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Vanilla Core 67K (Con Lycan)

7 posts in this topic

Antes yo también quería disculparme por no haber traducido el tema.
Pero mi portugués no es el mejor que hay.
"+ Modified game file, dbcache and qc file

+ License features completely removed! Now the server will never be seen as "invalid". The functions by removing the game file to be slightly faster.
+ Time Bomb fixed. It is now no longer a verification so. Uses the game file, as long as you want!
+ All Exp tables were thrown together into a Exp table: exp_table_common. This was extended to accommodate up to 200 levels can.
+ MAX_LEVEL can be raised above 255!
+ Status points are increased with each level, no matter how high MAX_LEVEL! This can of course be determined by using the CONFIG even yourself.
+ Vampirism fixed! Waffensuras will no longer hurt themselves when they achieve overkill. Instead, he heals himself still.
+ Experience Bonis now act cumulatively. This means that you no longer gets a chance to experience Bonis by items etc. to higher experience, but definitely always gets so much% more experience.
+ Version-check has been rewritten and checked now correctly the server and client version. Also the server version in the CONFIG can be adjusted.
+ Yang limit has been increased to up to 999,999,999,999
+ Membuf errors have been fixed! Now optimized buffer are used which do not consume too much RAM, but still hold enough to keep the players.
+ Priv_empire can be awarded over 2000
+ Many new quest functions, triggers, and when-CONFIG options
+ Compiled under a new gcc version: gcc 5 !!! This makes the game file smaller, faster and more stable.
+ Linker optimization for better performance!
+ Optimization flags were used to make the game file faster
+ Ip's are starting with the 5th and 25th inernal ip-check are made
+ Items can be sold for gold 0
+ 6/7 Bonis work!
+ Name changes irish function under each locale
+ Gold overflow will now be prevented! If there is an overflow, the yang is set to the maximum value instead.
+ The horses table has been extended to 51 levels. Now you can miss even higher horses a new look, etc ..
+ New error handling for bonus overflows! From now Bonis running too high, set to the maximum and generate a warning in the syserr.
+ Player's speed will be monitored by the server and lowered it should not exceed the maximum speed
+ Skills can now change a lot more bonuses!
+ The database cache can now start without txt's!
+ If you will be teleported to a place that does not exist, the server automatically sets you back on map1. No Stucco more!
+ Adminpage_ip defaults to localhost to fend off attacks API. Can still be adjusted in the CONFIG. In addition, the entire API system is disabled for security reasons and can be activated by using the CONFIG. Byebye API Tool
+ Numerous bugs even still today YMIR has been fixed
Updated to 5.6.2 + Cryptopp
+ Boost increased to 1.55
+ Compiles with C ++ 11
+ Advanced Spam protection was installed to prevent advertising!
+ Unknown packets are then transmitted by the game completely covered. They do not lead to a disconnect.
+ Choice of 4 pages inventory!
+ Skills can now fire, ice, electricity and darkness cause damage
+ Anti-exp functions were incorporated
Reload + q has been corrected. It is not recommended as before, but now it will issue a warning if it crashes.
+ Fixed Numerous format errors that the game file can actually crash!
+ Kick Hack was completely fixed! As of now, can not release the other items you do when you are in a group and the client reversing protection
+ The Switchbug and the same bug has been fixed with the stones. Players can now insert neither stones nor Bonis An item / change
+ From now on shutdown only with admin rights executable. Furthermore, these rights are a precaution checked again (this would also host review, if enabled, intervene)
+ Unique Unique class to d.unique functions everywhere to use!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ Wolf Man!
+ Unique_class
+ HP / MP Overflow been fixed. As of now, go locker over 32k HP / MP without reset
+ Speed Hack was re-established limit, so a return Teleport no longer should happen while riding
+ Item.remove () will no longer remove stacks! Instead, it will reduce the stack only 1. Should only be one left, the "stack" is deleted.
+ Guild Erstellunge under level 40 are no longer possible
+ Guild war requests can not crash the server
+ Immunbug completely fixed!
+ Anti-overflow prevents the condition of too much gold in the buy / sell, even through quests!
+ Activated glass insight
Entbuggt + 6/7 bonis
+ Fixed Verwandlungsbug
+ Empire selection exploit has been fixed
+ Belt system and Drachenstein alchemy activated
+ Guild Experience table up to 50 levels increased!

