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[Quest] Quest Pronta Da Caverna Demoniaca.

3 posts in this topic

Olá galera hoje estava fazendo uma buscar na net sobre a caverna demoniaca e achei uma quest bem caso do regen.txt vc terá de faze pois ainda não achei nenhum 100%.

quest catacomb beginstate start beginwhen 1093.kill with pc.get_map_index() == 66 begind.notice("Dute catre catacomba diavoului")d.new_jump_all(MAPINDEX , x , y)endwhen"Catacomba diavoului" with pc.get_map_index() == 713 beginsay_title("Gardian")say("")say("Ai nevoie de nivelul 75 ca sa intri")wait()if pc.get_level() < 75 thensay("Imi pare rau,nu ai nivelul necesar")endif pc.get_level() >= 75 thensay("Ok,te voi trimite imediat")pc.warp(307200,1203200)endendwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.jump_all(81,58)say_title("Catacomba diavolului Piatra 1")say("")say("60 Minute ai la dispozitie")say("Dute la locul sfat si la sculptura din piatra!")pc.give_item2("seal",1)endwhen"Etajul 1" with pc.get_map_index() == 712 beginsay_title("Catacomba diavolului Piatra 1")say("Vei fi teleporatat imediat!")d.jump_all(544,42)endwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Gaseste statuia!")endwhen"Etajul 2" with pc.get_map_index() == 712 beginsay_title("Sculptura ******")say("")say("Salut,vrei sa te duci la urmatorul etaj? ")say("")wait()local s = select("Da", "Nu,iesi")if 1 == s thend.jump_all(1380,250)endif 2 == s thend.exit_all()endendwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Scopul este sa gasesti textul corect")endfunction get_3floor_stone_pos()local positions = {{1249,343}{1353,351}{1249,250}{1249,153}{1349,150}{1149,252}{1152,148}{1148,347}}for i = 1, 6 dolocal j = number(i,8)if i != j thenlocal t = positions[i];positions[i] = positions[j];positions[j] = t;endend-- for i = 1, 8 do-- positions[i][1] = positions[i][1] * 100-- positions[i][2] = positions[i][2] * 100endwhen 8019.kill with pc.get_map_index() == 712 beginlocal positions = catacombstone.get_3floor_stone_pos()for i = 1, 8 dochat(positions[i][1], positions[i][2])d.set_unique("fake" .. i , d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[i][1], positions[i][2]))endchat(positions[7][1], positions[7][2])local vid = d.spawn_mob(8017, positions[7][1], positions[7][2])chat(vid)d.set_unique("real", vid)server_loop_timer('catacomb_stone3_update', 10, pc.get_map_index())server_timer('catacomb_stone3_fail1', 5*60, pc.get_map_index())d.notice("3. Podeaua usa.");d.notice("Ai gasit cele mai multe pietre false");d.notice("Gasesteo pe cea adevarata in 15 minute");d.notice("si Distrugeo !.. ")d.notice("Este singura cale sa treci la etajul urmator");endwhen catacomb_stone3_fail1.server_timer beginif thend.notice("10 Minute Ramase.")server_timer('catacomb_stone3_fail2', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg())endendwhen catacomb_stone3_fail2.server_timer beginif thend.notice("5 Minute Ramase.")server_timer('catacomb_stone4_[img]<#EMO_DIR#>/55158.gif[/img]', 5*60, get_server_timer_arg())endendwhen catacomb_stone3_[img]<#EMO_DIR#>/55158.gif[/img].server_timer beginif thend.notice("Timp expirat.")d.exit_all()clear_server_timer('catacomb_stone3_update', get_server_timer_arg())endendwhen catacomb_stone3_update.server_timer beginif thenif not d.is_unique_dead("real") thenfor i = 1, 8 doif d.getf("fakedead" .. i) == 0 thenif d.unique_get_hp_perc("fake" .. i) < 50 thend.purge_unique("fake" .. i)d.setf("fakedead" .. i, 1)d.notice("");endendendelseserver_timer("catacomb_stone3_end", 5, get_server_timer_arg())d.notice("Se pare ca ai reusit! ")d.notice("")d.notice("Ai distrus piatra");d.notice("Vei ajunge la etajul 4")d.jump_all(500,717)clear_server_timer('catacomb_stone3_fail1', get_server_timer_arg())clear_server_timer('catacomb_stone3_fail2', get_server_timer_arg())clear_server_timer('catacomb_stone3_[img]<#EMO_DIR#>/55158.gif[/img]', get_server_timer_arg())endelseserver_timer('catacomb_stone3_stop_timer', 1, get_server_timer_arg())endendwhen catacomb_stone3_stop_timer.server_timer beginclear_server_timer('catacomb_stone3_update', get_server_timer_arg())endwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Omoarata toti sefi !")d.spawn_mob(mobid , 500,787)endwhen 2526.kill with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.jump_all(846,907)endwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Aceasta este camerea sigiliilor")d.notice("Cauta si ia sigiliul!")endwhen 2322.kill with pc.in_dungeon() begingame.drop_item("seal",1)endwhen stone.take with item.vnum == seal and pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Vei fi teleportat catre urmatorul etaj")item.remove();npc.purge();d.jump_all(1300,704)endwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Omoara toti sefi")endwhen boss.kill with pc.in_dungeon() beginsay_title("Catacomba diavoululi Piatra 6")say("")say("Doresti sa continuii ?")local s = select(locale.yes , 1 == s thend.jump_all(74,1158)endif 2 == s thenlocal reward_alchemist = {20074, 20075, 20076}d.spawn_mob(reward_alchemist[number(1,3)], 425, 216);d.setqf("can_refine", 5)timer("catacombs_times",120)endendwhen catacombs_times.timer with pc.get_map_index() == 712 begind.notice("Timp exipirat")d.exit_all()endwhen login with pc.get_map_index() == mapindex begind.notice("Dr.House omoara !")endwhen 5290.kill with pc.in_dungeon() beginwait()say_title("Catacomba diavoululi Piatra 7")say("")say("Misiune Completa !")say("")d.exit_all()endendend
Fonte: cheatsbrasil.Autor : não tinha o nome.

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no caso do regen.txt vc terá de faze pois ainda não achei nenhum 100%. Nao entendi '-'

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Ja foi testada ta dropando chave no andar 1 e a marca demoniaca no andar 4 ?

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