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Owsap Server Files v5.0.3.5

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Owsap Server Files v5.0.3.5

v5.0.3.5 - August, 2022

  • Added Ship Defense (Hydra Dungeon).
  • Fixed multi text line position and shadow.
  • Fixed BuildLocaleSkill List function.
  • Fixed/socket_item command.
  • Added support file for new/custom strings for quests.
  • Fixed Guild Building (land) quest translation.
  •  Fixed Conqueror status points.
  • Added GR (Greek) language.
  • Added latest packs.
  • Added and reviewed latest protos.
  • Fixed classic pet name fix.
  •  Fixed MailBox case sensitive.
  •  Fixed player table data value of player parts.
  • Fixed guild grade enum typo.
  • Fixed cursor crash while force closing the client.
  • Fixed select effect in the select phase.
  • Removed dog mode.
  • Added skill color button to the 9th skill.
  • Fixed dungeon information required item slot.
  • Fixed inventory item stacking.
  • Fixed quest and ox quiz string error.


Pls Read KURULUM.txt it will contain the installation


Por favor, leia o ficheiro KURULUM.txt que contém a instalação


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Me podrias ayudar a instalar el servidor? o tendrias una guia de instalaci{on?

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