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[PvM/PvP]International] Aeldra

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from 18.08 to 19.08 Will the Okey Card Event take place.


By defeating monsters you will collect Okey Collectable Card during this Event.
Once you collected 24 Cards, you automatically receive an Okey Card Set.
From then on you are allowed to play the minigame.

The goal is to get a combination of sets and runs.
A set consists of three cards with the same number (e.g. 7, 7, 7).
The lower the number on the cards, the fewer points you'll earn for the set.

A run consists of at least three consecutive cards (e.g. 6, 7, 8 ).
The lower the number on the cards, the fewer points you'll earn for the set.
Runs in the same color will earn more points than multicolored runs.


Game Instructions

1. Left-click on the deck to reveal the first 5 cards.
2. Earn points by selecting 3 cards. (NOTE: Left-click = select card, right-click = permanently discard card)
3. The more points you earn by the end of the game, the better your prize.


Round reward:
The rewards for each game is a chest depending on your score.

Score < 300: Bronze Okey Chest
Score 300-399: Silver Okey Chest
Score ≥ 400: Golden Okey Chest

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Já existe alguma previsão para algum big update? Que inclua aquilo que tens dado spoiler no últimos dias? Será no final do mês? Ou não tens nenhuma previsão?

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8 horas atrás, BPinto98 disse:


Já existe alguma previsão para algum big update? Que inclua aquilo que tens dado spoiler no últimos dias? Será no final do mês? Ou não tens nenhuma previsão?


Penso que ainda saia este mês.


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1 hora atrás, nagatto disse:

Novo contador de Dungeons.




Gostei muito do visual, realmente estavam a precisar de dar um upgrade a isso xD

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today we're having a maintenance at 11:15 CET with a duration of 10 minutes.
The new Game Version will be 2.2.0


  • A low level dungeon (Orc Maze) has been added.
  • Min. Level 55, Max. Level 85
  • The following Bosses drop the Entry item now: Chief Orc, Flame King, Nine Tail, Desert Turtle and Yellow Tiger Spirit.
  • The Affect Icons have been improved and are now displayed better.
  • Useful templates have been added to the Switchbot.
  • It can now always be used as an Expert Missionbook in combination with another one. ( You need to Complete your runnings Missions first.)
  • You can now put Items in your Shop with CTRL + LMB.
  • You can now put your Sashes with CTRL + LMB in the Combine Window.
  • Now two more Generals are spawning in the Grotto of Exile 2.
  • It is now better to show in the Crafting Window whether you own an Item or not.


  • Fixed a bug in the Meleys Liar.
  • A bug with the Quest Timer has been fixed.
  • Fixed a bug with the Preview System.
  • A Visual bug has been fixed with the Buffi.


  • The standard bonuses of the 80s weapons have been changed.
  • Now you drop more Green Magic and Strength.
  • The Hungarian skill description has been completed.


Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your
Aeldra -Team



New Affect Icons:

30 - 11 Minutes:



10 - 6 Minutes:



5 - 0 Minutes:






Creating new concept





The Nirwana Seal (30% Strong against Metinstones) is aviable in the Itemshop from 20.08 - 26.08.18.





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Fim de semana de eventos! 



[24.08 - 26.08 / 18:00 CET. - 22:00 CET.] 




[26.08 / 16.00 CET] 




[25.08 / 16:00 CET] 



Sabe mais no fórum. 

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Fez-me lembrar tanto o sistema de runas de League of Legends xD

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Sem dúvida o melhor servidor que existe internacional neste momento. Mais de 4000+ no pico e constante inovação.

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46 minutos atrás, M1LL3R disse:

Sem dúvida o melhor servidor que existe internacional neste momento. Mais de 4000+ no pico e constante inovação.


Sem dúvida!

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From 1. September to 25. Septemberthe new Battlepass will be available in the Itemshop.
The highlight of this battelpass will be Costume Vouchers.
The Vouchers can be exchanged at a special NPC. You can find this NPC on MAP1.
You will be able to buy them without the battlepass but with it, you can safe some coins.
The Battlepass is not tradable! You can only activate the Battlepass once per ID!



The new battlepass will contain following quests:


"They know you"
Quest: Write 50 msg. in General Chat"
Reward: 1x Ancient Scroll


"Even more Friends"
Quest: Add 15 players to your friendlist"
Reward: 3x Potion of Oblivion


"Sellout I"
Quest: Sell 250 Items to an NPC"
Reward: 1x Passage Ticket


"Sellout II"
Quest: Sell 500 Items to an NPC"
Reward: 1x Rappen Seal (3days)


Quest: Use 2500x Enchant Item"
Reward: 20x Fishchest


Quest: Complete 20 Dungeons
Reward: 1x Legendary Soulstone


"Blue,Red and Yellow"
Quest: Defeat 100 Players from a diffrent Empire"
Reward: 2x Redflamestone


"For the Ring"
Quest: Defeat 100 Bossmosnter"
Reward: 1x Crescent Moon Ring


Quest: Defeat 150.000 Monster"
Reward: Costume Voucher September


" Metinrain"
Quest: Destroy 300 Metinstones"
Reward: Costume Voucher September


Poderão ver os Disfarces deste mês em:






Patchnote 2.2.0 (Ver o que foi alterado no Patchnote 2.2.0) .

Ainda não saiu nenhum patchnote, portanto, ainda nesta versão já foi corrigido o renascer das personagens na Guerra de Reinos. Haverá Guerra de Reinos novamente a seguir ao evento PvP (26.08)

Já se pode novamente utilizar os livros das missões, foram desativados pois pensava-se que era o principal causador dos Lag que temos tido.

Ainda não se confirmou, depois digam no post se o lag melhorou para fazer report á equipa!



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Em 26/08/2018 at 08:01, nagatto disse:



Patchnote 2.2.0 (Ver o que foi alterado no Patchnote 2.2.0) .

Ainda não saiu nenhum patchnote, portanto, ainda nesta versão já foi corrigido o renascer das personagens na Guerra de Reinos. Haverá Guerra de Reinos novamente a seguir ao evento PvP (26.08)

Já se pode novamente utilizar os livros das missões, foram desativados pois pensava-se que era o principal causador dos Lag que temos tido.

Ainda não se confirmou, depois digam no post se o lag melhorou para fazer report á equipa!




today we had anonther maintenance at 03:10 CET with a duration of 10 minutes.

  • With this maintenance, we have upgraded the firewall so that Problems over the Day are no longer to be experienced.
  • The short lags when Dispel hits were fixed.
  • Fixed a bug with resistances (Earth, Wind, Fire, ...)
  • Fixed a UI Bug, with the "Ok" or "Close" Button.

Thanks for your patience during this maintenance!

Sincerely your

Aeldra -Team

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otimo servidor :) 

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