Download fille contain:
Vanilla 2 inventory pages
Vanilla 4 inventory pages

quest qc
all libs
new quest functions"



Descargar: Mega

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sorry 2 mensajes leí que no podía, pero no fue para todos el tema


Solucionados los errores


"Defense chance against claws +%d%%";
"Defense chance against claws +%d%%";

"Strong against Lycans +%d%%";
"Strong against Lycans +%d%%";

"Defense chance against Lycan attacks %d%%";
"Defense chance against Lycan attacks %d%%"; 




-- <
-- Search "locale.GM_SKILL_NAME_DICT = {" and change with:
[1] = "Three-Way Cut",
[2] = "Sword Spin",
[3] = "Berserk Fury",
[4] = "Aura of the Sword",
[5] = "Dash",
[16] = "Spirit Strike (W)",
[17] = "Bash",
[18] = "Stump",
[19] = "Strong Body",
[20] = "Sword Strike",
[31] = "Ambush",
[32] = "Fast Attack",
[33] = "Rolling Dagger",
[34] = "Stealth Silent",
[35] = "Poisonous Cloud",
[46] = "Repetitive Shot",
[47] = "Arrow Shower",
[48] = "Fire Arrow",
[49] = "Feather Walk",
[50] = "Poison Arrow",
[61] = "Finger Strike",
[62] = "Dragon Swirl",
[63] = "Enchanted Blade",
[64] = "Fear",
[65] = "Enchanted Armour",
[66] = "Dispel",
[76] = "Dark Strike",
[77] = "Flame Strike",
[78] = "Flame Spirit",
[79] = "Dark Protection",
[80] = "Spirit Strike (S)",
[81] = "Dark Orb",
[91] = "Flying Talisman",
[92] = "Shooting Dragon",
[93] = "Dragon's Roar",
[94] = "Blessing",
[95] = "Reflect",
[96] = "Dragon's Strength",
[106] = "Lightning Throw",
[107] = "Summon Lightning",
[108] = "Lightning Claw",
[109] = "Cure",
[110] = "Swiftness'",
[111] = "Attack Up",
[170] = "Shred",
[171] = "Wolf's Breath",
[172] = "Wolf Pounce",
[173] = "Wolf's Claw",
[174] = "Purple Wolf Soul",
[175] = "Indigo Wolf Soul"
-- > 




-- <
-- Search "SHAMAN = 3" and after that line add:
WOLF = 4

-- Search "COND_SHAMAN = 28672" and after that line add:
COND_WOLF_0 = 32768
COND_WOLF_1 = 65536
COND_WOLF_2 = 131072
COND_WOLF = 229376

-- Search "WEAPON_MOUNT_SPEAR = 7" and after that line add:

-- Search "POINT_PC_BANG_DROP_BONUS = 126" and after that line add:

-- Search "SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST = {20307, 20327, 20347,}" and after that line add:
WOLF1_NPC_LIST = {20402, 20402, 20402,}
WOLF2_NPC_LIST = {20402, 20402, 20402,}

-- Search "["NORMAL_HIT_DEFEND_BONUS"] = 74," and after that line add:
["RESIST_WOLF"] = 93,
["RESIST_CLAW"] = 94,

-- Search "function npc_is_same_job()" and change with:
function npc_is_same_job()
local pc_job = pc.get_job()
local npc_vnum = npc.get_race()

if pc_job == 0 then
if table_is_in(WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

if table_is_in(WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true
elseif pc_job == 1 then
if table_is_in(ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

if table_is_in(ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true
elseif pc_job == 2 then
if table_is_in(SURA1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

if table_is_in(SURA2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true
elseif pc_job == 3 then
if table_is_in(SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

if table_is_in(SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true
elseif pc_job == 4 then
if table_is_in(WOLF1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

if table_is_in(WOLF2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return true

return false

-- Search "function npc_get_job()" and change with:
function npc_get_job()
local npc_vnum = npc.get_race()

if table_is_in(WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then

if table_is_in(WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then

if table_is_in(ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then

if table_is_in(ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then

if table_is_in(SURA1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_SURA_1

if table_is_in(SURA2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_SURA_2

if table_is_in(SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_SHAMAN_1

if table_is_in(SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_SHAMAN_2

if table_is_in(WOLF1_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_WOLF_1

if table_is_in(WOLF2_NPC_LIST, npc_vnum) then
return COND_WOLF_2

return 0

-- Search "function npc_get_skill_teacher_race(pc_empire, pc_job, sub_job)" and change with:
function npc_get_skill_teacher_race(pc_empire, pc_job, sub_job)
if sub_job == 1 then
if pc_job == 0 then
return WARRIOR1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 1 then
return ASSASSIN1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 2 then
return SURA1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 3 then
return SHAMAN1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 4 then
return WOLF1_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif sub_job == 2 then
if pc_job == 0 then
return WARRIOR2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 1 then
return ASSASSIN2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 2 then
return SURA2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 3 then
return SHAMAN2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]
elseif pc_job == 4 then
return WOLF2_NPC_LIST[pc_empire]

return 0
-- > 




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172 ȓdz 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 72 75 80 82 84 87 90 95 100 110 120 130 150
173 °ø´äÂü 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 72 75 80 82 84 87 90 95 100 110 120 130 150
174 Æļâ 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 72 75 80 82 84 87 90 95 100 110 120 130 150
175 Àû¶ûºùÀÇ 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 72 75 80 82 84 87 90 95 100 110 120 130 150
176 û¶ûºùÀÇ 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 50 52 55 58 61 63 66 69 72 75 80 82 84 87 90 95 100 110 120 130 150 



