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Monarch System + Fixx

2 posts in this topic

Olá, amigos hoje trago as diff's para adicionar na db e fixa o evento monarch.

Primeiro vamos ligar o servidor no virtualbox >> login >> /etc/rc.d/netif restart

Depois vamos mudar o nome da tabela monarch_candidicy para monarch_candid em seguida vamos no filezilla >> login

e na pasta db copiamos o file db para uma área de trabalho para podemos inserir as diff's.

Codigo para versão DB 1667er.

This difference file is created by aNNdiidb_r16670009298B: 65 610009298C: 6D 2E0009298D: 70 650009298E: 69 6D0009298F: 72 7000092990: 65 6900092991: 2C 7200092992: 20 6500092993: 70 2C00092994: 69 6100092995: 64 2E00092996: 2C 7000092997: 20 6900092998: 6E 6400092999: 61 2C0009299A: 6D 620009299B: 65 2E0009299C: 2C 6E0009299D: 20 610009299F: 6F 65000929A0: 6E 2C000929A1: 65 61000929A2: 79 2E000929A3: 2C 6D000929A4: 20 6F000929A5: 77 6E000929A6: 69 65000929A7: 6E 79000929A8: 64 2C000929AA: 74 2E000929AB: 65 77000929AC: 20 69000929AD: 46 6E000929AE: 52 64000929AF: 4F 61000929B0: 4D 74000929B1: 20 65000929B2: 6D 20000929B3: 6F 46000929B4: 6E 52000929B5: 61 4F000929B6: 72 4D000929B7: 63 20000929B8: 68 6D000929B9: 20 6F000929BA: 61 6E000929BB: 2C 61000929BC: 20 72000929BD: 70 63000929BE: 6C 68000929BF: 61 20000929C0: 79 61000929C1: 65 2C000929C2: 72 20000929C3: 25 70000929C4: 73 6C000929C5: 20 61000929C6: 62 79000929C7: 20 65000929C8: 77 72000929C9: 68 25000929CA: 65 73000929CB: 72 20000929CC: 65 62000929CE: 61 57000929CF: 2E 48000929D0: 70 45000929D1: 69 52000929D2: 64 45000929D3: 3D 20000929D4: 62 61000929D6: 69 70000929D7: 64 69000929D8: 00 64000929D9: 00 20000929DA: 00 3D000929DB: 00 20000929DC: 5B 62000929DD: 4C 2E000929DE: 4F 69000929DF: 41 64000929E0: 44 00000929E1: 5F 5B00092ADF: 70 6100092AE0: 69 2E00092AE1: 64 7000092AE2: 2C 6900092AE3: 20 6400092AE4: 6E 2C00092AE5: 61 6200092AE6: 6D 2E00092AE7: 65 6E00092AE8: 2C 6100092AE9: 20 6D00092AEA: 64 6500092AEB: 61 2C00092AEC: 74 6100092AED: 65 2E00092AEE: 20 6400092AEF: 46 6100092AF0: 52 7400092AF1: 4F 6500092AF2: 4D 2000092AF3: 20 4600092AF4: 6D 5200092AF5: 6F 4F00092AF6: 6E 4D00092AF7: 61 2000092AF8: 72 6D00092AF9: 63 6F00092AFA: 68 6E00092AFB: 5F 6100092AFC: 63 7200092AFD: 61 6300092AFE: 6E 6800092AFF: 64 5F00092B00: 69 6300092B01: 64 6100092B02: 61 6E00092B03: 63 6400092B04: 79 6900092B05: 20 6400092B07: 2C 6300092B08: 20 7900092B09: 70 2000092B0A: 6C 6100092B0B: 61 2C00092B0C: 79 2000092B0D: 65 7000092B0E: 72 6C00092B0F: 25 6100092B10: 73 7900092B11: 20 6500092B12: 62 7200092B13: 20 2500092B14: 77 7300092B15: 68 2000092B16: 65 6200092B17: 72 2000092B18: 65 5700092B19: 20 4800092B1A: 61 4500092B1B: 2E 5200092B1C: 70 4500092B1D: 69 2000092B1E: 64 6100092B1F: 20 2E00092B20: 3D 7000092B21: 20 6900092B22: 62 6400092B23: 2E 2000092B24: 69 3D00092B25: 64 2000092B26: 00 6200092B27: 00 2E00092B28: 5B 6900092B29: 4C 6400092B2A: 4F 0000092B2B: 41 0000092B2C: 44 0000092B2D: 5F 5B
Codigo para versão DB 1866er.

