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Phyton - Title system [Edited]


Cybers Hi!


Help me please, i`m very low phyton...


I diddn`t got erros in source...


I put the from root. Maybe it`s something wrong there...


Syserr Client :




Edited by hades1997 (see edit history)

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When you ask for help, please don't beg by repeating it, its anoying because it seems that you are just crying like a lil bitch and not trying to do anything else but just get an answer instead of learning.

If you don't want to learn, you must realise that you have to pay for a solution, its the real deal.


Now about the problem, you are being VERY VAGUE about what you have done since the beggining til the end, i have no clue whats the problem since you don't give me any plausible info like a print screen or some debugging info, thats quite essencial.

And please provide us the code not by download and yes by direct code, like pastebin


Best Regards

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Only english/portuguese allowed.

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13 horas atrás, NewWars disse:

When you ask for help, please don't beg by repeating it, its anoying because it seems that you are just crying like a lil bitch and not trying to do anything else but just get an answer instead of learning.

If you don't want to learn, you must realise that you have to pay for a solution, its the real deal.


Now about the problem, you are being VERY VAGUE about what you have done since the beggining til the end, i have no clue whats the problem since you don't give me any plausible info like a print screen or some debugging info, thats quite essencial.

And please provide us the code not by download and yes by direct code, like pastebin


Best Regards


I put to download my own files modified and the tutorial with the system title... And the syserr from client..

I don`t know what tot do... I`m done. I started to put this system like 6 hours ago, i don`t know, what`s wrong with client...

I always got error from root directory... I've been trying to find solutions on Google, but i didn`t find solutions for my errors -.-

What information i can give you more... 













I have this errors only when i trying to login with lycan character... 

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The first error is a Key index error, it is searching for an item with the Key 8 and you only have until 7:


Getting from key at dictionary

faces = imagini_fete_vegas[race]


imagini_fete_vegas = {
	playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/warriorm.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/warriorf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/ninjam.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/ninjaf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M		: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/suram.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W		: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/suraf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/shamanm.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/shamanf.tga",

As you can see, the number 8 is missing, probably its Lycan as you said, so just add it like:

playerSettingModule.RACE_LYCAN	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/lycan.tga",

NOTE: I CAN be wrong in the constant var name and the path, you have to check it



The second error i don't find why it happens, maybe its being called before assignment of command lines but thats only checkable in the binary and not in python IF you made any change about that there, show here what.



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14 hours ago, NewWars said:

The first error is a Key index error, it is searching for an item with the Key 8 and you only have until 7:


Getting from key at dictionary

faces = imagini_fete_vegas[race]


imagini_fete_vegas = {
	playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/warriorm.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/warriorf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/ninjam.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/ninjaf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M		: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/suram.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W		: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/suraf.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/shamanm.tga",
	playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/shamanf.tga",

As you can see, the number 8 is missing, probably its Lycan as you said, so just add it like:

playerSettingModule.RACE_LYCAN	: "d:/ymir work/TitleSystem/faces/lycan.tga",

NOTE: I CAN be wrong in the constant var name and the path, you have to check it



The second error i don't find why it happens, maybe its being called before assignment of command lines but thats only checkable in the binary and not in python IF you made any change about that there, show here what.




Thanks for help!


For sure, that was the problem, i solved and i put a icon for lycan. 


But the items don`t have description... Just name appear ...


And the interface from system don`t show real time played for lycan character...


Thanks for help

Edited by hades1997 (see edit history)

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