actually. To be completely honest, it would be best if you’d spend your $10 on a hula hoop, a pile of bricks, or maybe a real-life goat. Upload próprio.!WdcDSRgQ!QNwf8i2E5iLMAfLNRexIrG-PDX9hWy1PulIINnrZYMY
  2. Dear Players, The next update will be on 07.04.2014 (Monday). The update pack will contain the following features and fixings: New features: • New item: Gender Changer Scroll. You can change the gender of your character with the help of it. • Renewed Dragon Lord Arena. • A small flag shows the users’ language above the characters head and in the PM window. • In the Settings menu, you can set how you would like to see the information about the given character. • A small heart shows if your spouse is online. • The timer in the boss halls and on the runs changes in every seconds (instead of in every minutes). • PM window is openable by Shift + Enter hotkeys. • The Healing skill will target the owner character automatically if there is no valid target selected. • If you are paging in the inventory, it will not be changed immediately to get rid of the annoying problems connected to it. Modfications to enhance the game experience: • If you selected a character or a mob, you can see a more spectacular or a more useful window above. You can customize it in the Settings menu. • We decreased the power of the HP stealing bonus because on higher level it can break the balance. • If you die, you will lose 1% EXP. • The Naga monsters move faster. • More spectacular Dragon Lord. • The Bravery Cape can affect from longer distance. Bug fixings: • If you tried to start to go a newer boss fight or run immediately, you could be disconnected. Fixed! • Order by item names on the Market Place is fixed. • More refined animations during the wedding. • It could be possible that a PM window opened unexpectedly and it disabled the focus from the current window. • From now on, you can not talk in more chat windows to the same character. • You can put the newest stones to the Market Place and they will appear in the „Misc” category. • The attack value of the Flames skill will appear immediately in the skill info. • We fixed a quest on level 29 which appeared wrongly. • The time values of the skills will not appear in rounded form. • From now on, you can not select the hiding ninjas. • Bugs at the name change (at the market place, group, clan etc) are fixed. • After the mino run, sometimes you would be teleported back to the Capital. Fixed! Now you will be teleported back to the NPC at the entrance. • The Divine Weapons do not show +0 in the item name. • In wisper after you push Enter, you did not started to write in the right window. Fixed! • Ganda’s name does not contain +0 from now on. • All the items in the Market Place will appear immediately. So far, only one appeared from the same items. We did not finish the updates. Soon there will be added further new features to the game. Thank you for your bug reports, support and patience. We are counting on you in the future too. Have fun! M2M
  3. Boas. Venho por este meio informar que vou sair deste forum.Os motivos sao vários, mas o principal é porque nao se vê mais nada aqui a nao ser Metin2. Este tema já começa a ser desinteressante e cansativo. Nao há nada de novo.Também vou deixar o forum devido a algumas infantilidades por parte de alguns membros. Quando este forum voltar a ser digno de se frequentar, eu volto. Sem mais Leandro Silva
  4. Dear Players, The potion maniac Kenrush will sell his special elixirs for a week. Search for him and try out the elixirs' effects! Kenrush can be found on the Teleport Place, you can buy the following elixirs from him for Hero Points: - KaBOomm Elixir: A comic bubble will appear if you hit your opponents. - Forbidden Elixir: You will lose the control above your character. - Brobdingnagian Elixir: Your character’s size will increase by one and a half. - Liliputian Elixir: Your character's size will shrink to the half. The effects of the elixirs last for 5 minutes, then your status will return to normal. Attention! The funny potions will disappear after the event, so buy as many as you will use up during the event! You could read Kenrush's story. The event connected to him, the inhabitants of the imperial city celebrate every year. This time of the year is called as the "April's Fool". Let the good homour and foolery fill the brave adventurers’ hearts this week! M2M Team
