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Quest Autopotes By Blacklotus

1 post in this topic

quest autopotas beginstate start begin  when 53501.use begin  say_title ("Autopotas")  say_red ("Bienvenido Joven viajero, este cofre que has obtenido te concedera 1 de los maravilloses elixires")  say_red ("Elixir del Sol, o Elixir de la Luna")  say_red ("Cual quieres?")   local autopotas = select (" Elixir del Sol", "Elixir de la Luna", "Me lo he pensado mejor ninguno")   if autopotas == 1 then   say_item_vnum ("72726")	local elixirs = select ("Comprar", "Salir")	if elixirs == 1 then	pc.give_item2("72726", 1)	pc.remove_item("53501", 1)	elseif elixirs == 2 then	 return	end   elseif autopotas == 2 then   say_item_vnum ("72730")	local elixirl = select ("Comprar", "Salir")	if elixirl == 1 then	pc.give_item2("72730", 1)	pc.remove_item("53501", 1)	elseif elixirl == 2 then	 return	end   elseif autopotas == 3 then	return   end  endendend



[*]2 PRINT :

Créditos : BlackLotus

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