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[Internacional][PvM] Misali2 - Servidor Oldschool

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Registos de Manutenção 7 / 03 / 2022



- Added F6 AFK Fish Bot.
First of all, let's say that the new bot protection system has arrived!
Sometimes we need to put our prejudices aside. Although Fish Bot is not a feature we support, we had to say stop to the botters who got into the rights of our players.
Nearly most of the Oysters sold at the expensive prices were Oysters from the Fish Bot. We do not aim to put a stop to our players who manually fish by hand.
Free Fish Bot is the surest way to say stop to players who only make this business income and fish with bots 🙂
Of course, the Bot Protection Feature has been activated in Fish Farm. While fishing, you will now see continuous bot control controls on your screen.

- Your items can now stack up to 50,000 pieces.

- Different flags will now be able to set up a market on the flag they want.

- Chat flow stop feature is activated by pressing CTRL key.

- The problem that occurred in the production of dewdrops has been fixed. ( 200X Problem )

- Trade of Dragon Marks and Blessing Orb has been activated.

- Bulk Inventory Editing feature has been activated.

- Added "Special Skill Books" to Texts on Ghost Forest and above maps. (Leadership - Mining - Riding - Combo - Transformation - Fishing)

- Blacksmith Handbook production has arrived. (You can craft from Blacksmith with 200X Blessing +15M Yang)

- The Steward Mount Production has arrived. ( 50X Medallion + 5X Mutation Scroll + 5X Evolution Scroll + 50X Blessing + 15M Yang )

- Items not appearing in Market Search have been added to the list.

- SVSIDE Broad-Based Reworked Cheat Protection has been activated.

- Minor changes have been made to drop contents in some Metinstone Regions. 




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Nostalgia, mas para um servidor privado é muito arriscado perder tempo nisso e saber que pode fechar a qualquer momento.. mas a ideia é boa sem dúvida alguma. 

Boa sorte para a equipa do projeto! 

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Não consigo conectar no servidor.. esta tudo full acho eu :O 

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Não percebo nada do que diz no site, mas boa sorte KEKW

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21 horas atrás, Nestle disse:

Não percebo nada do que diz no site, mas boa sorte KEKW


Usa o google translate , se precisares de ajuda diz-me.

Em 10/03/2022 at 00:21, ✪ кrypтα disse:

Não consigo conectar no servidor.. esta tudo full acho eu :O 

Sim server tem tido 20-30k online ao mesmo tempo.. damn

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35 minutos atrás, nagatto disse:


Usa o google translate , se precisares de ajuda diz-me.

Sim server tem tido 20-30k online ao mesmo tempo.. damn

tas em que reino nagatto?

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Entrei no server só para ver e são mais que as mães, devem ter uns 30k online na boa... Turcos adoram mesmo o Metin2 xD

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13 horas atrás, Nestle disse:

Entrei no server só para ver e são mais que as mães, devem ter uns 30k online na boa... Turcos adoram mesmo o Metin2 xD

eu tenho jogado e tenho curtido, mas tem de ser com o chat off que aquilo e um spam do cralho e tanta gente xD

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Há la PT's / BR's a jogar? é impossivel usar aquele chat ahahah

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Estou jogando no reino Red, Nick> Deus

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Isto é muito difícil ?

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Misali2 Anadolu Maintenance Details:

- ESC / System Options / Effect Distance Feature is Active.
When you move this distance to the far left, all effects are turned off. When you swipe to the far right, all effects are unlocked.

- Increased Shout Time to 20 Seconds.

There Is A Stream Of Players To Our Anatolian Server Above Our Expectations... We are aware that you can't keep up with the chat.


We are increasing the Auto Shout and Shout chat duration to 20 Seconds. We plan to increase it up to 30-40 Seconds depending on the situation.
If the increase beyond our expectations continues, we will turn off Auto Shout completely. If even this is not enough, we will set a computer limit on the Shout channel and players will only be able to write from shouting every 1 minute.
Thank you for your great interest and concern. We are happy!

- We are going to make instant interventions to the game.
To be frank, instant interventions are the only reason Misali2 Game Services has been at the top for years.



We are doing what we do best on our Anatolia server. We make instant interventions depending on the market trend.
These Interventions are completely dependent on the course o the game. A healthy trade adds life to a healthy market game.
In summary: We reserve the right to make instant interventions in Oyun Farm. We cannot provide players with any information on these changes.
It is the job of amateurs to leave the game market alone. This is Misali2 Anadolu server and we will be together for many years.


Even if you do not instantly understand the improvements we have already made, you can see the difference with a few hours of farming.
In the same way, the instant decreases on the drops we make can be noticeable.

- Demon's Tower Blacksmith Level Arrangement.
In Devil's Tower Blacksmith Floor there is a minimum of 2 minutes wait requirement. However, the player who clicked first could take the players on that floor hostage for a long time. We are changing this feature.


Now after 2 Minutes anyone can click on the Blacksmith and go to the next floor. 2 minutes is enough for you to do the upgrading process.

Summary: The player who first clicked on the Blacksmith on the Blacksmith's Floor will no longer be able to make other players wait.

- Grotto of Exile 1st floor Has Been Laid.
Grotto of Exile will be opened on the 10th day in terms of the health of our server, as we have mentioned before.
On Sunday, March 13, at 20:00(GMT+3), the entrance to the 1st Floor of the Exile Cave will be active.
The 2nd floor of the Exile Cave will not be opened.
The Mighty Ice Witch will emerge from the 6 Channels every 12 hours at the end of the 1st Floor of the Grotto of Exile.
Its content will be shared with you on Sunday Evening.



Misali2 Anadolu Calendar:
- Itemshop content update at 23:59 Tonight.
- Tonight at 23:59 30% Happy Hours Event. The 30% Happy Hours will continue until 17:00 on Monday evening.
- At 23:59 Tonight, +6 Accessory Item drop on Level 86+ will be active in the Red Forest area.
- Devil's Catacombs entrances will be active at 21:00 on Friday Evening. It will be the official system. You will be able to learn its contents on Friday Evening.
- On Friday, at 22:00, there will be a Soccer Ball Event as the second event of our server. The event is 1 hour.






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Recomendo o server, estou a jogar nos reds


In-game: KenosiS

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Bom server, comércio muito bom.Tambem é uma boa alternativa aos cursos de aprendizagem de lingua turca que se encontra online 

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