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Erro Ao Add Armas E Armaduras Do Beta No Client


eu adicionei tudo certo mais fica com erro as armas não aprese no inventario mais da para usar e es armaduras aparese so que estão bugado abaixo o print




to usando os itens desse topico

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16 answers to this question

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Locale_**.eix e epk

Descompacta ele, vai no item_list


e coloca o ID do icon 


Desta maneira:

Imagem colocada


61105 ETC icon/item/99005.tga 


Cor Verde: ID do item exemplo 469 (Rúnica (W) ) 

Cor Azul: ID do Icon da arma, podendo ser ou não o mesmo que o código da arma.

Cor Amarela: Local referente aonde o icon da arma se encontra, como pode ver pelo diretório esta no arquivo Icon.eix e epk 




Espero ter sido útil.


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Locale_**.eix e epk

Descompacta ele, vai no item_list


e coloca o ID do icon 


Desta maneira:

Imagem colocada


61105 ETC icon/item/99005.tga 


Cor Verde: ID do item exemplo 469 (Rúnica (W) ) 

Cor Azul: ID do Icon da arma, podendo ser ou não o mesmo que o código da arma.

Cor Amarela: Local referente aonde o icon da arma se encontra, como pode ver pelo diretório esta no arquivo Icon.eix e epk 




Espero ter sido útil.


como pode ver abaixo esto tudo certo

id das armas

460 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
461 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
462 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
463 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
464 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
465 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
466 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
467 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
468 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
469 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
470 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
471 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
472 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
473 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
474 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
475 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
476 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
477 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
478 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
479 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
1340 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1341 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1342 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1343 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1344 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1345 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1346 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1347 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1348 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1349 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
2370 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2371 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2372 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2373 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2374 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2375 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2376 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2377 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2378 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2379 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
5340 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5341 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5342 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5343 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5344 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5345 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5346 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5347 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5348 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5349 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
7370 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7371 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7372 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7373 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7374 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7375 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7376 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7377 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7378 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7379 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
sabe como posso arrumar as armaduras?

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O meu problema nestas armas e que, eu tenho os icon mas quando as equipo nao as consigo ver, nessas armas a unica coisa que tinha de fazer n era transferir o conteudo da pasta pack para a pasta pack do meu cliente?


PS: peço desculpa por estar a escrever o meu problema aqui, mas assim escuso de criar outro topico

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O meu problema nestas armas e que, eu tenho os icon mas quando as equipo nao as consigo ver, nessas armas a unica coisa que tinha de fazer n era transferir o conteudo da pasta pack para a pasta pack do meu cliente?


PS: peço desculpa por estar a escrever o meu problema aqui, mas assim escuso de criar outro topico

Mano pelo que vejo nas imagens as texturas estão bem o que te falta são os icones !!

e não o contrario!

Verifica o item_list podes ter mal ..


Exemplo de umas armaduras : 

8989 ARMOR icon/item/08989.tga

8979 ARMOR icon/item/08979.tga
8969 ARMOR icon/item/08969.tga
18189 ARMOR icon/item/018189.tga
Verifica se tens os códicos dos itens iguais tanto no item_list como no navicat e tb os icones  ...
Ao alteras um , tudo muda , nenhum pode ter nomes diferentes 
Senão me fiz entender , diz-me que eu explico melhor!!

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Boas, tipo os icon, aqueles que aparecem no iventário, esses estão lá, agora o que n aaprece e quando equipo a arma, ela nao aparece, fico so com as estrelinhas de ter equipado uma a mais 9, mas de resto n vejo mais nada da arma, vi noutro topico que isso pode ter a ver com o item list,mas eu copiei tudo como estava nas pastas deste topico aqui:
Não sei o que poderei ter mal

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Mano pelo que vejo nas imagens postadas , Na arma tu tas a equipar + não mostra icone 

O mesmo da armadura, não mostra icone

Tens skype? podemos ver isso por teamviewer ..

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Tipo o meu problema não é o mesmo que o originario deste topico, o meu problema é exatamente o oposto do dele, olha aqui uma imagem do meu problema


460 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
461 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
462 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
463 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
464 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
465 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
466 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
467 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
468 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
469 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
470 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
471 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
472 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
473 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
474 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
475 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
476 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
477 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
478 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
479 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
1340 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1341 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1342 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1343 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1344 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1345 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1346 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1347 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1348 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1349 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
2370 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2371 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2372 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2373 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2374 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2375 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2376 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2377 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2378 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2379 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
5340 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5341 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5342 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5343 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5344 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5345 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5346 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5347 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5348 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5349 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
7370 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7371 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7372 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7373 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7374 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7375 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7376 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7377 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7378 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7379 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
isto e o que tenho no item list

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A pasta vinha com isto e dentro da apsta pack esta e pera colocar estes 2 ficheiros dentro da pasta pack certo?

O que problema é simples , quando se adiciona algo na pasta pack do cliente

Temos que adicionar no INDEX do cliente, Tenho acerteza que não o fizes-te dai ele não conseguir

ir buscar as texturas etc.. 

Muito simples se por exemplo o arquivo !

armasnovas.eix & armasnovas.epk

Vais ao index ( Localização no pack do cliente )

E adicionas lá 




è importante que fique como eu pus aqui, Apenas Adicionas & guardas prontos...

Qualquer dúvida , contacta-me!

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Tipo o meu problema não é o mesmo que o originario deste topico, o meu problema é exatamente o oposto do dele, olha aqui uma imagem do meu problema


460 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
461 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
462 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
463 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
464 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
465 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
466 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
467 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
468 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
469 WEAPON icon/item/00460.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00460.gr2
470 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
471 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
472 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
473 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
474 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
475 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
476 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
477 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
478 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
479 WEAPON icon/item/00470.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/00470.gr2
1340 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1341 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1342 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1343 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1344 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1345 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1346 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1347 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1348 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
1349 WEAPON icon/item/01340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/01340.gr2
2370 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2371 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2372 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2373 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2374 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2375 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2376 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2377 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2378 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
2379 WEAPON icon/item/02370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/02370.gr2
5340 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5341 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5342 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5343 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5344 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5345 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5346 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5347 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5348 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
5349 WEAPON icon/item/05340.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/05340.gr2
7370 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7371 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7372 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7373 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7374 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7375 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7376 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7377 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7378 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2
7379 WEAPON icon/item/07370.tga d:/ymir work/item/weapon/07370.gr2

isto e o que tenho no item list



Ja deve ter tais códigos no item_list recomendo alterar o código dos ícones de 460 pra 999 por exemplo e veja se funciona. 

​porem mantenha o código da arma (469).

PS: não esquece de alterar o código dos icons alem dos códigos no item list >->'

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Muito obg 

Assim ja deu certo



Diz como fizes-te para dar os icones direitos pk o gajo que criou o tópico tem esse erro...

ao meu ver é do item_list ...

verifica o teu e diz-me as diferenças

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Dos icons eu apenas copiei item_list tal e qual como estava para a item_list do locale e os ficheiros do icon para dentro do icon.epk eix descompactado

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