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Item shop Erro.


Ola amigos,queria uma ajuda de vocês,eu coloquei o item shop in game v1.0 mas esta me dando erro.. 


1210 20:05:40096 ::   File "", line 247, in SetGamePhase

1210 20:05:40097 ::   File "", line 109, in __init__

1210 20:05:40098 ::   File "", line 335, in MakeInterface

1210 20:05:40098 ::   File "", line 240, in __MakeDialogs

1210 20:05:40099 ::   File "", line 12, in __init__

1210 20:05:40099 :: AttributeError
1210 20:05:40099 :: : 
1210 20:05:40099 :: 'ItemShopWindow' object has no attribute '_ItemShopWindow__LoadWindow'
1210 20:05:40099 :: 

alguém que já coloco este item shop e sabe resolver este erro ?

Edited by Darkness (see edit history)

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2 answers to this question

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IS do Shang? A licença para a v1 já acabou... Ou é outra?

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega
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é esta !


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