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Pocket Mobsters ( Pokemobbot)

112 posts in this topic

Bah, pokemons a fugirem, softban de 1 em 1 minuto, depois diz que já não tou ban, mas continua tudo na mesma.

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

parece que deixou de dar , mal ligo e parece pokestops dá erro dum possível soft ban e continua assim...

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parece que deixou de dar , mal ligo e parece pokestops dá erro dum possível soft ban e continua assim...


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Se vos dao erros ao conectar, ou estao soft ban ( esperem. lol) ou estao perma ban ( é sempre possivel.)




There are several bans in play atm.... 

  •  No pokestops but you do have the ability to actually catch pokemon----Possibly This is caused by looting 2000 pokestops within 12-24 hours. (TY to 4NŦɌ4Ж for this)
  1. This can be lifted by either logging into game walk around a bit and catch something or at least upgrade a pokemon just do something other than stand there. MUST log in manually and do something from a REAL phone/tablet
  2. Wait 1-2 hours and it will lift on it's own
  • Pokestops but catchflee on EVERY pokemon! This is the devil of the new bans. -----Possibly  This is caused by catching 1000 Pokemon within 12-24 hours (TY to 4NŦɌ4Ж for this)
    1. Wait a still undetermined amount of time. My guess is 24hrs up to possibly 3days before the ban will lift on it's own.
      • See that it could be 12+ hours still not totally confirmed (TY to jimconnor for this)
    2. Log in manually again from an actual phone/tablet. PLAY. Yes several pokemon will run off. BUT if it gives the going to fast pop up hit that you are a passenger and keep playing. It took me all of 5min of normal play before I was able to get a pokemon caught. AND when I got home bot logged in and BOOM catching again! 

 This seems to be a ban caused by the "you are moving too fast" option in the game now. Since the bot has no option to disable it that's what causes the system to flag the acct and say HEY they aren't human! Until an option for disable comes in an update I suggest keeping your travel speed between 5-15km/h This is SAFE and natural! The average person according to google only walks about 6km/h So "jogging" or whats made to look like it would be a safe bet. 

  •  IP BAN They have and ARE banning IP addys. 
    1. Use a proxy-The bot will tell you if your IP is banned. I went through several newly purchased proxy ip today and last night and a couple flat out said they were banned ip.
    2. If you have the ability reset your IP at home until you get one that is not banned
  • Perm ban
    1.  Symptoms
      • Missing Data from the bot
        • DO NOT misconceive the generic error code for this! The bot will legit say that it is missing game data
      • Game will not load or it will say missing data
      • You get some type of correspondence from Niantic with the TOS and saying that your acct is banned
        • In their Terms of Service, "Upon any termination, discontinuation, or cancellation of Services or your Account, the following provisions of these Terms will survive: Arbitration Notice; Content Ownership; Rights Granted by You; Effect of Termination on Trading Items, Virtual Money, and Virtual Goods; Feedback; Disclaimer of Warranties; Indemnity; Limitation of Liability; Dispute Resolution; General Terms; and this sentence of Termination. "  (TY to Nadles for this update!)
    2. Resolutions
      • Send an Appeal to Niantic
        • If you can some how convince them that you were legit playing and that your botted moments could be misinterpreted or that your gps is glitchy there is always a chance
          • You can find the form to do this HERE. Fill that out and I HIGHLY suggest adding images of your rl pogo adventures to help solidify your case.
      • Start over and do it smart!


Keep in mind that MOST games do not perma ban a player that has paid into the game and NOT had to refund the $$.... In MOST cases ppl that pay real $$ for coin/stuff in a game will not be banned unless overly reported/flagged. They will get suspended/softban but not perma

*********The methods for lifting bans have been tested by myself with my accts**********

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Se vos dao erros ao conectar, ou estao soft ban ( esperem. lol) ou estao perma ban ( é sempre possivel.)




There are several bans in play atm.... 

  •  No pokestops but you do have the ability to actually catch pokemon----Possibly This is caused by looting 2000 pokestops within 12-24 hours. (TY to 4NŦɌ4Ж for this)
  1. This can be lifted by either logging into game walk around a bit and catch something or at least upgrade a pokemon just do something other than stand there. MUST log in manually and do something from a REAL phone/tablet
  2. Wait 1-2 hours and it will lift on it's own
  • Pokestops but catchflee on EVERY pokemon! This is the devil of the new bans. -----Possibly  This is caused by catching 1000 Pokemon within 12-24 hours (TY to 4NŦɌ4Ж for this)
    1. Wait a still undetermined amount of time. My guess is 24hrs up to possibly 3days before the ban will lift on it's own.
      • See that it could be 12+ hours still not totally confirmed (TY to jimconnor for this)
    2. Log in manually again from an actual phone/tablet. PLAY. Yes several pokemon will run off. BUT if it gives the going to fast pop up hit that you are a passenger and keep playing. It took me all of 5min of normal play before I was able to get a pokemon caught. AND when I got home bot logged in and BOOM catching again! 

