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Equipa Item Que Não É Da Clase


Ola pessoal estou com um probleminha tem item que não é da clase e mesmo assim equipa EX:armadura guerreiro equipa em ninja ou outra clase quero saber aonde no mysql eu mudo ? 

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por que não refazer querys? doi tanto assim?

<Item vnum="11299" hashName="흑신철갑+9" name="Armadura de A? Negro+9" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="312" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="120000" buy_price="515000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="70" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="4294967290" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="20" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="90" value2="0" value3="12" value4="0" value5="27" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="12010" refine_set="530" magic_pct="15" specular="100" socket_pct="3" />
<Item vnum="11499" hashName="흑풍+9" name="Veste do Vento Negro+9" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="308" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="120000" buy_price="515000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="70" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="4294967290" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="20" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="90" value2="0" value3="12" value4="0" value5="27" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="12020" refine_set="530" magic_pct="15" specular="100" socket_pct="3" />
<Item vnum="11699" hashName="흑마갑+9" name="Armadura Magia Negra+9" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="300" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="120000" buy_price="515000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="70" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="4294967290" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="20" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="90" value2="0" value3="12" value4="0" value5="27" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="12030" refine_set="530" magic_pct="15" specular="100" socket_pct="3" />
<Item vnum="11899" hashName="흑선의+9" name="Vestido Negro+9" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="284" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="120000" buy_price="515000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="70" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="4294967290" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="20" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="0" value1="90" value2="0" value3="12" value4="0" value5="27" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="12040" refine_set="530" magic_pct="15" specular="100" socket_pct="3" />
aqui estão as query das armaduras do 66 de cada classe, modifique o item vnum com o id da armadura o value3 com o numero do index do msm e adicione os bonus desejados

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