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🚀 "Devistan" - Custom CMS for Your Private Metin2 Server by Kanapixel

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Hello everyone,


We are Kanapixel, an esteemed web design and development studio with significant experience in the Metin2 universe. With years dedicated to devising custom solutions for private servers, we understand the challenges that server administrators often face.


Quality Assurance: The CMS has undergone rigorous testing. We've had the privilege of collaboration with testers and administrators from both existing online projects and those gearing up to launch. While it's crucial to understand that a one-size-fits-all solution doesn't exist due to the unique and customized structures of each private server, we've got you covered. If your server has distinct logs, configurations, etc., we will analyze and adapt them seamlessly.


Professional Assurance: We are professionals at the heart of our core, well-versed in our domain. Rest assured, you're in good hands. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, and every endeavor we undertake is geared towards ensuring client satisfaction.


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These are some of the customers who have trusted us


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Our Commitment: The CMS isn't just a product; it's a promise. We stand by our commitment to address any challenges that arise promptly. Furthermore, we are continually working to enhance Devistan, with new and free updates being a staple of our service.


Several distinct attributes make Devistan stand out:

  • Built on Laravel: Leveraging this robust PHP framework, we promise flexibility, security, scalability, and effortless maintenance.
  • Comprehensive Admin Panel: Featuring an advanced administration dashboard, Devistan offers you unparalleled control, enabling efficient server customization and management.

However, these are merely the foundational features. The unique characteristics that Devistan provides are what genuinely distinguish it.


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🎯 Key User-side Features of Devistan

  • Ranking Algorithm: Ever wondered about the number of bosses a player has overcome? The count of metin stones they've shattered? Their duel victories and losses? Our unique algorithm in Devistan keeps a track of it all.
  • Category-based News
  • Discord Widgets Integration
  • Donations System: Seamlessly integrated with PayPal, E-Payouts, while also supporting codes from Paysafecard, Amazon, and Cryptovouchers.
  • Vote4Coins: Compatible platforms are and TopMetin2.
  • Multilingual
  • Google Recaptcha

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🛠 Admin Panel Functionality

  • User Management: Effortlessly view and manage accounts, characters, guilds, and GM accounts/characters. Each category offers thorough and effective management options.
  • Logs Review: With Devistan, you can effortlessly scrutinize any log table from your server.
  • Legal Information: Simplifies the process of adding, updating, or deleting Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Payments: Manage payments, examine payment logs, and codes from Paysafecard, Amazon, and Cryptovouchers.
  • Application Configuration: This suite of tools encompasses news management, custom sliders, downloads, CMS configuration, and the ability to upload game files.
  • Statistics: Devistan presents a thorough and precise insight into your server's statistics, from overarching data to intricate specific metrics.


Our "Devistan" CMS aims to elevate your private Metin2 server experience. Not only do we offer a spectrum of advanced and customizable features, but despite being a comprehensive solution, our pricing is truly affordable. We believe in transparency and value for money. When you choose Devistan, you're not getting a platform with hidden subscription fees or additional costs. You pay for what you get. Upon finalization, we don't just hand you a product; we deliver an entire website, ensuring it's perfectly installed and functional, tailor-made for your server.


Given the bespoke nature of "Devistan", we offer tailored pricing to cater to individual client requirements. For detailed quotations and further discussions, we invite you to reach out to us directly.


For a hands-on demo of our CMS or interested, get in touch via:

  • Discord: kanapixel

  • Telegram: Kanapixel

  • Instagram: kanapixel

Warm regards,

The Kanapixel Team

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