  5. Só porque sim...
  6. Dear Players, The following features and fixings will be added to the game today: - New item: Eek Ring! Ring which resets the EXP. While you are wearing the ring, you will not receive more EXP. - New item: Bravery Cape! Forces the monsters around you to attack. - Preparation for Event of the first of April - 12 new stones which are inserted to armours and weapons too. The new Master and GrandMaster Stones are available at the bosses, the new Divine Stones in The Item Shop. - More optimalized maps, bosses, mobs and gold values - New Shaman hair in 5 colours - In a clan on level 1, the maximum members can be 10 people from now on (instead of 5) - The level limit to enter the Naga Run is increased to level 180, based on the level requirement of the Naga Set - At the Bosses and on the Runs, you can find a GIVE UP button instead of the HOME button. If you would like to give up the fight and exit the boss hall/run before time, you can do it. - Official (NPC of the wedding) is visible on the local map in the Capital from now on - On the WZ, Mino and Naga runs, you will get 2% EXP in addition to the Soul Point - More smaller fixing at the skills and on the runs We did not finish the updates. Soon there will be added further new features to the game. Thank you for your bug reports, support and patience. We are counting on you in the future too. Have fun! M2M
  7. Nao caro amigo. Nao entres pelo facto de seres espanhol.Eu critico quem tenho que criticar e quem já me conhece sabe que sou assim.Simplesmente o teu servidor nao é lá grande coisa.É igual a mais meio milhao deles aí espalhados pelo mundo.
  8. A partir do momento que colocam aqui este Print, perdem logo toda a credibilidade. Mobs com falta de texturas? Onde está o vosso profissionalismo? Mais um a tentar ganhar dinheiro para o novo smartphone ou a nova consola e dar o baza por "erros misteriosos".
  9. Eu parto-me a rir com estes servidor'zinhos que criam... Enfim!Ao menos se criassem alguma coisa de jeito...
  10. Peço imensa desculpa por ter me esquecido de colocar a password do .rarA Password é: goat
  11. MEDO! DUSS!!!!!Um gajo a comentar o vídeo e as maos sao de gaja e com unhas pintadas!
  12. Podiam mandar o Chuck Norris contra o asteróide...Ou entao faziam um elástico gigante e atiravamos Angry Birds!
  13. Astrónomos descobrem asteróide perigoso para 2014 Astrónomos russos e americanos descobriram um asteróide de grandes dimensões que pertence à categoria de “potencialmente perigosos”. O corpo celeste foi detectado em 8 de Março por participantes do Projecto Catalina (EUA). Depois, o asteróide se escapou à vista (Segundo o site Oficial sua passagem seria só em 2090), tendo ressurgido em 24 de Março e sido identificado por especialistas russos. O asteróide, designado de 2014 ER49, é bastante grande. O seu diâmetro ronda os 700-750 metros, o que representa perigo para a Terra. A sua eventual colisão com o nosso planeta poderá aniquilar um país inteiro dos maiores. No entanto, segundo previsões, este corpo celeste deverá passar ao lado da Terra em 20 de Julho, à distância de 24,7 milhões de quilómetros. Se fosse confirmada, a ameaça provavelmente causaria pânico aqui na Terra. Foi o que houve em 1910, quando o cometa Halley passou bem próximo da Terra e brilhou no céu por vários dias. Os relatos da época citam pânico, suicídios e previsões de que o mundo ia acabar. Poderíamos evitar o desastre? É possível. Há várias soluções imaginadas para driblar o problema, mas ninguém sabe se elas funcionariam. O que se sabe é que a salvação do planeta dependeria da participação dos países ricos. Se as soluções imaginadas não funcionassem, poderíamos esperar pelo pior. Um objecto do tamanho do 2002NT7 poderia varrer continentes do mapa, causar imensos maremotos e alterar o clima, provocando fome e extinção de animais, inclusive a espécie humana. Do ponto de vista da evolução da vida do planeta, uma colisão que extinguisse a humanidade não seria necessariamente negativa, “Afinal, nós somos a raça que menos contribuiu para o equilíbrio da Terra” Conheça as ideias dos cientistas para evitar a colisão 1 - Lançar um foguete com explosivos em direção ao asteróide ou cometa. Ao atingir o objecto, a explosão desviaria sua trajectória. O problema é que, se forem usados explosivos convencionais (pólvora, plásticos), seria necessária uma quantidade enorme de material, um foguete enorme para transportá-los e uma base de lançamento também gigantesca. 2 - Atingir o objecto com uma ogiva nuclear não exigiria grandes foguetes. O problema é que, se o impacto ocorresse a menos de 150 000 quilómetros da Terra (menos da metade da distância até a Lua), os destroços do asteróide poderiam atingir o planeta. Detalhe: os pedaços cairiam na Terra contaminados pela radiação. 3 - Fincar velas, como as de veleiro, de um material especial, na superfície do asteróide. Quando essas velas fossem abertas, o vento solar, um fluxo de partículas carregadas de electricidade que emana do Sol, poderia fazer com que a trajectória fosse alterada. 4 - Deixar sondas ou foguetes em pontos estratégicos no espaço. Ao detectar um asteróide que ameaça o planeta, as naves seriam encaminhadas na direcção do objecto. Elas poderiam ser pousadas na superfície do asteróide e depois detonadas para mudar sua trajectória ou destruí-lo. Fonte:
