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Call of Duty Warzone

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Devido ao surto de Chineses no servidor Europeu com uma percentagem superior a 50% do lobby e a quantidade absurda de Cheaters activos em horário nobre, venho indicar aos jogadores do Warzone que a melhor altura para jogar COD é a partir das 20:00 GMT o que representa as 4:00 AM na China, uma hora em que muito dos jogadores em quarentena se começam a deitar. Outra alternativa a este grave problema em horário recorrente GMT é irem para o servidor US com uma média de 120-160ms Ping. Como os chineses têm o dobro desse valor (+-300ms), sobrecarregam muito mais o nosso servidor europeu com uma média de 180ms.

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Foram precisos 5 dias após o Raid para a Activision perceber o que se passava e tomar medidas. Finalmente temos um anuncio oficial.


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Apesar de este último patch ter melhorado bastante o problema dos cheaters, acrescentou um outro problema que é a estabilidade dos servidores.

Um utilizador do Reddit descobriu o problema relativo ao packet loss como podem ver aqui:

Como podemos concluir, a Activision tem alojamentos sub-contratados na Europa com um processamento incapaz de aguentar a quantidade de jogadores online.

Como o utilizador partilha a informação entre vários hosts, basta haver 1 que passe a informação errada para termos picos de lag gravíssimos. Alguns desses picos até expulsam o ligação.

Também verificamos que a média de ping real é de 48ms para a grande maioria da europa, sendo esta ligeiramente mais elevada com valores entre os 50 e os 60ms em Portugal.

Comprovando que o problema não está na rede mas sim no processamento do host.

A única solução a este problema seria a Activision investir em alojamentos de qualidade superior que tenham CPU e memória capaz de gerar a informação aos jogadores.

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Mais um Patch, mais um problema...



  • Solos, Trios, Quads
  • Plunder Trios
  • Most Wanted Contract – Instead of a random Operator being marked on your Tac Map, you are voluntarily putting a Bounty on yourself for any squad to see in Verdansk. Of course, this great risk does have some great rewards…
  • Adeus Bounty... Olá campers!



  • Added a Challenges tab to the main multiplayer screen for easier access
  • Adjusting how the audio is played for the Precision Airstrike so it follows the plane more precisely
  • Fixed a bug where players using KBM in Game Battles could make custom weapon blueprints that could also be used in multiplayer or Warzone.
  • Currently, white text will appear when someone is speaking, regardless of team. Now, when someone is on an enemy team, their text will appear red.
  • Fix for an exploit on Hackney Yard while playing Infected
  • Fixed a bug that would prevent players from being able to melee an enemy while on top of an ATV 
  • Various out of bounds and exploit fixes
  • After the last update, Talon’s character model appeared stretched with graphical corruption issues while in the squad walk. This has been fixed
  • Fix for some Season 3 emblems appearing with incorrect text
  • Fixed an issue with Kreuger’s eyes while completing a finishing move
  • Fixed a bug where some watches were appearing in the wrong direction when gesturing
  • Fixed a bug where players could lose the option to pick their favorite Faction in the Operator menu
  • Fixed a bug where white lighting could be seen while moving or firing a weapon near specific locations
  • Added a gamepad-only Deadzone option that allows players to adjust the inner range in which stick input will not be registered.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Party members from editing their CDL Loadouts when the CDL Quick Play Filter was active.
  • Fixed an issue where the Auto Run feature would stop when players opened their in-game text chat.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from zooming in/out on the Tac Map if Jump was bound on Mouse Wheel Up/Down.



  • Fix for a bug where completing the completionist challenges for the SKS are unlocking the associated camos for the Renetti
  • Fix for a bug where unlocking camos for the SKS was inconsistent with other camo challenges for marksman rifles
  • Fixed a bug where the “Hard Wired” skin for Alex would appear in thermals while Cold Blooded is equipped



  • The ability to view available XP tokens is not visible in the Warzone Menu. This has been fixed.
  • After being brought back into the match, a player was in a state where they couldn't interact with the team’s loadout drop, and they had the revive prompt on them even though they were alive. This has been fixed
  • Adjusted the speed and sizing of the circle
  • We’ve added the cargo truck back into BR Solos with reduced turning speed, acceleration, and top speed
  • Moved the scoreboard to be visible in the pause menu
  • Fix for an issue where the After-Action Report was not displaying the total team earnings
  • Fixed a bug where players were unable to equip Armor Plates while Dead Silence is activated
  • New item – Armor Satchel – finding one of these allows you to carry up to 8 armor plates instead of 5.  These drop on death and can be looted by other players.  These do not contain any armor plates by default, only increase the player carry amount.  Guaranteed reward upon completing Scavenger contracts (replaces Gas Mask as the guaranteed item)
  • Gas mask will remain rare in loot and purchasable at the Buy Station.
  • Plunder: Plunder Rating
  • When you finish a match of plunder you’re now given a rating in the form of a coin. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and more! The more cash your team collected the cooler the coin. Get above 3.5 Million to find out the highest rating!


Coisas boas, coisas más mas o pior não foram os updates... O pior é sempre o que vem a seguir:

  • 2 Novos Server Crash Error
  • FPS Lock to 60
  • Download bandwith broken again...
  • Voice-Chat don't work anymore
  • Chests are no longer guaranteed to drop money
  • Invisible players are now a thing lol
  • No more XP gain again!



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A Activision finalmente resolveu o problema dos cheaters continuarem a criar novas contas mesmo depois de serem banidos.

A partir de agora é obrigatório validação por SMS de um número de telemóvel de operadora nacional.

Números randoms ou cartões descartáveis não são válidos!


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Conseguimos! Resolvemos o Easter Egg dos bunkers! Ou pelo menos parte dele...