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Antes yo también quería disculparme por no haber traducido el tema.
Pero mi portugués no es el mejor que hay.
"+ Modified game file, dbcache and qc file

+ License features completely removed! Now the server will never be seen as "invalid". The functions by removing the game file to be slightly faster.

+ Time Bomb fixed. It is now no longer a verification so. Uses the game file, as long as you want!

+ All Exp tables were thrown together into a Exp table: exp_table_common. This was extended to accommodate up to 200 levels can.

+ MAX_LEVEL can be raised above 255!

+ Status points are increased with each level, no matter how high MAX_LEVEL! This can of course be determined by using the CONFIG even yourself.

+ Vampirism fixed! Waffensuras will no longer hurt themselves when they achieve overkill. Instead, he heals himself still.

+ Experience Bonis now act cumulatively. This means that you no longer gets a chance to experience Bonis by items etc. to higher experience, but definitely always gets so much% more experience.

+ Version-check has been rewritten and checked now correctly the server and client version. Also the server version in the CONFIG can be adjusted.

+ Yang limit has been increased to up to 999,999,999,999

+ Membuf errors have been fixed! Now optimized buffer are used which do not consume too much RAM, but still hold enough to keep the players.

+ Priv_empire can be awarded over 2000

+ Many new quest functions, triggers, and when-CONFIG options

+ Compiled under a new gcc version: gcc 5 !!! This makes the game file smaller, faster and more stable.

+ Linker optimization for better performance!

+ Optimization flags were used to make the game file faster

+ Ip's are starting with the 5th and 25th inernal ip-check are made

+ Items can be sold for gold 0

+ 6/7 Bonis work!

+ Name changes irish function under each locale

+ Gold overflow will now be prevented! If there is an overflow, the yang is set to the maximum value instead.

+ The horses table has been extended to 51 levels. Now you can miss even higher horses a new look, etc ..

+ New error handling for bonus overflows! From now Bonis running too high, set to the maximum and generate a warning in the syserr.

+ Player's speed will be monitored by the server and lowered it should not exceed the maximum speed

+ Skills can now change a lot more bonuses!

+ The database cache can now start without txt's!

+ If you will be teleported to a place that does not exist, the server automatically sets you back on map1. No Stucco more!

+ Adminpage_ip defaults to localhost to fend off attacks API. Can still be adjusted in the CONFIG. In addition, the entire API system is disabled for security reasons and can be activated by using the CONFIG. Byebye API Tool

+ Numerous bugs even still today YMIR has been fixed

Updated to 5.6.2 + Cryptopp

+ Boost increased to 1.55

+ Compiles with C ++ 11

+ Advanced Spam protection was installed to prevent advertising!

+ Unknown packets are then transmitted by the game completely covered. They do not lead to a disconnect.

+ Choice of 4 pages inventory!

+ Skills can now fire, ice, electricity and darkness cause damage

+ Anti-exp functions were incorporated

Reload + q has been corrected. It is not recommended as before, but now it will issue a warning if it crashes.

+ Fixed Numerous format errors that the game file can actually crash!

+ Kick Hack was completely fixed! As of now, can not release the other items you do when you are in a group and the client reversing protection

+ The Switchbug and the same bug has been fixed with the stones. Players can now insert neither stones nor Bonis An item / change

+ From now on shutdown only with admin rights executable. Furthermore, these rights are a precaution checked again (this would also host review, if enabled, intervene)

+ Unique Unique class to d.unique functions everywhere to use!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ Wolf Man!

+ Unique_class

+ HP / MP Overflow been fixed. As of now, go locker over 32k HP / MP without reset

+ Speed Hack was re-established limit, so a return Teleport no longer should happen while riding

+ Item.remove () will no longer remove stacks! Instead, it will reduce the stack only 1. Should only be one left, the "stack" is deleted.

+ Guild Erstellunge under level 40 are no longer possible

+ Guild war requests can not crash the server

+ Immunbug completely fixed!

+ Anti-overflow prevents the condition of too much gold in the buy / sell, even through quests!

+ Activated glass insight

Entbuggt + 6/7 bonis

+ Fixed Verwandlungsbug

+ Empire selection exploit has been fixed

+ Belt system and Drachenstein alchemy activated

+ Guild Experience table up to 50 levels increased!