  14. Um tiro em cada um era pouco! E MAI NADA!
  15. Para isto tens um chamado que garanto-te que nao fecha.
  16. Dear Players, Information for our old users: We are glad to inform you that WE HAVE TRANSFERRED THE OLD ACCOUNTS INTO THE NEW SYSTEM. Please, read the following rows with attention: 1. If you registered a new account with an old username which is already existed in the old M2M: In this case, we added a prefix to the newer username. For example: if your old account name was "angel" és you registered an account with name "angel" again, then: … the old username remained "angel" … the new account name would be "_angel" If you enter with the "angel" account, you will see your old characters. If you enter with the "_angel" account, you will see your newer characters. If you do not understand it or you need help, do not hesitate to contact us: 2. After the first login: You have to choose an empire (blue, red or yellow). The bonuses of these empire will not be in effect yet, this feature will be added to the game later. If you would like, you can change your empire with the help of the "Dynasty Changer". After you will see the character selector screen. Here you can choose one of your existing characters or create a new one, then start the game. First you will find yourself in the Capital City if you enter with an old character. If you create a new one, you will start the game on the Quarantine Island. In the Character menu (key C), you can see your status and skill points. You can redistribute them. In the Inventory window (key I), you can see 3 buttons: "Home" button: it can teleport you to the starting point of the given map, if you got stuck or fell down. "Bag" button will open a window which contains your old items, or the compensations (Gold or Gold Denarius) for the old items which do not exist in the new world of the M2M. Please open this window more times to see all the item/compensation. "Item Shop" button will open the Item Shop Store which will contains the items which you buy in the Item Shop. The marriage, the old clans and the completed quests will not be transferred into the new game. (Marriage: at the Official, clan creation: at the Clan Master in the Capital.) Currency exchange: you can exchange your Yang to Gold at the Money Changer NPC in the Capital. In the new system, there are new drop and price rates so do not worry about that the amount of the Gold you receive will be lesser than the amount of the Yang. 3. Bonuses We are sorry but we can not transfer the bonuses of the equipments because of technical limitations. In exchange of them, we give you compensation in Gold Dearius (GD). You can find the GD on your account (Character menu/Currency tab). GD is the currency in the Item Shop. After these, only one task remained for you: look around in the new M2M and discover its secrets. If you want, you can accept the smaller quests in the Capital, go to the outer regions and complete them. If you have questions or problems, please contact us on support, on our live chat or in game. Thank you for your patience and support! Have fun. M2M
  17. Mais um vídeo da autoria do xFunProtest no Magic to Master!
  18. Se fosse assim tao facil nao tinha criado um tópico a pedir ajuda.O jogo nem 1 mês ainda tem, ainda "ninguém" explorou isto em termos de renders.
  19. Magic to Master... Nem sei que raio é
  20. Mas o jogo nao é para se aproximar da realidade, se fosse para isso jogavamos todos Sims...O jogo é um FANTASY MMORPG ORIENTAL MEDIEVAL. é suposto ser um pouco "fantasiado" mas também com limites, claro.