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Everything posted by NicolauMelo

  1. F.A.Q How do I convert item_proto and mob_proto to new version?I've explained everything on this movie (it's only in Polish language, maybe I will add english subtitles)Code: Which language did You use to create Ultra Tool?Visual Basic .Net8. What is the interface language?Application is available only in Polish, English and German. I am planning to add other languages (iex. German, Italian etc.), but I need some community help with translating it as my language skills are not so good 9. You made the program, You gave it us for free. What do You get?Nothing. Pleasure?10. Will you deliever app code?I'm considering such possibility, but for sure I won't let it go for free.11. Do You take a Donation for a project living and development?Yes. More details through Private Message.12. Does the program collect my private data, in ex. system version, it's configuration, history of viewed pages, cookies etc.?No. The program does not collect user's private data as it is prohibited by Polish Law.13. Which function did You find out the most difficult to write?I think it was Dif Editor. I've spent about a month to write it and it still can contain some bugs.14. Where should I look for updates?This topic or just running ToolUpdater.15. Do You take an order for programs, scripts, algorithms?Nope.16. I found a bug. Where I can report it?This topic please (what exactly does not work, precised description, joining screenshots is indicated) or through PM. Before notifying please make sure, that it is not already on "Known Bugs" index. It's located below. Try not to generalise, it will speed up fixing process.17. What does "Jestę Nobę / I'm a noob" checkbox mean?It's some kind of protection for a newbies. It protects important things that might be accidentally destroyed.18. Instead of a program, the archive contains "ToolUpdater.exe"? What's that? Is this a virus?ToolUpdater is an app that downloads Metin2 Ultra Tool and files neccessary to run it. It also works as a patcher. Downloaded files are stored in the same folder. ToolUpdater is available only in Polish and English and no new languages will be added.19. What should I do when ToolUpdater does not download application, and MT2UT does not generate scripts?Try to run program in administrator's mode. Function Index As funções estão divididas em 3 partes 1. MySQL - generates queries for Metin2 MySQL database- Adicionar contas- Adicionar efeitos- Nome do cavalo- Criar guild- Adicionar itens a uma personagem- Criar novos itens- Adicionar Guild Lands- Relação de "friendship"- Adicionar novos monstros- Adicionar objectos em mapas- Adicionar novo carácter- Adiciconar refine set- Adicionar novo npcshop- Adicionar novo GM- Password Generator- item_proto and mob_proto conversor/decrypter (to .txt version) 2. FTP- DIF Editor - DIF Patcher- Quest Function Index (Apenas em Poláco)- Editor de Drops- 'CONFIG' Creator- OX Quiz Editor- Crafting EditorChinese Names Converter (for locale files) [NEW!]- Quest Editor [BETA!] 3. Client- item_proto.xml to item_proto.sql conversor/decrypter- eix/epk unpacker- item_proto unpacker* Index Bugs 1. ToolUpdater crash while downloading resources (chilkat problem?) Prt Sc Download & Vírus-Total Sobre o projeto Type: Program | EditorInterface Language: Polski, English, DeutschProgramming Language: Visual Basic .NetReleasement date: 13 Września 2013By: JachuPL
  2. - passlost_token (varchar,32) - passchange_token (varchar,32) - emailchange_token (varchar,32) - new_email_change (varchar,32) - new_email_change2 (varchar,32) - stergere_account (varchar,32) - unban_date (varchar,32) - motiv_ban (varchar,100) - jcoins (varchar,100) Ou executar AccountInstall.sql Install dev_news.sql,dev_log_monezi.sql,dev_descarcari.sql ,dev_ban_log.sql and donate.sql in web db. BG : Download & Vírus-Total [*]!I19liTyB!vq0EdjggViLwOPnYlSdP2ZOtdzzHo6ci0X5mKn-N_Gk [*] Se ajudei deixa o teu +1, não hesitem em deixar aqui as vossas dúvidas. Créditos: epvpers (no tópico não referia o criador/programador)
