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Posts posted by silence0123

  1. V 1.3

    • Switchbot added you can use by click X key!
    • Magic Stone drop from everywhere is increased!
    • Spider Barones power reduced by 50%!
    • Gaya craft succes rate increased by 15%!
    • Gaya Market prices decreased!
    • Aniversary system reworked now 50 An.points for 1 Coin!
    • Experience Ring drop reduced!
    • Red Dragon drop of belts and other stuff increased!
    •  Level 30 Weapons added in Weapon Shop Dealer!



    Creature Metin2 is an international PVP/PVM server with a mix of Old and Middleschool content.
    Server was started on 29.10.2017 22:00 +1GMT, was online for a year with a few months of pause inbetween.
    Now it is reopening again on this very day 16.03.2019! 
    All ITEMSHOP items can be obtained ingame!
    Here is the presentation !






  3. Update 3.5 is now done!
    DC vouchers are here.
    You will have a chance to drop 50, 100, 500 and 1000 DC vouchers from Blue Death, Razador, En-Tai and Fire Dragon!
    For lower level players you will have the chance to get 50 DC voucher from Nine Tails, Flame King and Yellow Ghost Tiger!
    Beside this Finger bones are now dropable at 50-90 level map and Sewing Pattern and Armour Design are now dropable from En-Tai boss!
    With Love Your Creature Metin2 Team

  4. Update 3.4 is now done!
    Dear Creature Metin2 players we want to thank you for your patience the last days
    with the hard work we finaly finished one of our big updates!
    As we opened the Leveling/Farm map 105-120 level, you can now farm the needed materials
    to craft your new weapons made from 105 level weapons with the remaining bonuses,
    but this time it's more about PvP with the new weapons at +9 you will have double demi-humans
    for example: Rune sword+9 gives you 15 demi humans and 15 strenght and Baron Sword+9 will give you
    30 demi humans and 30 strenght the attack value and magicial value are increased much as well!
    And let's not forget the new PvP armours!
    You can upgrade your 105 level PvP armours to the Hwang armour or better said King's and Queen's armours!
    Which will give you awsome PvP bonuses, but don't think that will be easy it will be the hardest thing
    that you ever did in metin to make those armours and PvP weapons at +9! Only the best farmers will success
    to do it!
    GOOD LUCK! Your Creature Metin2 Team!