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Brilho De Gm - Simples E Discreto!

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Não vou meter créditos meus pois fiz através de misturas de outros scripts MSE


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BoundingSphereRadius   50.000000BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 120.000000Group Particle{    StartTime           0.000000    List TimeEventPosition    {        0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 110.150993    }        Group EmitterProperty    {        MaxEmissionCount        1            CycleLength             0.500000        CycleLoopEnable         1        LoopCount               0            EmitterShape            0        EmitterAdvancedType     0        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0        EmittingDirection       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000            List TimeEventEmittingSize        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ        {            0.054286 14.948454        }        List TimeEventEmittingVelocity        {            0.000000 3.000000        }        List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond        {            0.000000 20.000000        }        List TimeEventLifeTime        {            0.000000 2.216495        }        List TimeEventSizeX        {            0.000000 64.000000        }        List TimeEventSizeY        {            0.000000 64.000000        }    }        Group ParticleProperty    {        SrcBlendType                 5        DestBlendType                6        ColorOperationType           4        BillboardType                1        RotationType                 0        RotationSpeed                0.000000        RotationRandomStartingBegin  0        RotationRandomStartingEnd    0            AttachEnable                 1        StretchEnable                0            TexAniType                   0        TexAniDelay                  0.029000        TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0            List TimeEventGravity        {            0.514286 25.000000        }        List TimeEventAirResistance        {            0.480000 0.030928        }        List TimeEventScaleX        {            0.005714 0.200000        }        List TimeEventScaleY        {            0.000000 0.400000        }        List TimeEventColorRed        {            0.000000 1.000000        }        List TimeEventColorGreen        {            0.000000 1.000000        }        List TimeEventColorBlue        {            0.000000 1.000000        }        List TimeEventAlpha        {            0.000000 0.000000            0.107692 0.771144            0.207692 1.000000            0.902564 0.792553            0.997436 0.000000        }        List TimeEventRotation        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TextureFiles        {            "ymirred.tga"        }    }}Group Particle{    StartTime           0.000000    List TimeEventPosition    {        0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 40.000000    }        Group EmitterProperty    {        MaxEmissionCount        15            CycleLength             0.100000        CycleLoopEnable         1        LoopCount               0            EmitterShape            2        EmitterAdvancedType     0        EmittingSize            200.000000 200.000000 200.000000        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  0        EmittingDirection       0.000000 0.000000 0.000000            List TimeEventEmittingSize        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ        {            0.000571 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingVelocity        {            0.000000 10.000000        }        List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond      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work\effect\background\"        }    }}BoundingSphereRadius   100.000000BoundingSpherePosition 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000Group Particle{    StartTime           0.000000    List TimeEventPosition    {        0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 140.818062    }        Group EmitterProperty    {        MaxEmissionCount        15            CycleLength             0.500000        CycleLoopEnable         1        LoopCount               0            EmitterShape            1        EmitterAdvancedType     0        EmittingRadius          50.000000        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  1        EmittingDirection       0.010000 0.010000 0.010000            List TimeEventEmittingSize        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY        {            0.000000 0.000000      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0.000000 140.818062    }        Group EmitterProperty    {        MaxEmissionCount        15            CycleLength             0.500000        CycleLoopEnable         1        LoopCount               0            EmitterShape            1        EmitterAdvancedType     0        EmittingRadius          50.000000        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  1        EmittingDirection       0.010000 0.010000 0.010000            List TimeEventEmittingSize        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ        {            0.008571 -7.731959        }        List TimeEventEmittingVelocity        {            0.000000 4.123711        }        List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond        {            0.000000 10.000000        }        List TimeEventLifeTime        {            0.000000 1.005155        }        List TimeEventSizeX        {            0.005714 7.000000        }        List TimeEventSizeY        {            0.000000 7.000000        }    }        Group ParticleProperty    {        SrcBlendType                 5        DestBlendType                2        ColorOperationType           4        BillboardType                1        RotationType                 4        RotationSpeed                145.000000        RotationRandomStartingBegin  0        RotationRandomStartingEnd    180            AttachEnable                 0        StretchEnable                0            TexAniType                   0        TexAniDelay                  0.029000        TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0            List TimeEventGravity        {            0.005714 28.865978        }        List TimeEventAirResistance        {        }        List TimeEventScaleX        {            0.000000 0.300000        }        List TimeEventScaleY        {            0.000000 0.300000        }        List TimeEventColorRed        {            0.000000 0.100000        }        List TimeEventColorGreen        {            0.000000 0.100000        }        List TimeEventColorBlue        {            0.000000 1.000000        }        List TimeEventAlpha        {            0.000000 0.000000            0.166667 1.000000            1.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventRotation        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TextureFiles        {            "D:\ymir work\effect\background\"        }    }}Group Particle{    StartTime           0.000000    List TimeEventPosition    {        0.000000 "MOVING_TYPE_DIRECT" 0.000000 0.000000 140.818062    }        Group EmitterProperty    {        MaxEmissionCount        15            CycleLength             0.500000        CycleLoopEnable         1        LoopCount               0            EmitterShape            1        EmitterAdvancedType     0        EmittingRadius          50.000000        EmitterEmitFromEdgeFlag  1        EmittingDirection       0.010000 0.010000 0.010000            List TimeEventEmittingSize        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingAngularVelocity        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionX        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionY        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventEmittingDirectionZ        {            0.008571 -7.731959        }        List TimeEventEmittingVelocity        {            0.000000 4.123711        }        List TimeEventEmissionCountPerSecond        {            0.000000 10.000000        }        List TimeEventLifeTime        {            0.000000 1.005155        }        List TimeEventSizeX        {            0.005714 7.000000        }        List TimeEventSizeY        {            0.000000 7.000000        }    }        Group ParticleProperty    {        SrcBlendType                 5        DestBlendType                2        ColorOperationType           4        BillboardType                1        RotationType                 4        RotationSpeed                145.000000        RotationRandomStartingBegin  0        RotationRandomStartingEnd    180            AttachEnable                 0        StretchEnable                0            TexAniType                   0        TexAniDelay                  0.029000        TexAniRandomStartFrameEnable 0            List TimeEventGravity        {            0.005714 28.865978        }        List TimeEventAirResistance        {        }        List TimeEventScaleX        {            0.000000 0.300000        }        List TimeEventScaleY        {            0.000000 0.300000        }        List TimeEventColorRed        {            0.000000 0.100000        }        List TimeEventColorGreen        {            0.000000 1.000000        }        List TimeEventColorBlue        {            0.000000 0.100000        }        List TimeEventAlpha        {            0.000000 0.000000            0.166667 1.000000            1.000000 0.000000        }        List TimeEventRotation        {            0.000000 0.000000        }        List TextureFiles        {            "D:\ymir work\effect\background\"        }    }}

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Sei que é coisa simples, mas faz tempo que não posto nada...  

É bom estar de volta aos trabalhos :)

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Podias ter posto um vídeo ou prints .. :+1: na mesma ..

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Coloca o code em spoiler e uma print.



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Postei o video... Não saiu.
Coloquei só a URL, como era antigamente. Não sei hoje.
Vou deixar a print, mas não dá pra ver bem com print.


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