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Posts posted by Cochicho2000

  1. Oi cyber-gamers,

    estive a tentar adicionar grupos de mobs a um mapa mas n dá, eles não aparecem aqui está o codigo do group.txt:

    Group	mapa_nivel_120_1		{				Vnum	100		Leader	µé°³	63004	1	µé°³	63002	2	µé°³	63003}

    e aqui está o codigo do regen.txt:

    r	175	73	10	10	0	0	3s	100	1	100

    apenas tenho uma linha.


    Quem conseguir ajudar leva :+1: .




  2. Oi cyber-gamers,

    ontem consegui implementar o sistema de pets no meu servidor mas tenho um problema, sempre que ivoco uma pet qualquer e pressiono ctrl + g eu fico montado em cima da fenix de gelo.

    Se alguem conseguir ajudar leva +1 e por favor tentem fazer o mais rapido possivel.




  3. experimenta ir a editar>configurções

    e onde diz tempo de espera, em segundos muda para 100.


    se não resultar verifica se o host está correto lembrando que tem de acabar em 100 e que o utilizador é root e a password é lauling e a porta é 22.

  4. premeiro tens de ter outras server files eu utilizo as do lauling v3 basta procurares um bocado.


    depois de instalares as files do lauling escrevers assim no virtual box:

    cd /usr/home


    e de seguida escreves isto:

    rm -rf game


    depois vais ao filezilla ao directorio /usr/home e copias game.tar.gz para ai.


    asseguir escreves isto no virtual box:

    cd /var/db


    e de seguida escreves isto:

    rm -rf mysql


    e copias o mysql.tar.gz para o directorio /var/db do filezilla.


    feito isto escreves o que eu vou dizer no virtual box:


    cd /usr/home


    tar zxvf game.tar.gz


    cd /var/db

    tar zxvf mysql.tar.gz


    e pronto das reboot, logaste no virtual box(no caso das files do lauling é user:root password:lauling) e inicias com o comando que o autor do topico das serverfiles que queres disse que era normalmente o comando é:


    cd /usr/home/game




    e iniciaste o servidor com as tuas novas files!!!


    se gostaste e se te ajudou não te esqueças de dar :+1:

  5. Finalmente consegui por as pets a invocar mas não dá para ivocar o cavalo podes dizer-me o que é para substituir?


    Esta aqui a quest:

    quest official_pets begin    state start begin        when 53001.use with pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 1)                pc.setqf("firephoenix", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("22")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                 affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_MAX_HP, 100, 60*60*8)                                 horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0)                pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("firephoenix_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("firephoenix_use", 0)            pc.setqf("firephoenix", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier ging alleine fort!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)          end        when 53003.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 1)                pc.setqf("icephoenix", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("23")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                       horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0)                pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("icephoenix_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("icephoenix_use", 0)            pc.setqf("icephoenix", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Eisphönix verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end		when 53002.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 1)				pc.setqf("reindeer", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("24")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                        horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0)				pc.setqf("reindeer", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("reindeer_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("reindeer_use", 0)			pc.setqf("reindeer", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end		when 53005.use with pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 1)				pc.setqf("pwahuang", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("25")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                       horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0)				pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("pwahuang_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("pwahuang_use", 0)			pc.setqf("pwahuang", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end		when 53006.use with pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("dog_use") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("dog_use", 1)                pc.setqf("dog", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("26")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                   affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                                   horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("dog_use", 0)                pc.setqf("dog", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("dog_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("dog_use", 0)            pc.setqf("dog", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)          end        when 53007.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("lion_use") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("lion_use", 1)                pc.setqf("lion", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("27")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                       horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("lion_use", 0)                pc.setqf("lion", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("lion_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("lion_use", 0)            pc.setqf("lion", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end		when 53008.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("pig") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("pig_use", 1)				pc.setqf("pig", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("28")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                        horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("pig_use", 0)				pc.setqf("pig", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("pig_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("pig_use", 0)			pc.setqf("pig", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end		when 53009.use with pc.getqf("dog") == 0 and pc.getqf("lion") == 0 and pc.getqf("pig") == 0 and pc.getqf("firephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("icephoenix") == 0 and pc.getqf("reindeer") == 0 and pc.getqf("pwahuang") == 0 begin            if pc.getqf("tiger") == 0 then                local old_horse_name = horse.get_name() ;                    if string.len(old_horse_name) == 0 then                        chat("Dein Haustier hat noch keinen Namen!")                    end                chat("Dein Haustier wurde gerufen!")                local your_horse_level = horse.get_level()                pc.setqf("horse_level_save", your_horse_level)                pc.setqf("tiger_use", 1)				pc.setqf("tiger", 1)                affect.add_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)                affect.add_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                horse.set_level("29")                horse.unsummon() horse.summon()								local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)            else                chat("Dein Haustier verabschiedet sich nun von dir!")                affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)				affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)   				affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)                       horse.unsummon()                pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0)				pc.setqf("tiger", 0)                                local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")                horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        end        end        when logout or login with pc.getqf("tiger_use") == 1 begin                        pc.setqf("tiger_use", 0)			pc.setqf("tiger", 0)                            local horse_settings = pc.getqf("horse_level_save")            horse.set_level(horse_settings)                        chat("Dein Haustier verlässt dich nun!")            affect.remove_collect(apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)            affect.remove_collect(apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 60*60*8)               affect.remove_collect(apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 60*60*8)        end    endend