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Alguns Especulações Sobre Processadores Haswell(Proxima Geraçao De Cpus Da Intel)

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Algumas especificações, nao se sabe se sao verdadeiras ainda ou nao.

Mas as que se sabe eu vou deixar aqui o "Quote" em ingles e vou meter a fonte, quem nao perceber ingles:


It turns out that Haswell, Intel's fourth-generation core architecture, can score three times the performance of Ivy Bridge GT1 and the Haswell in mind is called GT2 Desktop SKU.


It can make AMD and Nvidia run for their money in the lower end market segment and possibly better gaming at entry level notebooks and desktop computers.

When we asked one of the Nvidia’s general managers what happens if Intel gets its act together and get its integrated graphics much faster, he replied that Nvidia will make even faster entry level parts. The same probably goes for AMD, but with the added luxury of top notch graphics in APUs.

The chase will definitely continue heated up in Q2 2013 when we should expect to see the launch of Haswell.


Haswell to be 10+ percent faster than Ivy bridge


Now Intel tells its partners to expect that Haswell should end up at least 10 percent faster than Ivy Bridge based cores at the same clock. These numbers are based on pre-silicon projections that Intel always does before it gets the working prototype back, but since we are some month away from the IDF 2012 in San Francisco, we are quite sure that we will see Haswell again, much closer to its final design, and we even expect to see Broadwell prototypes to hit at least one of the keynotes.



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