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Metin2Fusion.Org is Looking for Staff Members

Question is Looking for Staff Members

spacer.png currently looking for STAFF for the following functions:


  • Game Developer: to help us improve our systems/create new ones and to help us solving in-game bugs;
  • Trial Game Master (TGM): Game Master in the training phase, however, this does not mean he does not have authority in the game, since he has the same functions and responsibilities as a full GM;
  • Newtwork Manager (NH): Person who is in charge of all the management of the web page and that the connections are working correctly, solves doubts about the state of the server among others;
  • Social Manager: We are looking for someone who knows how to use Photoshop and who knows how to do Video Editing for future events;

If you are interested, please send a message to:

  • Discord: [ADM]RolysTone#0568
  • Facebook:

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