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Phantom Metin2 Services

1 post in this topic

Hello guys.

Here is what im selling and respective features:

》》》》》》》》》Metin2 AntiCheat System

Anti Python Script

Anti command line injections

Folders checks (size, name and hash checks)

Multi-layered dll injection prevention (around 47 diferent methods used)

Thread injections prevention

Code injection prevention

Mouse macro preventions

Real time access protection (ring3 and ring0)

Real time heuristic scanners

Anti memory hacking with self-defense modules

Anti reverse/dump/unpack/breakpoint (around 143 methods used)

Anti sandbox/emulation tools

Anti packet sniffing and Man-In-The-Middle (packets are all encripted)

Special protections against popular hacks like Lalaker and M2bob.

Realy low impact on system performance (about +1.5% cpu usage and 15MB ram on a intel Celeron).

6Months plan:


Includes free updates and support.

Pre-compiled lib to add to your solution.

Lifetime plan:


Includes free updates and support

Full source code of the protection

You're granted authorization to resell the protection as if yours.

》》》》》》》》》》GameLauncher - Your Design, Your Identity

GameLauncher fully adapted to your preference.

You can use your own design (.psd) and i will code it, or you can say what you want and i make the design (+30€ fee if i make the design)

Incorpored client configurator.

Multi-language and multi-server options available.

Everything made on c++ for optimal performance.

Price: 50€

》》》》》》》》》》Website design and coding:

Made using newest php7 standards for performance.

Pre-prepared statements to nulify sql injetions.

Multi-language system, good for international servers.

Friendly admin painel under constrution.

Affiliate system.

Integrated item shop with auto-payments.

Price: 250€

》》》》》》》》》》Serverfiles services

Creation of serverfiles and respective clients.

Every features working without bugs. If a bug is found i will refund the respective amount and fix it free of charge.

Price: 100€ base plus respective amount per system wanted (see available systems above). If you want custom system feel free to contact and i will create them.

》》》》》》》》》》I accept the following payments methods:



If you cant use any of the above contact me and we will find a solution.

My regards,


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