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Ajuda A Criar Um Server

6 posts in this topic

Boas, vinha aqui pedir que me ajudasem a desbugar as wars nas files invoice eu ja as traduzi mas nao tou a conseguir desbugar as wars.

Eu tentei entrar na war pelo NPC tambem e ele teleportou-me para o mapa mas era estranho era muito diferente do mapa wars.

Quem me ajudar a trabalhar no server via hamachi para testes e depois abrir dedicado dou  :+1:  :+1:  :+1:  :+1:  :+1:



Skype: trucato.cruz

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quest guild_war_join begin    state start begin	when letter begin	    local e = guild.get_any_war()	    if e != 0 and pc.get_war_map() == 0 then		send_letter(locale.guild.war_join_request)	    end	end	when button begin	    local e = guild.get_any_war()	    if e == 0 then		say(locale.guild.war_over)	    else		say(		local s = select(locale.yes,		if s == 1 then		    guild.war_enter(e)		else		    send_letter(locale.guild.war_join_request)		end	    end	end    endend

quest guild_war_observer begin    state start begin        when begin            local g = guild.get_warp_war_list() -- return format {{1,2}, {3,4}}            local gname_table = {}            table.foreachi(g,            function(n, p)                gname_table[n] = guild.get_name(p[1]).." vs "..guild.get_name(p[2])            end)            if table.getn(g) == 0 then                -- no currently war                say(locale.guild.war_list_none)            else                gname_table[table.getn(g)+1] = locale.confirm                say(locale.guild.war_list_choose)                local s = select_table(gname_table)                if s != table.getn(gname_table) then                    pc.warp_to_guild_war_observer_position(g[s][1], g[s][2])                end            end        end        when begin            local g = guild.get_warp_war_list() -- return format {{1,2}, {3,4}}            local gname_table = {}            table.foreachi(g,            function(n, p)                gname_table[n] = guild.get_name(p[1]).." vs "..guild.get_name(p[2])            end)            if table.getn(g) == 0 then                -- no currently war                say(locale.guild.war_list_none)            else                gname_table[table.getn(g)+1] = locale.confirm                say(locale.guild.war_list_choose)                local s = select_table(gname_table)                if s != table.getn(gname_table) then                    pc.warp_to_guild_war_observer_position(g[s][1], g[s][2])                end            end        end        when begin            local g = guild.get_warp_war_list() -- return format {{1,2}, {3,4}}            local gname_table = {}            table.foreachi(g,            function(n, p)                gname_table[n] = guild.get_name(p[1]).." vs "..guild.get_name(p[2])            end)            if table.getn(g) == 0 then                -- no currently war                say(locale.guild.war_list_none)            else                gname_table[table.getn(g)+1] = locale.confirm                say(locale.guild.war_list_choose)                local s = select_table(gname_table)                if s != table.getn(gname_table) then                    pc.warp_to_guild_war_observer_position(g[s][1], g[s][2])                end            end        end    endend

quest guild_war_bet begin        state start begin                when              "Guild War-Bet" or              "Guild War-Bet" or              "Guild War-Bet" begin                        guild.get_reserve_war_table returns                        {     1        2               3           4                        { id, presume_winner, presume_loser, handicap },                        }                        local info_counter = pc.getqf("Info")                        if info_counter < 3 then                                say_title("The Guild War-Bet.")                                say("")                                ----"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                                say("Buy a Betting Lot for your empire.")                                say("1 At every guild war, there will be an announcement")                                say("of the possible projection for the victorious guild")                                say("")                                say("2. You can buy a Betting Lot, and give your tip")                                say("which guild will win and if the guild reaches the ")                                say("announced projection or not.")                                say("")                                say("3. The possibilities for choosing a bet are")                                say("controlled by the Betting Booth and when the war")				say("ends you are informed if you have won or lost.")                                say("* 10% of the profit is paid to the empire.")                                pc.setqf("Info", info_counter + 1)                                wait()                        end                        local g = guild.get_reserve_war_table()                        local gname_table = {}                        table.foreachi(g,                        function(n, p)                                gname_table[n] = guild.get_name(p[2]).." against "..guild.get_name(p[3])                        end)                        if table.getn(g) == 0 then                                -- no currently war                                say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                say("")                                say("There is no guild war in the moment, you could bet on.")                                say("")                        else                                gname_table[table.getn(g)+1] = "Abbort"                                say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                say("")				----"12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"|                                say("For which guild war you want to buy a Betting Lot?")                                local s = select_table(gname_table)                                if s != table.getn(gname_table) then                                        if guild.is_bet(g[s][1]) then                                                say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                                say("")                                                say("On my list stands, you already have a Betting Lot")                                                say("for this guild war.")                                                say("You can only buy one Lot per war.")                                        else                                                local name1 = guild.get_name(g[s][2])                                                local name2 = guild.get_name(g[s][3])                                                say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                                say("")                                                say("The guild with the name")                                                say(name1.." "..name2.."with "..g[s][4].."seems to be victorious.")                                                say("On which guild you want to bet?")                                                say(name1.."It is to be foreseen, that guild"..name2..""..g[s][4].."will be victorious.[ENTER][ENTER]On which guild you want to bet?")                                                local guild_s = select(name1, name2, "Abbort")                                                if guild_s != 3 then                                                        local bet_guild = g[s][guild_s+1]                                                        say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                                        say("")                                                        say("Hmm ... A good choice! Waht is you option?")                                                        local price_button_table = {}                                                        table.foreachi(guild_war_bet_price_table,                                                        function(n, p)                                                                price_button_table[n] = p.."Yang"                                                        end)                                                        price_button_table[table.getn(price_button_table)+1] =  "Abbort"                                                        local price_idx = select_table(price_button_table)                                                        if price_idx != table.getn(price_button_table) then -- ? ??? ?? ??? ???                                                                if < guild_war_bet_price_table[price_idx] then                                                                        say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                                                        say("")                                                                        say("You do not have enough Yang!")                                                                        say("")                                                                else                                                                        say_title("Battle Administrator:")                                                                        say("")                                                                        pc.changegold(-guild_war_bet_price_table[price_idx])                                                                        guild.war_bet(g[s][1], bet_guild, guild_war_bet_price_table[price_idx])                                                                        say("Everything is ready. If you have chosen right,")                                                                        say("The Yang will be paid and given to you, ")                                                                        say("when the guild war is over. Good luck!")                                                                end                                                        end                                                end -- if guild_s != 3                                        end -- if guild.is_bet(g[s][1])                                end -- if s != table.getn(gname_table)                        end                end        endend 

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