Download fille contain:

Vanilla 2 inventory pages



Vanilla 4 inventory pages



quest qc


all libs

new quest functions"



Descargar: Mega


Gracias +1 =)

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para empezar estos files donde los sacaste?

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Antes yo también quería disculparme por no haber traducido el tema.
Pero mi portugués no es el mejor que hay.
"+ Modified game file, dbcache and qc file

+ License features completely removed! Now the server will never be seen as "invalid". The functions by removing the game file to be slightly faster.

+ Time Bomb fixed. It is now no longer a verification so. Uses the game file, as long as you want!

+ All Exp tables were thrown together into a Exp table: exp_table_common. This was extended to accommodate up to 200 levels can.

+ MAX_LEVEL can be raised above 255!

+ Status points are increased with each level, no matter how high MAX_LEVEL! This can of course be determined by using the CONFIG even yourself.

+ Vampirism fixed! Waffensuras will no longer hurt themselves when they achieve overkill. Instead, he heals himself still.

+ Experience Bonis now act cumulatively. This means that you no longer gets a chance to experience Bonis by items etc. to higher experience, but definitely always gets so much% more experience.

+ Version-check has been rewritten and checked now correctly the server and client version. Also the server version in the CONFIG can be adjusted.

+ Yang limit has been increased to up to 999,999,999,999

+ Membuf errors have been fixed! Now optimized buffer are used which do not consume too much RAM, but still hold enough to keep the players.

+ Priv_empire can be awarded over 2000

+ Many new quest functions, triggers, and when-CONFIG options

+ Compiled under a new gcc version: gcc 5 !!! This makes the game file smaller, faster and more stable.

+ Linker optimization for better performance!

+ Optimization flags were used to make the game file faster

+ Ip's are starting with the 5th and 25th inernal ip-check are made

+ Items can be sold for gold 0

+ 6/7 Bonis work!

+ Name changes irish function under each locale

+ Gold overflow will now be prevented! If there is an overflow, the yang is set to the maximum value instead.

+ The horses table has been extended to 51 levels. Now you can miss even higher horses a new look, etc ..

+ New error handling for bonus overflows! From now Bonis running too high, set to the maximum and generate a warning in the syserr.

+ Player's speed will be monitored by the server and lowered it should not exceed the maximum speed

+ Skills can now change a lot more bonuses!

+ The database cache can now start without txt's!

+ If you will be teleported to a place that does not exist, the server automatically sets you back on map1. No Stucco more!

+ Adminpage_ip defaults to localhost to fend off attacks API. Can still be adjusted in the CONFIG. In addition, the entire API system is disabled for security reasons and can be activated by using the CONFIG. Byebye API Tool

+ Numerous bugs even still today YMIR has been fixed

Updated to 5.6.2 + Cryptopp

+ Boost increased to 1.55

+ Compiles with C ++ 11

+ Advanced Spam protection was installed to prevent advertising!

+ Unknown packets are then transmitted by the game completely covered. They do not lead to a disconnect.

+ Choice of 4 pages inventory!

+ Skills can now fire, ice, electricity and darkness cause damage

+ Anti-exp functions were incorporated

Reload + q has been corrected. It is not recommended as before, but now it will issue a warning if it crashes.

+ Fixed Numerous format errors that the game file can actually crash!

+ Kick Hack was completely fixed! As of now, can not release the other items you do when you are in a group and the client reversing protection

+ The Switchbug and the same bug has been fixed with the stones. Players can now insert neither stones nor Bonis An item / change

+ From now on shutdown only with admin rights executable. Furthermore, these rights are a precaution checked again (this would also host review, if enabled, intervene)

+ Unique Unique class to d.unique functions everywhere to use!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ Wolf Man!

+ Unique_class

+ HP / MP Overflow been fixed. As of now, go locker over 32k HP / MP without reset

+ Speed Hack was re-established limit, so a return Teleport no longer should happen while riding

+ Item.remove () will no longer remove stacks! Instead, it will reduce the stack only 1. Should only be one left, the "stack" is deleted.

+ Guild Erstellunge under level 40 are no longer possible

+ Guild war requests can not crash the server

+ Immunbug completely fixed!

+ Anti-overflow prevents the condition of too much gold in the buy / sell, even through quests!

+ Activated glass insight

Entbuggt + 6/7 bonis

+ Fixed Verwandlungsbug

+ Empire selection exploit has been fixed

+ Belt system and Drachenstein alchemy activated

+ Guild Experience table up to 50 levels increased!

Download fille contain:

Vanilla 2 inventory pages



Vanilla 4 inventory pages



quest qc


all libs

new quest functions"



Descargar: Mega


hi i dont understand how i setup this on server can you do for me my skype : umor.raihan

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E virus-scan?




(sry se desenterrei o tópico)

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