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The Belt System Help.


Hey, I added the belt system on the server with this topic:

But when he wants to put the belt is nothing, do not want to jump on this slot belts.

Maybe it's bad entries, the undersigned will give one entry with item_proto client.

<Item vnum="18009" name="18009" gb2312name="Pas Lniany+9" type="0" subtype="0" weight="0" size="1" antiflag="0" flag="0" wearflag="0" immuneflag="0" gold="800000" buy_price="800000" limittype0="1" limitvalue0="50" limittype1="0" limitvalue1="0" applytype0="1" applyvalue0="500" applytype1="0" applyvalue1="0" applytype2="0" applyvalue2="0" value0="4" value1="0" value2="0" value3="0" value4="0" value5="0" socket0="0" socket1="0" socket2="0" socket3="0" socket4="0" socket5="0" refine_vnum="0" refine_set="0" magic_pct="10" specular="0" socket_pct="0" />
Thanks in advance for your help.

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