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Rap Do Pacote

14 posts in this topic

Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Tens geito pa coisa!




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Now stand up on ya feet and smash the beats

Hi-Roller's on the mic I'd like to speak, preach

To each and all, I don't stall and in the end Morfo is the one who fall

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Now stand up on ya feet and smash the beats

Hi-Roller's on the mic I'd like to speak, preach

To each and all, I don't stall and in the end Morfo is the one who fall

I don't fall, I'm the King!

You motherfucker ain't no sing

You can't even buy a ring

cause you got zero billing

Where is the money?

Where is the fame?

Just ride your poney


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What are you guys talking about? 

You think you can handle the rhymes I'm going to shout? 

My momma told me to wait to see all the pee 

You going to leave the floor so wet 

With my good vibes, the poor lives you have to live 

And yet still complain, trying to escort my steps but you gotta drop debts on the desk of Fame.

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What are you guys talking about? 

You think you can handle the rhymes I'm going to shout? 

My momma told me to wait to see all the pee 

You going to leave the floor so wet 

With my good vibes, the poor lives you have to live 

And yet still complain, trying to escort my steps but you gotta drop debts on the desk of Fame.

If you don't understand let me explain

The floor is wet with my cum

because your mother makes me fly like an airplane

And I only need to say to her "come" (and she came)

I ain't got no debts

I pay with checks

Wanna see good vibes?

Go watch Hadswell's lives!

Atenção: Sem ofensa à tua mãe, sabes que eu tenho todo o respeito e nunca iria dizer isto como forma de insultar. O rap é rap e o rapper tem de usar tudo o que estiver ao seu alcance.

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O-M-G, I'm so pissed off right now,

I am really crying, you let me go so down!

I will do like the most kids we have in our community,

Praying for immunity, trying to get an opportunity

To call someone else their "bitch" and so they swore unity

Among themselves against the administration,

They barely breath beneath you and I,

As we try to find a way inside

This fucked up society.


E tranquilito, aproveitei a onda

Para mandar a dica à Comunidade

Pois a quem servir o gorro

Que fique já a saber que morro

De gratidão e de felicidade

Se anulassem esta ronda!

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Meu irmão não peças perdão

Lutaste até ao fim sem nenhum arranhão

Tens o meu respeito como cidadão

Pertences à família de alma e coração

Tens toda a razão

Existe muito nabo

Com falta de chapadão

Naquele rabo

Ficamos por aqui :P


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I don't fall, I'm the King!
You motherfucker ain't no sing
You can't even buy a ring
cause you got zero billing

Where is the money?
Where is the fame?
Just ride your poney

Morfo i dont sleep, i will bury you

motherfucker in the concrete
Dont treate me like your brother
cause im the motherfuckin Roller.

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Morfo i dont sleep, i will bury you

motherfucker in the concrete
Dont treate me like your brother
cause im the motherfuckin Roller.



Yo, you are Roller and I'm Santa,

Can you rhyme along, can't ya?

We're all brothers, no need to be greedy,

We had one father, he was sorta creepy

But years ago he left, we been all so alone, 

And so we will stick together,

Protecting each other back,

Like sons of the same feather.

Those who oppose to us will fall,

Those who are with us will call, 

But in any case, as long as we gather each other,

Believe me, none can tear us apart, brother.

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Yo, you are Roller and I'm Santa,

Can you rhyme along, can't ya?

We're all brothers, no need to be greedy,

We had one father, he was sorta creepy

But years ago he left, we been all so alone, 

And so we will stick together,

Protecting each other back,

Like sons of the same feather.

Those who oppose to us will fall,

Those who are with us will call, 

But in any case, as long as we gather each other,

Believe me, none can tear us apart, brother.


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Isto deu que falar xD

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