  3. Não consegues visto essa quest estar com etc .
  4. Eu e o iMaluco estamos a fazer o download, quem quiser vir jogar connosco: [*] Reino Azul [*]Guild - LusitanosPT
  5. Se o filtro estiver bem traçado, esse caia bem daqui a pouco.
  7. Nome: Nicolau NickName: Nicolau Idade: 16 Horas Disponiveis: 10 minutos Porque queres ser da Equipa Staff? Opa precebo bue da materia tas a ver a cena? *Tens experiência no modo de jogo? sou o fundador da ymir . Porque achas que deves ser aceite? porque tipo sei alterar os npc's, e o mc no client Que cargo queres exercer? - game master com todos os comandos para passar itens para meu char e acesso a item shop sfv
  8. morfo2 está a aprender a usar palavras com os membros da comunidade !
  9. NicolauMelo

    Downloads Fuck Logic :D
  10. Ve se metes-te nas settings -> hamachi interface ... Acho que é isso
  11. Quando fechas a máquina não cruz e não fazes o típico close: sh ou cd/locale/etc sh Normalmente, encontram-se ficheiros corrompidos na máquina.
  12. Lets make money huhuuh ! Microsoft dont published virtual pc for windows 8 hehehe .
  13. Estou aqui para partilhar mais um tópico convosco, no qual: @Release - Novo inventário metin2@ Algumas imagens: Como instalar? Na pasta pack extrair o npc2 e procurar por Agora adicionar o seguinte: ( def SetCloseEvent(self, event): self.btnClose.SetEvent(event) Add:) ) class TitleBar2(Window): BLOCK_WIDTH = 32BLOCK_HEIGHT = 23 def __init__(self):Window.__init__(self)self.AddFlag("attach") def __del__(self):Window.__del__(self) def MakeTitleBar(self, width, color): ## ÇöŔç Color´Â »çżëÇĎ°í ŔÖÁö ľĘŔ˝ width = max(64, width) imgLeft = ImageBox()imgCenter = ExpandedImageBox()imgRight = ImageBox()imgLeft.AddFlag("not_pick")imgCenter.AddFlag("not_pick")imgRight.AddFlag("not_pick")imgLeft.SetParent(self)imgCenter.SetParent(self)imgRight.SetParent(self) if locale.IsARABIC():imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_left.tga")imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_center.tga")imgRight.LoadImage("locale/ae/ui/pattern/titlebar_right.tga")else:imgLeft.LoadImage("locale/yang.tga")imgCenter.LoadImage("locale/yang.tga")imgRight.LoadImage("locale/yang.tga") imgLeft.Show()imgCenter.Show()imgRight.Show() btnClose = Button()btnClose.SetParent(self)btnClose.SetUpVisual("locale/1close.tga")btnClose.SetOverVisual("locale/2close.tga")btnClose.SetDownVisual("locale/1close.tga")btnClose.SetToolTipText(locale.UI_CLOSE, 0, -23)btnClose.Show() self.imgLeft = imgLeftself.imgCenter = imgCenterself.imgRight = imgRightself.btnClose = btnClose self.SetWidth(width) Link's de download -> Virustotal -> https://www.virustot...sis/1394209678/
  14. Basta aqui na comunidade ires em serverfiles -> rain 2010 by valenza . Depois é só sacares o client do metin2pt e actualizares o metin2client.exe para um game das files rain, ou então altera o binário do game.
  15. Navicat . Account e vês se realmente existe.
  16. Client PT 2010 + SF RAIN 2010 ! Daria bom resultado para iniciantes ate para expert ! Começares por umas files com a papinha feita é mesmo só traduzir, e tal. Alguma coisa apita, posso te ajudar
  17. Que pena estares a usar esse CMS, visto eu pensar em utiliza-lo no futuro, mas pronto vou encontrar outro. PS:. Gosto do servidor
  18. Boa sorte com isso . :fap:
  19. A única ideia é comprares o teu dedicado .
  20. não gosto de como esta a ficar o servidor, estão a fugir do metin2.