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[Dif] Expiração Do Game R34083

6 posts in this topic

Boas pessoal,Estou aqui para postar uma nova diff feita pelo iMer, esta dif retira a data de expiração do game r34083 (Originalmente 5:33:48 Domingo, 20 Outubro, 2013)


This difference file is created by The Interactive Disassemblergame001EAC13: E8 EB001EAC14: 18 11001EB310: E8 90001EB311: 1B 90001EB312: 86 90001EB313: FC 90001EB314: FF 90001EB315: 3D 90001EB316: 3C 90001EB317: 6B 90001EB318: 63 90001EB319: 52 90001EB321: 0F 90001EB322: 87 90001EB323: 36 90001EB324: 03 90001EB325: 00 90001EB326: 00 90


Créditos:iMerCumprimentos,Luis Bizarro

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obg pela partilha, irá ser util para muita gente $ xD

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Awessome :DDD


PS: Adoro a nova sign

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# This difference file has been created by Mi4uric3# Disables boolean Metin2Server_IsInvalid(DESC*)001EA1B0: 55 31001EA1B1: 89 C0001EA1B2: E5 C3# Disables boolean Metin2Server_Check()001EA8F0: 55 31001EA8F1: 89 C0001EA8F2: E5 40001EA8F3: 83 C3# Disables the Time-Bomb for Monday, 21 Oct 2013 07:00:03 GMT (Dec: 1382338803, Hex: 0x5264D0F3)001EAC20: 0F 90001EAC21: 87 90001EAC22: E7 90001EAC23: 01 90001EAC24: 00 90001EAC25: 00 90

Essa ai faz a mesma coisa dessa aqui ?


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