This difference file is created by aNNdii and Hazeldb_186600092873: 65 6100092874: 6D 2E00092875: 70 6500092876: 69 6D00092877: 72 7000092878: 65 6900092879: 2C 720009287A: 20 650009287B: 70 2C0009287C: 69 610009287D: 64 2E0009287E: 2C 700009287F: 20 6900092880: 6E 6400092881: 61 2C00092882: 6D 6200092883: 65 2E00092884: 2C 6E00092885: 20 6100092887: 6F 6500092888: 6E 2C00092889: 65 610009288A: 79 2E0009288B: 2C 6D0009288C: 20 6F0009288D: 77 6E0009288E: 69 650009288F: 6E 7900092890: 64 2C00092892: 74 2E00092893: 65 7700092894: 20 6900092895: 46 6E00092896: 52 6400092897: 4F 6100092898: 4D 7400092899: 20 650009289A: 6D 200009289B: 6F 460009289C: 6E 520009289D: 61 4F0009289E: 72 4D0009289F: 63 20000928A0: 68 6D000928A1: 20 6F000928A2: 61 6E000928A3: 2C 61000928A4: 20 72000928A5: 70 63000928A6: 6C 68000928A7: 61 20000928A8: 79 61000928A9: 65 2C000928AA: 72 20000928AB: 25 70000928AC: 73 6C000928AD: 20 61000928AE: 62 79000928AF: 20 65000928B0: 77 72000928B1: 68 25000928B2: 65 73000928B3: 72 20000928B4: 65 62000928B6: 61 57000928B7: 2E 48000928B8: 70 45000928B9: 69 52000928BA: 64 45000928BB: 3D 20000928BC: 62 61000928BE: 69 70000928BF: 64 69000928C0: 00 64000928C1: 00 20000928C2: 00 3D000928C3: 00 20000928C4: 5B 62000928C5: 4C 2E000928C6: 4F 69000928C7: 41 64000928C8: 44 00000928C9: 5F 5B000929C7: 70 61000929C8: 69 2E000929C9: 64 70000929CA: 2C 69000929CB: 20 64000929CC: 6E 2C000929CD: 61 62000929CE: 6D 2E000929CF: 65 6E000929D0: 2C 61000929D1: 20 6D000929D2: 64 65000929D3: 61 2C000929D4: 74 61000929D5: 65 2E000929D6: 20 64000929D7: 46 61000929D8: 52 74000929D9: 4F 65000929DA: 4D 20000929DB: 20 46000929DC: 6D 52000929DD: 6F 4F000929DE: 6E 4D000929DF: 61 20000929E0: 72 6D000929E1: 63 6F000929E2: 68 6E000929E3: 5F 61000929E4: 63 72000929E5: 61 63000929E6: 6E 68000929E7: 64 5F000929E8: 69 63000929E9: 64 61000929EA: 61 6E000929EB: 63 64000929EC: 79 69000929ED: 20 64000929EF: 2C 63000929F0: 20 79000929F1: 70 20000929F2: 6C 61000929F3: 61 2C000929F4: 79 70000929F5: 65 6C000929F6: 72 61000929F7: 25 79000929F8: 73 65000929F9: 20 72000929FA: 62 25000929FB: 20 73000929FC: 77 20000929FD: 68 62000929FE: 65 20000929FF: 72 5700092A00: 65 4800092A01: 20 4500092A02: 61 5200092A03: 2E 4500092A04: 70 2000092A05: 69 6100092A06: 64 2E00092A07: 20 7000092A08: 3D 6900092A09: 20 6400092A0A: 62 2000092A0B: 2E 3D00092A0C: 69 2000092A0D: 64 6200092A0E: 00 2E00092A0F: 00 6900092A10: 5B 6400092A11: 4C 0000092A12: 4F 5B00092A13: 41 4D00092A14: 44 4F

