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Allguem Pode Me Ajudar A Corrigir Estas Quest...

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quest msgGM beginstate start begin  when login with pc.is_gm() begin   set_state(automsg)  endendstate automsg begin  when letter begin   send_letter("Fazer Anuncio")  endendwhen button or info begin  say("Escreve aquilo que queres dizer:")  local a = input()  if a == "" then   say("Tens que escrever algo.")  else   notice_all(""..pc.get_name()..": "..a.."")  endendend
quest evento_chuva_metin beginstate start begin  when"GM: Evento chuva de metin" with pc.is_gm() begin   if game.get_event_flag("evento") == 0 then        say("Evento desativado.")        say("Queres ativar?")        local a = select ("Sim", "Não")        if a == 1 then         game.set_event_flag("evento", 1)         say("Feito.")         notice_all("O evento chuva de metins começou!!")         notice_all("Em breve serão espalhadas metins pelos reinos!")        end   elseif game.get_event_flag("evento") == 1 then        say("Evento ativado.")        say("Queres desativar?")        local b = select ("Sim", "Não")        if b == 1 then         game.set_event_flag("evento", 0)         notice_all("O evento acabou.")         pc.setqf("metins_mapa1", 0)         pc.setqf("metins_mapa21", 0)         pc.setqf("metins_mapa41", 0)        end        if pc.get_map_index() == 1 then         say("O evento esta ativado.")         say("Quer chamar as metins?")         local c = select ("Sim", "Não")         if c == 1 with pc.getqf("metins_mapa1") == 0 then          mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1) -- 8027 id da da pedra "182, 173" local ond vão nacer 1 quantidade          notice_in_map("Foram invocadas as metins do evento.")          pc.setqf("metins_mapa1", 1)         elseif pc.getqf("metins_mapa1") == 1 then          say("Já invocaste as metins uma vez")         end        elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 then         say("O evento esta ativado.")         say("Quer chamar as metins?")         local d = select ("Sim", "Não")         if d == 1 with pc.getqf("metins_mapa21") == 0 then          mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1) -- 8027 id da da pedra "182, 173" local ond vão nacer 1 quantidade          notice_in_map("Foram invocadas as metins do evento.")          pc.setqf("metins_mapa21", 1)         elseif pc.getqf("metins_mapa21") == 1 then          say("Já invocaste as metins uma vez.")         end        elseif pc.get_map_index() == 41 then         say("O evento esta ativado.")         say("Quer chamar as metins?")         local e = ("Sim", "Não")         if e == 1 with pc.getqf("metins_mapa41") == 0 then          mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1) -- 8027 id da da pedra "182, 173" local ond vão nacer 1 quantidade          notice_in_map("Foram invocadas as metins do evento.")          pc.setqf("metins_mapa41", 1)         elseif pc.getqf("metins_mapa41") == 1 then          say("Já invocaste as metins uma vez.")         end        end -- end do pc.get_map_index   end -- end do game.get/set_event_flag  end -- end do whenend -- end do stateend -- end da quest
As 2 primeiras foram 1º pacificador fez, a segunda ele fez com base em outra minha, mas ambas infuncional se alguem puder me ajudar a arumalas...Essa outra é do sistema monarca queria saber como faso pra que na hora de escolher o monarca mostrase o nome dele pois so mostra list 1, list 2 e quero que mostre o nome deles, pra escolher e votar.
when"Eu quero selecionar monarca" with pc.is_gm() and game.get_event_flag("Monarch") == 2 begin		    say("Olá "..pc.get_name())		    say("Do u quer selecionar novo monarca?")		    local sel = select("Sim, eu quero", "Não")		    if sel == 1 then			    say("Okey o acordo foi fechado")			    say("O novo imperador são: ")			    if game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserRot", game.get_event_flag("rot1"))				    local a = 1			    elseif game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserRot", game.get_event_flag("rot2"))    				    local a = 2			    elseif game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserRot", game.get_event_flag("rot3"))				    local a = 3				    			    elseif game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserRot", game.get_event_flag("rot4"))    				    local a = 4			    elseif game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") and game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") > game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserRot", game.get_event_flag("rot5"))    				    local a = 5			    end			    if game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserGelb", game.get_event_flag("gelb1"))				    local b = 1			    elseif game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserGelb", game.get_event_flag("gelb2"))    				    local b = 2			    elseif game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserGelb", game.get_event_flag("gelb3"))				    local b = 3				    			    elseif game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserGelb", game.get_event_flag("gelb4"))    				    local b = 4			    elseif game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") and game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") > game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserGelb", game.get_event_flag("gelb5"))    				    local b = 5			    end	    			    if game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserBlau", game.get_event_flag("blau1"))				    local c = 1			    elseif game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserBlau", game.get_event_flag("blau2"))    				    local c = 2			    elseif game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserBlau", game.get_event_flag("blau3"))				    local c = 3				    			    elseif game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserBlau", game.get_event_flag("blau4"))    				    local c = 4			    elseif game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") and game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") > game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") then				    game.set_event_flag("KaiserBlau", game.get_event_flag("blau5"))    				    local c = 5			    end						    			    say("país Vermelho: list "..a)			    say("país amarelo: list "..b)			    say("país Azul: list "..c)			    wait()			    notice_all("Os vencedores da elevação do monarca são:")			    notice_all("país Vermelho: list "..a)			    notice_all("país amarelo: list "..b)			    notice_all("país Azul: list "..c)			    game.set_event_flag("Monarch", 0)		    elseif sel == 2 then			    say("Metin2Devil")			    return		    end	    end
when"Eu quero votar" with game.get_event_flag("Monarch") == 2 and pc.get_level() > 49 begin		    say("Escolha quem você quer votar para")		    say("para continuar clica em sim")		    local sel = select("Sim", "Não")		    if sel == 1 then			    if pc.getqf("Gewählt") == 0 then				    if pc.get_empire() == 1 then					    local sel = select("list 1","list 2","list 3","list 4","list 5", locale.cancel)					    if sel == 1 then						    game.set_event_flag("rot1votes", game.get_event_flag("rot1votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    elseif sel == 2 then						    game.set_event_flag("rot2votes", game.get_event_flag("rot2votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 3 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("rot3votes", game.get_event_flag("rot3votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 4 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("rot4votes", game.get_event_flag("rot4votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 5 then						    game.set_event_flag("rot5votes", game.get_event_flag("rot5votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    end				    elseif pc.get_empire() == 2 then					    local sel = select("list 1","list 2","list 3","list 4","list 5", locale.cancel)					    if sel == 1 then						    game.set_event_flag("gelb1votes", game.get_event_flag("gelb1votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    elseif sel == 2 then						    game.set_event_flag("gelb2votes", game.get_event_flag("gelb2votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 3 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("gelb3votes", game.get_event_flag("gelb3votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 4 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("gelb4votes", game.get_event_flag("gelb4votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 5 then						    game.set_event_flag("gelb5votes", game.get_event_flag("gelb5votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    end				    				    elseif pc.get_empire() == 3 then    					    local sel = select("list 1","list 2","list 3","list 4","list 5", locale.cancel)					    if sel == 1 then						    game.set_event_flag("blau1votes", game.get_event_flag("blau1votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    elseif sel == 2 then						    game.set_event_flag("blau2votes", game.get_event_flag("blau2votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 3 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("blau3votes", game.get_event_flag("blau3votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 4 then					    						    game.set_event_flag("blau4votes", game.get_event_flag("blau4votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    					    elseif sel == 5 then						    game.set_event_flag("blau5votes", game.get_event_flag("blau5votes") + 1)						    say("votaram com sucesso")						    pc.setqf("Gewählt", 1)					    end				    end			    else				    say("Você já votou")				    say("Venha novamente para a próxima elevação")			    end		    		    end

