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Ŧá๒i๏ รilvค™

Linux Mint 13 Maya

6 posts in this topic

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The highlight of this edition is the latest KDE 4.8 desktop, which features the following improvements:

Kwin optimizations
Redesign of power management and integration with Activities
The first QtQuick-based Plasma widgets have entered the default installation of Plasma Desktop, with more to follow in future releases
New display engine in Dolphin
New Kate features and improvements
Functional and visual improvements in Gwenview

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Função: LINUX OS

Sistema Operacional: linux
Idioma: MULTI
Site Oficial:

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Quantidade de Mídias: 1

Tamanho: x32 915MB x64 892MB
Tipo de Compartilhamento: Torrent; http;

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System requirements:

x86 processor (for both 32 & 64-bit versions)
x86_64 compatible processor (for the 64-bit version)
1 GB of system memory (RAM)
5 GB of disk space for installation
Graphics card capable of 800×600 resolution
CD-ROM drive or USB port

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Md5 sum:

32-bit: ec735ea0345c07b9b28ea471eef70dcd
64-bit: 5cc25450a0b401b939f6e274c4fdb186

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Links HTTP
KDE (32-bit)


KDE (64-bit)


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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega

Parece ser fixe só nao tenho é Linux kkk

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Eu uso o Mint 12 katya e digo-vos é melhor que o windows quase... o lixux é um "pequeno projecto" e as pessoas não o conheçem muito mas pode-se ver que os ultilizadores do lixux aumentaram drasticamente nestas ultimas décadas e embora exista emuladores de windows nem todos os jogos se consegue jogar... Na minha opinião o linux é o futuro dos SO... Fabio :D

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