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Existe Maneira De Identificar O Erro?


Boas pessoal , é assim , eu estava a editar umas coisas no meu servidor e de  um momento para o outro começou  a dar conection refused na máquina.

Então pensei  e voltei atrás apagei tudo o que tinha feito e pús como estava antes, reparei as tabelas e o erro continua.

A minha questão é : Existe maneira de parar o erro ou descobrir a razão?


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Sim, basta ver o sysser

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1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0

1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13404 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13407 :: 1206 14:53:30391 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login
1206 15:03:24625 :: skillGetAffect - Strange Formula [Ataque a Cavalo]
1206 15:03:28348 :: skillGetAffect - Strange Formula [Onda de Energia]
1206 15:16:32658 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login
1206 15:16:47020 :: ELTimer_GetMSec() - m_dwEmoticonTime
1206 15:29:33089 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login
1206 15:34:31944 :: Unknown Server Command gm_login | gm_login
1206 15:59:17558 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse) Error
1206 15:59:17558 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=273, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse, isCache=0) - Error
1206 15:59:24781 :: CEffectManager::RegisterEffect - LoadScript(d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse) Error
1206 15:59:24782 :: CInstanceBase::RegisterEffect(eEftType=273, c_szEftAttachBone=, c_szEftName=d:ymir workeffectetcappear_dienpc2_appear.mse, isCache=0) - Error
ind item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13408 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13409 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:26:13410 :: Cannot find item by 0
1206 14:27:36445 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
1206 14:27:36509 ::   File "", line 1026, in CallEvent
1206 14:27:36510 ::   File "", line 87, in __call__
1206 14:27:36510 ::   File "", line 69, in __call__
1206 14:27:36511 ::   File "", line 125, in __CambiarIdioma
1206 14:27:36511 :: AttributeError
1206 14:27:36511 :: : 
1206 14:27:36511 :: 'OptionDialog' object has no attribute 'Fuck5'
1206 14:27:36511 :: 

Aparece isso..

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Não é o sysser do client mas sim da Svfile.

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