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Guia Como Implementar Uma Armadura Correctamente

4 posts in this topic

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Começamos por descompactar os ficheiros icon.epk e icon.eix

source --> ymir work --> icon --> item

Adicionar os icon's das armaduras na pasta item

Como criar xml para os novos icon's?

<File archivedPath="icon/item/id.tga" type="1"><![CDATA[source\icon\item\id.tga]]></File>

Onde tem o id deverás por o numero do novo icon da armadura

Exemplo: id-41000 xml-<File archivedPath="icon/item/41000.tga" type="1"><![CDATA[source\icon\item\41000.tga]]></File>

Compactar os ficheiros novamente e meter na pasta pack do vosso cliente.

Em seguida descompactar os ficheiros pc.epk e pc.eix

source --> ymir work --> pc --> warrior

adicionar os ficheiros das armaduras a textura e modelo

Exemplo: warrior_4-1.gr2 e

Como criar xml?

<<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/" type="1"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc\warrior\]]></File>

<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/nome.gr2" type="0"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc\warrior\nome.gr2]]></File>


[spoiler<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/" type="1"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc\warrior\]]></File>

<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc/warrior/warrior_4-1.gr2" type="0"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc\warrior\warrior_4-1.gr2]]></File>

Compactar os ficheiros novamente e meter na pasta pack do vosso cliente.

Agora descompactar os ficheiros pc2.epk e pc2.eix

source --> ymir work --> pc2 --> warrior

adicionar os ficheiros das armaduras a textura e modelo

Exemplo:warrior_4-1.gr2 e

Como criar xml?

<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/" type="1"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc2\warrior\]]></File>

<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/nome.gr2" type="0"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc2\warrior\nome.gr2]]></File>


<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/" type="1"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc2\warrior\]]></File>

<File archivedPath="d:/ymir work/pc2/warrior/warrior_4-1.gr2" type="0"><![CDATA[source\ymir work\pc2\warrior\warrior_4-1.gr2]]></File>

Compactar os ficheiros novamente e meter na pasta pack do vosso cliente.

Descompactar os ficheiros locale_??.epk e locale_??.eix

Abrir o item_list e adicionar isto

42000 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

(assim armadura não tem melhoramento até +9,tipo a king)

42000 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42001 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42002 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42003 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42004 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42005 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42006 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42007 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42008 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

42009 ARMOR icon/item/42000.tga

(assim vai até +9,tipo aço)[/spoiler]

Fechar e guardar o ficheiro.

Nos mesmo ficheiros locale_?? descompactar o item_proto

E adicionar linhas item_proto neste caso, usei de umas armaduras novas como exemplo:

[spoiler]<Item vnum="42000" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+0'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+0" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="84" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-10" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="2" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="2" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="0" socket_pct="1" />

<Item vnum="42001" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+1" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="84" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-10" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="3" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="3" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="8" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="5" socket_pct="1" />

<Item vnum="42002" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+2'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+2" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="84" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-10" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="4" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="4" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="16" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="10" socket_pct="1" />

<Item vnum="42003" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+3'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+3" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="85" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-8" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="5" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="6" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="24" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="15" socket_pct="1" />

<Item vnum="42004" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+4'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+4" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="85" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-8" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="6" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="7" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="32" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="30" socket_pct="2" />

<Item vnum="42005" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+5'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+5" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="86" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-8" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="8" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="9" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="41" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="40" socket_pct="2" />

<Item vnum="42006" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+6'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+6" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="86" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-6" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="11" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="12" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="50" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="50" socket_pct="2" />

<Item vnum="42007" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+7'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+7" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="87" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-6" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="14" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="15" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="59" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="65" socket_pct="3" />

<Item vnum="42008" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+8'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+8" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="87" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-6" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="17" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="18" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="68" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="80" socket_pct="3" />

<Item vnum="42009" hashName="'ȸ©¶°È©+9'" name="Smaragdstahl-Panzer+9" type="2" subtype="0" weight="0" size="2" antiflag="56" flag="1" wearflag="1" immuneflag="0" gold="150000" buy_price="50000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="87" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="8" applyvalue0="-5" applytype1="37" applyvalue1="20" applytype2="39" applyvalue2="20" value0="0" value1="115" value2="0" value3="40" value4="0" value5="86" socket0="0" socket1="64992" socket2="127" socket3="64976" socket4="21631" socket5="4855" refine_vnum="11409" refine_set="0" magic_pct="15" specular="100" socket_pct="3" />[/spoiler]

Compactar o item_proto e adicionar a pasta do locale_??