quest monarch begin	    state start begin			    when"GM: Emperor election adjustments"			    or"GM: Emperor election adjustments"			    or"GM: Emperor election adjustments" with pc.is_gm()  begin					    if game.get_event_flag("Emperor Election") == 1 then							    say("Here you can end the Emperor election.")							    say("Do you want to end the Emperor election now?")							    local s = select("End.","Don't end")							    if s == 1 then									    game.set_event_flag("Emperor",0)							    end					    else							    say("Here you can start the Emperor election.")							    say("Do you want to start the Emperor election now?")							    local s = select("Start","Don't start")							    if s == 1 then									    game.set_event_flag("Emperor",1)							    end					    end			    end			    when"GM: Emperor election adjustments"			    or"GM: Emperor election adjustments"			    or"GM: Emperor election adjustments" with pc.is_gm()  begin					    if game.get_event_flag("Emperor election") == 1 then							    say("Here you can end the Emperor election.")							    say("Do you want to end the Emperor election now?")							    local s = select("End.","Don't end")							    if s == 1 then									    game.set_event_flag("Emperor election",0)							    end					    else							    say("Here you can start the Emperor election.")							    say("Do you want to start the Emperor election now?")							    local s = select("Start","Don't start")							    if s == 1 then									    game.set_event_flag("Emperor election",1)							    end					    end			    end			    when"Select an Emperor"			    or"Select an Emperor"			    or"Select an Emperor"  begin					    if  game.get_event_flag("Emperor election") != 1 then							    say("The election has not started yet.")							    say("Please try again when the elections have started.")							    return					    end					    local g = oh.candidacy_list()					    local gname_table = {}					    table.foreachi(g,					    function(n, p)							    gname_table[n] = n.."."..oh.candidacy_name(n-1)					    end)					    if table.getn(g) == 0 then							    -- no currently war							    say("There are no candidates")					    else							    gname_table[table.getn(g)[img]<#EMO_DIR#>/451960.gif[/img]] = locale.cancel							    say("Here you can vote for an Emperor.")							    say("During the Emperor elections the nations leave aside their own differences.")							    say("Please vote carefully.")							    say("You can only vote once.")							    say("Please vote on one of the candidates")							    wait()							    local s = select_table(gname_table)							    if s == table.getn(gname_table) then									    return;							    else									    ret = oh.election( s -1 )									    say(oh.candidacy_name(s-1).."You voted")							    end					    end			    end			    when"Show the Emperor candidates"			    or"Show the Emperor candidates"			    or"Show the Emperor candidates"  begin					    if  game.get_event_flag("Emperor") != 1 then							    say("The following requirements are necessary for")							    say("an Emperor.")							    say("")							    say_reward("1. An election fee of 1 million Gold.")							    say_reward("2. You have to be Guild leader or 2nd Guild leader")							    say_reward("3. Level 50 must be reached.")							    say("")							    say("But the election period has not yet started.")							    say("Return when it has begun.")							    return					    end					    say("You are able to participate in the elections,")					    say("but as a candidate you need the following requirements:")					    say("")					    say_reward("1. An election fee of 1 million Gold.")					    say_reward("2. You have to be Guild leader or 2nd Guild leader")					    say_reward("3. Level 50 must be reached.")					    say("")					    say("Do you want to participate in the election?")				    local s = select("Yes, I want to participate. ","No thanks")					    local NEED_MONEY = 10000000					    if s == 1 then							    if oh.candidacycount() >= 8 then									    say("We are sorry.")									    say("We have enough candidates.")									    say("Try again at the next election.")									    return							    end							    if pc.get_gold() >= NEED_MONEY and pc.get_level() >= 50 and oh.isguildmaster() == 1 then									    pc.change_gold(-NEED_MONEY);									    oh.candidacy();							    end					    end			    end	    endend 
Creditos: aNNdii, Hazel e TheDestroyer™.

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Ola, tem as diff's para adicionar na db e fixa o evento monarch. para o files 2011 "2089" tem ???

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