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LIB error


Pessoal, instalei as files do Akron2 tudo certinho e quando tento ligar da me este erro:

 Iniciando DB ..
Real Server
Log Offlog_file_delete_old: stat: No such file or directory
/libexec/ /usr/game/share/db: Undefined symbol "sem_init"

 Iniciando auth ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core1 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core2 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core3 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Game99 Aciliyor ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

Como resolvo? Dou +1 se alguem me conseguir ajudar :s


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4 minutos atrás, crudspell2 disse:

Pessoal, instalei as files do Akron2 tudo certinho e quando tento ligar da me este erro:

 Iniciando DB ..
Real Server
Log Offlog_file_delete_old: stat: No such file or directory
/libexec/ /usr/game/share/db: Undefined symbol "sem_init"

 Iniciando auth ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core1 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core2 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Iniciando channel1_core3 ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

 Game99 Aciliyor ..
/libexec/ /lib/ version FBSD_1.3 required by /usr/game/share/game not found

Como resolvo? Dou +1 se alguem me conseguir ajudar :s


falta essas lib  citado acima pasta libexec falta lib e pasta lib falta a lib

Edited by marcosiguana (see edit history)

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Onde faço download e como instalo?? Ja procurei por todo o lado  e nao encontro

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me add skype que te passo 

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paulo coelho ?


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tenta instalar isso num freebas tipo 9.3 por exemplo.

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