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Além dos Bunkers normais cheios de caixas lendárias, também conseguiram aceder ao Bunker 11 que tem um blueprint de uma MP7 lendária e um NUKE!

Ainda não se sabe como activar o NUKE.

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Mais progressão na história e nas novidades que virão no fim desta season.


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Season 4 - Patch 1.22


Weapon Mastery Challenges

Once you’ve unlocked Gold for a weapon, Mastery Challenges become available. There’s 8 Challenges per weapon, each granting their own rewards, with 4 Playercards and 4 Emblems up for grabs. You’ll need to make your way through 2 Kill Challenges, 2 Headshot Challenges, and 4 additional Challenges that must be done in order (Gold, Platinum, Damascus, Obsidian). Completing all challenges for 51 weapons unlocks a badass special Sticker and Playercard!


Warzone In-Match Events

Events can occur during Warzone Battle Royale matches and have an impact on the strategy and approach to gameplay. Events can happen in any given match without advance notice. When they happen events will always occur mid-game. E.g. after the first drop kit and before the Gulag closes. Only one event type will occur in a given match, so familiarize yourself with three new event types, available at the start of Season Four – ‘Jailbreak’, ‘Fire Sale’, and ‘Supply Chopper’.

  • When a ‘Jailbreak’ occurs, all players that have been eliminated will be released back into the match. Whether you were waiting for your 1v1 in the Gulag, or had been relegated to a spectator, now you’ll have another chance. You will get a one-minute notice before a Jailbreak event happens to find additional armor or secure a weapon for your returning teammates. Jailbreak events can occur any time during the middle game of a Battle Royale match, so it may be worth it to spectate, just in case. Be mindful that when a Jailbreak occurs, it’s not just your teammates that are coming back, but tons of additional enemies.
  • A ‘Fire Sale’ is an in-game event that temporarily discounts most of the items at a Buy Station up to 80% or even gives items out completely free. A Fire Sale is the perfect time to pick up a UAV, Armor Box for your squad, or even a lethal Killstreak. During a Fire Sale buying back a fallen teammate is completely free. If your short on in-match Cash, a Fire Sale might be the best chance to redeploy a squadmate. Note that even during a Fire Sale, Loadout Drops are not discounted. Fire Sales only last sixty seconds, so expect Buy Stations to be crowded and prepare for a fight.
  • A ‘Supply Choppers’ event brings a non-lethal, but heavily armored helicopter to Verdansk. The helicopter will have a lot of health, and it will require a few rounds of bullets and maybe a rocket or two to bring it down. The helicopter will not shoot at you, but make sure that while you’re distracted enemy teams don’t take advantage. Once you destroy the Supply Chopper, it will drop high quality loot for players to pick up. This loot includes three UAVS, two armor boxes and munitions boxes, a gas mask, a grenade launcher, and tons of Cash at a minimum. Supply Choppers leave after a certain period of time, so if you want to take one out start firing right away. Remember, that after taking down a Supply Chopper, you have to collect the loot. Watch out for enemy teams who might try to take you out during the collection or steal your hard-earned rewards.


Contraband Contract System

Contraband is a new, rare contract with a permanent Blueprint Reward. Contraband contracts have a chance to spawn after a previous contract is completed. If you see the Contraband briefcase, hurry up and collect it. Once you have it, take it to the designated Helicopter Extraction location to call in the helicopter. The player carrying the briefcase must deposit it into the helicopter drop-bag to complete the mission. If you kill a player carrying this briefcase you can steal it complete the contract for your team. Be on the lookout for them on your Tac Map!







Blood Money

Warzone Rumble - Two teams of 50 players parachute and battle it out in various areas around Verdansk. This mode is high action with custom loadouts, vehicles, and quick respawns.  



Fix for some players not receiving their Season 3 emblem

Fixes to help reduce players encountering Error Code 13-71. If you still experience this after today’s update, please reach out to Activision Customer Support

Fix for a bug where the Ghost Perk was not hiding players from the Heartbeat Sensor when viewing the Killcam

Fixed an issue where some players were unable to activate a Nuke after getting the appropriate number of kills

Fix for a bug where the 4th Operator Mission for Talon, “Complete 2 Warzone Plunder Matches” was not tracking as intended

Fix for an issue where some players could find long wait times when attempting to load into Ground War matches

Fix for a bug where neutral Hardpoints were appearing yellow instead of grey

Various exploit fixes across multiple maps

Fix for the Officer Challenge, “Get 20 kill while crouched” not tracking properly for some players

Fixed a bug where the white health regen was triggering on downing other players even if Quick Fix wasn’t equipped

Fix for an exploit where players could sometimes call in duplicate UAVs

Added new weapon perks to the Specialist Bonus (the bonus earned after getting 8 kills while specialist is active): Frangible-Disabling, Frangible-Wounding, Mo'Money, Recon, Heavy Hitter, FMJ, Presence of Mind

Fixed a bug where players were unable to perform executions when on some elevated surfaces

Fixes to help prevent an issue where players were able to move before the match countdown timer completed

Fixes to help prevent against black graphical corruption issues some players were seeing

Fix for the “For the Cause” grip tape not appearing properly on the base M4

Improved stability fixes for PC

Fixes to help prevent issues with voice chat



Lowered ammo count for reload warning on belt fed LMG

Fixed bug with HDR and Sleight of Hand where reloading would not give ammo to the player

Added FENNEC (Vector) and CR56 (GALIL)



Fixed a bug where the Recon Contract could spawn inside an Ammo Supply cache, making it unusable

After completing the Contraband Mission and calling in the extract helicopter, players could shoot the helicopter without receiving hitmarkers and the helicopter would remain on screen indefinitely

Fixed a bug where players were able to drop their weapon in the Gulag

Fix for an exploit where players were able to duplicate Self Revive kits



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