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Erro De Syslog




Hoje o meu servidor começou a manisfestar-se nos logs -.-




SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:00 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:00 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:03 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:03 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:04 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:05 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
SYSERR: Sep  7 19:58:05 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus  race 34006 mode 0)
Alguem pode ajudar? 
o primeiro erro não faço nem a minima, o segundo não perçebo o porque visto que o pet tem as animaçoes todas... ou pelo menos parece que tem.


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Eu acho que isso é no core, fizeste alterações ao teu core recentemente?

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SYSERR: Sep 7 19:57:59 :: Analyze: login phase does not handle this packet! header 66

O servidor está a receber packets com header 66, que não é esperado pela função que os processa (se estás a trabalhar com a source, provavelmente esqueceste-te de declarar o header ou do switch block). 

SYSERR: Sep 7 19:58:05 :: GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name LastOne Rufus race 34006 mode 0)

Provavelmente não tens os ficheiros server-side de animações para o bicho.

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O erro 2 já resolvi. Tinha a ver com a configuração nas pastas.o erro 1 continua a acontecer, eu não falo ideia do que é o header ou o switch. Eu não mexi em nada disso xd.podes explicar um pouco melhor, ou dizer onde procurar algo que possa estar errado?

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