De seguida compactar os locale_?? e meter no vosso cliente.

Parte navicat query da armadura

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42000', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B30, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B30, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42001', '181', '0', '15', '1', '84', '0', '0', '8', '-10', '37', '2', '39', '2', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '0', '1', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42001', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B31, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B31, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42002', '182', '0', '15', '1', '84', '0', '0', '8', '-10', '37', '3', '39', '3', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '8', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '5', '1', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42002', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B32, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B32, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42003', '183', '0', '15', '1', '84', '0', '0', '8', '-10', '37', '4', '39', '4', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '16', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '10', '1', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42003', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B33, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B33, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42004', '184', '0', '15', '1', '85', '0', '0', '8', '-8', '37', '5', '39', '6', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '24', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '15', '1', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42004', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B34, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B34, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42005', '185', '0', '15', '1', '85', '0', '0', '8', '-8', '37', '6', '39', '7', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '32', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '30', '2', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42005', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B35, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B35, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42006', '186', '0', '15', '1', '86', '0', '0', '8', '-8', '37', '8', '39', '9', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '41', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '40', '2', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42006', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B36, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B36, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42007', '187', '0', '15', '1', '86', '0', '0', '8', '-6', '37', '11', '39', '12', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '50', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '50', '2', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42007', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B37, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B37, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42008', '188', '0', '15', '1', '87', '0', '0', '8', '-6', '37', '14', '39', '15', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '59', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '65', '3', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42008', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B38, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B38, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '42009', '189', '0', '15', '1', '87', '0', '0', '8', '-6', '37', '17', '39', '18', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '68', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '80', '3', '0');

INSERT INTO `item_proto` VALUES ('42009', 0xC8B8A9B6B0C8A92B39, 0x536D6172616764737461686C2D50616E7A65722B39, '2', '0', '0', '2', '56', '1', '1', '', '150000', '50000', '0', '0', '0', '15', '1', '87', '0', '0', '8', '-5', '37', '20', '39', '20', '0', '115', '0', '40', '0', '86', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '100', '3', '0');[/spoiler]

Deem run e ir ao jogo com char gm e deem /reload p.

Descompactar ficheiros root.epk e root.eix

Vamos ao ficheiro warrior_m.msm

Group ShapeData16


SpecialPath "d:/ymir Work/pc/warrior/"

ShapeIndex 12

Model "warrior_4-1.GR2"

SourceSkin ""

TargetSkin ""



Group ShapeData16


ShapeIndex 12

Model "warrior_4-1.GR2"

SourceSkin ""

TargetSkin ""


Explicação dos msm:

No ShapeData nunca podes repetir o numero,ao adicionares um novo tem que ser sempre 1 numero a frente do ultimo que teija lá.

SpecialPath - Se o arquivo por raça_w.msm se esta nos ficheiros PC2 ou se esta nos ficheiros PC raça_m.msm

Model - Modelo GR2

SourceSkin - A textura fonte, por assim dizer

TargetSkin - A textura foi carregada na armadura(utilizei o warrior_e-1 como exemplo)

Espero que ajude


Traduzido e allgumas coisas corrigidas por mim

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faltou um pouco de organização no topico.algumas cores para destacar, spoiler para por script grande como item proto , etc..mas + 1 por partilhar..

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faltou um pouco de organização no topico.algumas cores para destacar, spoiler para por script grande como item proto , etc..mas + 1 por partilhar..

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Eu não consegui fazer as coisas direitas, correu tudo bem até que entrei no metin e a armadura aparece branca, ajudem-me pff!cumpz,

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