 This seems to be a ban caused by the "you are moving too fast" option in the game now. Since the bot has no option to disable it that's what causes the system to flag the acct and say HEY they aren't human! Until an option for disable comes in an update I suggest keeping your travel speed between 5-15km/h This is SAFE and natural! The average person according to google only walks about 6km/h So "jogging" or whats made to look like it would be a safe bet. 

  •  IP BAN They have and ARE banning IP addys. 
    1. Use a proxy-The bot will tell you if your IP is banned. I went through several newly purchased proxy ip today and last night and a couple flat out said they were banned ip.
    2. If you have the ability reset your IP at home until you get one that is not banned
  • Perm ban
    1.  Symptoms
      • Missing Data from the bot
        • DO NOT misconceive the generic error code for this! The bot will legit say that it is missing game data
      • Game will not load or it will say missing data
      • You get some type of correspondence from Niantic with the TOS and saying that your acct is banned
        • In their Terms of Service, "Upon any termination, discontinuation, or cancellation of Services or your Account, the following provisions of these Terms will survive: Arbitration Notice; Content Ownership; Rights Granted by You; Effect of Termination on Trading Items, Virtual Money, and Virtual Goods; Feedback; Disclaimer of Warranties; Indemnity; Limitation of Liability; Dispute Resolution; General Terms; and this sentence of Termination. "  (TY to Nadles for this update!)
    2. Resolutions
      • Send an Appeal to Niantic
        • If you can some how convince them that you were legit playing and that your botted moments could be misinterpreted or that your gps is glitchy there is always a chance
          • You can find the form to do this HERE. Fill that out and I HIGHLY suggest adding images of your rl pogo adventures to help solidify your case.
      • Start over and do it smart!


Keep in mind that MOST games do not perma ban a player that has paid into the game and NOT had to refund the $$.... In MOST cases ppl that pay real $$ for coin/stuff in a game will not be banned unless overly reported/flagged. They will get suspended/softban but not perma

*********The methods for lifting bans have been tested by myself with my accts**********

com este já funciona ,mas está mais lento minha opinião..

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Continuo com o mesmo erro de soft ban.

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Continuo com o mesmo erro de soft ban.

sacaste nova versão? mim está dar mais lento mas dá

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sacaste nova versão? mim está dar mais lento mas dá

Foi preciso eu comentar o tópico para o bot dar direito. xd obg na msm

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Foi preciso eu comentar o tópico para o bot dar direito. xd obg na msm

tas usar qual já agora sorry pelo spam..

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tas usar qual já agora sorry pelo spam..

esse do pokemobbot ... 

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sacaste nova versão? mim está dar mais lento mas dá

está mais lento? dude contas com 50k exp por hora tao a ser banidas... Até a ban wave acabar ou te contentas com 10-30k exp ou provavelmente diz adeus a conta...

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Tenho o bot assim no telemovel esta como o outro rapaz meteu no print ja fiz nisso do modo voo e nada e ja tenho isto no tele desde que começaram os bans e decerteza que é Ban Perma

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já funciona bem mas apanha os pokemons repetidos alguém , sabe um mapa melhor e cordenadas? 

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Tenho o bot assim no telemovel esta como o outro rapaz meteu no print ja fiz nisso do modo voo e nada e ja tenho isto no tele desde que começaram os bans e decerteza que é Ban Perma

RIP conta... tenta usar o Cyberghost e ve se é IP ban, se der com o cyber ghost é IP ban, se nao der na mesma espera 1 semana ou cria outra conta gg


já funciona bem mas apanha os pokemons repetidos alguém , sabe um mapa melhor e cordenadas? 

Tu ouviste o que eu disse? esquece o bot maluco de apanhar todos os pokemons... vais para NY city, disneyland, santa monica pier , escolhes um desses e contentas-te ai pq se fores apanhar dragonites do outro lado do mundo vais ban..

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RIP conta... tenta usar o Cyberghost e ve se é IP ban, se der com o cyber ghost é IP ban, se nao der na mesma espera 1 semana ou cria outra conta gg


Tu ouviste o que eu disse? esquece o bot maluco de apanhar todos os pokemons... vais para NY city, disneyland, santa monica pier , escolhes um desses e contentas-te ai pq se fores apanhar dragonites do outro lado do mundo vais ban..

cordenadas tens?

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