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Assassin's Creed Rogue Com Eye Tracking!

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The next Assassin's Creed game will feature a new twist: you'll be able to control it using your eyes. Tobii has announced that the upcoming PC version of Assassin's Creed Rogue will support its eye-tracking tech, making it the first blockbuster game to do so.The game will utilize the Steel Series Sentry eye-tracking device — which is made with video games in mind — and it sounds like the feature will be used primarily to control the game's camera. Tobii calls it a control input that's "complimentary" to the mouse and keyboard. When you look somewhere on the screen, the game's character will do the same. And if you look away from the game, it will pause automatically.

"Eye tracking is such a natural way to interact with a game and creates tons of potential opportunities for gameplay immersion," Corneliu Vasiliu, a producer at Ubisoft's Kiev studio, says. Assassin's Creed Rogue launched on consoles last year, but the PC version is slated to hit PCs sometime in 2015. While we've seen plenty of demos of Tobii's tech over the years, this will be one of the first times it's integrated into a major commercial product."This is only the beginning of eye-tracking in gaming," says company president Oscar Werner.Fonte:

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