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    VzOhMG reacted to Owsap in Criar botão e/ou dar função a ele   
    Aqui tens um exemplo, espero que te ajude.

    # # Title: Expanded Window # Date: 2021.03.16 # Author: Owsap import app import ui BUTTON_COUNT = 4 class TestWindow(ui.BoardWithTitleBar): def __init__(self): ui.BoardWithTitleBar.__init__(self) self.isLoaded = False self.btnExpanded = False self.btnList = [] if not self.isLoaded: self.__LoadBoard() def __del__(self): ui.BoardWithTitleBar.__del__(self) def __LoadBoard(self): self.SetSize(95, 210) self.SetCenterPosition() self.AddFlag('movable') self.SetTitleName("Test") self.SetCloseEvent(self.Close) textLineGuide = ui.TextLine() textLineGuide.SetParent(self) textLineGuide.SetPosition(45, 185) textLineGuide.SetText(".") textLineGuide.Show() self.textLineGuide = textLineGuide btnExpand = ui.Button() btnExpand.SetParent(self) btnExpand.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") btnExpand.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") btnExpand.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") btnExpand.SetText("+") btnExpand.SetPosition(25, 160) btnExpand.SetEvent(self.__OnClickExpand) btnExpand.Show() self.btnExpand = btnExpand (xLocal, yLocal) = self.btnExpand.GetLocalPosition() btnGroup = ui.Window() btnGroup.SetParent(self) btnGroup.SetPosition(xLocal, yLocal - 0 - (30 * BUTTON_COUNT)) btnGroup.SetSize(40, 30 * BUTTON_COUNT) btnGroup.Hide() self.btnGroup = btnGroup for btnIdx in xrange(BUTTON_COUNT): btn = ui.Button() btn.SetParent(self.btnGroup) btn.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_01.sub") btn.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_02.sub") btn.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_button_03.sub") btn.SetText("{}".format(btnIdx)) btn.SetPosition(0, (30 * btnIdx)) btn.SetEvent(lambda arg = btnIdx: self.__OnClickExpandedBtn(arg)) btn.Show() self.btnList.append(btn) def __OnClickExpand(self): if not self.btnExpanded: self.btnExpanded = True self.btnGroup.Show() if self.btnExpand: self.btnExpand.SetText("-") else: self.btnExpanded = False self.btnGroup.Hide() if self.btnExpand: self.btnExpand.SetText("+") if self.textLineGuide: self.textLineGuide.SetText(".") def __OnClickExpandedBtn(self, arg): if self.textLineGuide: self.textLineGuide.SetText("{}".format(arg)) def Open(self): self.Show() def Close(self): self.Hide() def OnPressEscapeKey(self): self.Close() return True def OnPressExitKey(self): self.Close() return True  
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    VzOhMG reacted to Valenza in [Script]Criar Novo Channel.   
    Obrigado pela partilha de conhecimento com a cyber!
    + 1 por estar utilizando *-*
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    VzOhMG reacted to Cσяvσ⋆ in Copiar Itens De Outro Servidor Para O Nosso !   
    É por isso que ele perguntou, quem não sabe pergunta.
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    VzOhMG reacted to AdeusParaSempre-@Zé in [Pedido] Alguns Programas   