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[Soon] Proficy's Arma 2 / Dayz Item Spawner

1 post in this topic

Nota, como diz na descrição do vídeo:


I don't give a fuck about "People like you ruin the game" or "Hacking is for losers" nor do I cheat myself. I'm a freelancer programmer that takes tasks or program by myself something to commercialize.

Hack will be sold really soon. Will update with the link, price and more details.

Once again, I don't care about you crying about my hack.

Ou seja, não quero saber se acham que isto arruina o jogo. Estou-me nas tintas, não uso o cheat de qualquer modo, apenas o fiz e mostrei a demonstração.

Outra coisa. O post é inglês tal como o original


Postado originalmente em HackForums.

I've noticed that cheating has slowed down on ArmA 2 / DayZ Mod, that's mostly because all the hacks that were made were for 1.62.103718 and there was an update a month and a half ago. People don't know how to make hacks and just leech other people's work/offsets or do their private hacks based on tutorials so they really don't know how to Reverse Engineer by themselves.

I recently started working again on my ArmA 2 Item Spawner, I have a .DLL hack that I can put side by side with any professional hack out there aswell but that one is outdated and I have yet to reupdate it, which means I'll have to find the right offsets for 1.63.112555.

Also note that I'm not a designer.

Well I know that there's still servers running the old version. That's right but I will not only provide the 1.63.112555 version, but also the 1.62.103718 version to my costumers.

This hack not only works on DayZ Mod itself, but on Takistan Life/ArmA 2 Wasteland/DayZ Epoch/DayZ Overwatch and so long.

To prove the fully functionality of my hack I have recorded a demo of me using it on a server with the following versions:

ArmA 2 Beta Patch 1.63.112555

DayZ Epoch

Infistar Antihack

This server had an anti-cheat that tried to stop me from spawning and had no luck at all against my hack.



Highlight (this is from the moment I started gearing from scratch until I left the server and rejoined to prove that the spawned items are there - both the ones I carry and the ones I left behind earlier) is at 13m48s

Note: You can also watch the full video, but there's not actually much interest in doing so. If you want to just open it on youtube and change the time to zero. There's nothing relevant in the rest of the video.

This awesome product is coming with a per month price and eventually a lifetime price, not yet decided if there will be a lifetime license or not. As you can see through the video the licensing system is also very effective, you'll need an account to login the spawner and it will check if your license is still valid.

Sales will open tomorow.

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