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Gobotmanager (Multi-Account) Proxy Support - Snipe - Anti Ban

6 posts in this topic

É muito contéudo para ser traduzido, por isso irei manter o texto original.

(Onde sai todas as novidades & releases - Público)
Source -

Version 1.2.2
- Changed some log calls to help with fixing errors.
- Ability to copy stack trace (debugging problems)
- Added stats for pokestop exp earned and items found (hidden columns). This is for debugging a theory.
- Added icons for all forms.
- Added ability to update stats before exporting json
- Added export timestamp to json export.
Version 1.1.5:
- Added new transfer setting (BelowIVAndCP)
- Fixed sniping not disabling properly
- Added detection of new ban types.
- Ability to choose which ban to stop on.
- Made "Enable Colors" on by default
- Keeps track of pokemon caught and pokestops searched on run session
- Map requests will now only be sent a max of once per 6 seconds to work with API limits. This should limit requests and help prevent IP bans.
- Fixed error in pokemon ban logic
- Fixed error in potential pokemon ban logic
- Readded timeout exception
- Fixed listview background color issue
- Added color to PokestopAndPokemonTempBan
- Device id is randomized on mass import
- Timeout (final fix, hopefully)
- Changed how pokestop bans were detected. They will now only be detected on not in range & finding stops (otherwise IP ban)
- Changed stats to clear on manually
- Added log clearing
- Fixed bug that occured when sniping returned invalid coords
- Fixed some number culture issues.
- Added ability to toggle pause
- Ability to restart a bot. This will not reset the timer.
Update Version 1.1.2
- Fixed error in pokemon ban logic
- Fixed error in potetial pokemon ban logic
- Readded timeout exception
Adding version numbers now too.



- Includes most features that public bots have.
- Stable. Won't crash or get stuck in an infinite loop.
- Multiple Accounts.
- View Pokedex, Inventory, Pokemon, etc.
- Manually transfer/evolve pokemon. I don't recommend doing this while the bot is running on the account, but I attempted to prevent any issues that can occur.
- Individual settings for every pokemon/item.
- Import a list of accounts.
- Proxy support









Necro - Using his updated API (with slight modifications) and some methods (IE: navigation).
FeroxRev - Original library
And everyone that contributed to those projects.

Q: I keep getting "No pokestop data found."
A: "No pokestop data found" means you're temp IP banned or your location is bad. If it happens while running, run less accounts at once or use proxies. Only way to get rid of a temp IP ban is by waiting.

Q: Valid proxy formats?


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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

funfa fixe ?

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Sim funciona, mas o cuidado também deverá pertencer ao utilizador, ou seja, tens que te prevenir, não queiras levelar a 500k exp/hour e fazer sniping o dia todo, assim aumentas e muito o risco de  seres banido.


Tudo com conto e medida.

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olha posso falar contigo por skype ? é que me apareçeu em branco ... podes-me ajudar com isso sff ?


Sim funciona, mas o cuidado também deverá pertencer ao utilizador, ou seja, tens que te prevenir, não queiras levelar a 500k exp/hour e fazer sniping o dia todo, assim aumentas e muito o risco de seres banido.


Tudo com conto e medida.

eu contento-me com 30/50 K EXP


Apareçe-me assim Naga

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Muito brutal, obrigadão  :bompost:  Podes me só dizer que proxy usas ? Não quero ser banido ahah



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alguma dica de  quanta exp por hora se mete ?

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