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

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quest msgGM beginstate start begin  when login with pc.is_gm() begin   set_state(automsg)  endendstate automsg begin  when letter begin   send_letter("Fazer Anúncio")  end  when info or button begin   say("Escreve aquilo que queres dizer:")   local a = input()   if a == "" then    say("Tens que escrever algo.")   else    notice_all(""..pc.get_name()..": "..a.."")   end  endendend
quest evento_chuva_metin beginstate start begin  when"GM: Evento Chuva de metin" with pc.is_gm() begin   if game.get_event_flag("evento") == 0 then    say("Evento desativado.")    say("Queres ativar?")    local a = select ("Sim", "Não")    if a == 1 then	 game.set_event_flag("evento", 1)	 say("Feito.")	 notice_all("O evento chuva de metins começou!")	 notice_all("Em breve serão espalhadas as metins pelos reinos!")    else	 say("Atá")    end   else    say("Evento ativado.")    say("Queres fazer o quê?")    local b = select ("Desativar", "Chamar metins", "Nada")    if b == 1 then	 game.set_event_flag("evento", 0)	 notice_all("O evento acabou.")	 pc.setqf("metins_mapa1", 0)	 pc.setqf("metins_mapa21", 0)	 pc.setqf("metins_mapa41", 0)    elseif b == 3 then	 say("Atá")    elseif b == 2 then	 if pc.get_map_index() == 1 then	  if pc.getqf("metins_mapa1") == 0 then	   pc.setqf("metins_mapa1", 1)	   mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1)	   notice_all("Foram invocadas as metins do evento no mapa 1.")	  else	   say("Tu ja invocaste as metins uma vez")	  end	 elseif pc.get_map_index() == 21 then	  if pc.getqf("metins_mapa21") == 0 then	   pc.setqf("metins_mapa21", 1)	   mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1)	   notice_all("Foram invocadas as metins do evento no mapa 21.")	  else	   say("Tu ja invocaste as metins uma vez")	  end	 elseif pc.get_map_index() == 41 then	  if pc.getqf("metins_mapa41") == 0 then	   pc.setqf("metins_mapa41", 1)	   mob.spawn(8027, 182, 173, 1)	   notice_all("Foram invocadas as metins do evento no mapa 41.")	  else	   say("Tu ja invocaste as metins")	  end	 end    end   end  endendend   

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