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[Dúvida] Pedra Da Alma Não Funciona


Boas, eu tenho as file do invoice e a pedra da alma não funciona , alguém me pode postar a quest sff?

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Rodnia | Alpha & Omega
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Pois mas eu usei essa quest e só me aparece a janela com Pedra da alma em cima e OK logo em baixo e + nada , como resolvo isso ?

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quest training_grandmaster_skill begin    state start begin	    when 50513.use begin		    say_title("Skill Training of the Grand Masters")		    if pc.get_skill_group() == 0 then			    ---												   l			    say("You didn't start an apprenticeship yet.")			    say(""..pc.get_skill_group())			    return		    end		    if get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then -- and not is_test_server() then			    if pc.is_skill_book_no_delay() then				    say("")				    say("As you have read the Exorcism Scroll, you")				    say("can participate in the advanced training")				    say("without making a pause.")				    say("")				    wait()			    else				    say("When your training is done, you have")				    say("to rest for half a day.")				    return			    end		    end		    local result = training_grandmaster_skill.BuildGrandMasterSkillList(pc.get_job(), pc.get_skill_group())		    local vnum_list = result[1]		    local name_list = result[2]		    if table.getn(vnum_list) == 0 then			    ---												   l			    say("No skill was learned yet through the")			    say("Skill Training of the Grand Masters.")			    return		    end		    ---												   l		    say("Please choose the Skill you want to learn")		    say("through the Skill Training of ")		    say("the Grand Masters.")            say("")		    local menu_list = {}		    table.foreach(name_list, function(i, name) table.insert(menu_list, name) end)		    table.insert(menu_list, "Close")		    local s=select_table(menu_list)		    if table.getn(menu_list) == s then			    return		    end		    local skill_name=name_list[s]            local skill_vnum=vnum_list[s]		    local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum)		    local cur_alignment = pc.get_real_alignment()		    local need_alignment = 1000+500*(skill_level-30)		    test_chat("Current Good/Evil Points: "..cur_alignment)		    test_chat("Needed Good/Evil Points: "..need_alignment)		    local title=string.format("%s Grand Master %d Level Skill Training", skill_name, skill_level-30+1)		    say_title("Skill Training of the Grand Masters")		    say("")		    say("When you waste your Good/Evil Points")		    say("during the training it's possible that you")		    say("can be downgraded, even under")		    say("the Level of a Ronin.")		    say("")		    if cur_alignment<-19000+need_alignment then			    say_reward("You don't have enough alignment-points")                say_reward("for a Grandmaster-Training.")                say("")			    return		    end		    if cur_alignment<0 then			    say_reward(string.format("Neccessary amount of Good/Evil points: %d -> %d", need_alignment, need_alignment*2))			    say_reward("(If your level is under the Level of a ronin,")			    say_reward("you'll waste double the Good/Evil Points compared")			    say_reward("to somebody who is ranked higher than a ronin.")			    need_alignment=need_alignment*2                elseif cur_alignment<need_alignment then			    say_reward(string.format("Needed Good/Evil Points: %d", need_alignment))			    say_reward("If you train now, you will be ranked")			    say_reward("lower than a Ronin.)")		    else			    say_reward(string.format("Needed Good/Evil-Points: %d", need_alignment))		    end		    say("")		    local s=select("Continue", "Postpone")		    if s==2 then			    return		    end		    if cur_alignment>=0 and cur_alignment<need_alignment then			    say_title(string.format("%s Confirm", title))                say("")			    say("If you now try to learn a Grand Master Skill")			    say("it is possible that your alignment points")			    say("will fall below zero.")			    say("When this happens, your alignment turns evil and")                say("you can be attacked by warriors of your kingdom.")			    say("Also, if you are over Level 50 you can lose your")                say("equipment upon death!")                say("If you're sure you want to train say the following:")			    say("")			    say_reward("I want to train.")			    say("")			    say("If you don't want to train, press 'ENTER'")			    local s=input()			    if s!="I want to train" then				    return			    end		    end		    if get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then -- and not is_test_server() then			    if pc.is_skill_book_no_delay() then				    pc.remove_skill_book_no_delay()			    else				    say_title("Skill Training of the Grand Masters")				    return			    end		    end		    pc.setqf("next_time", get_time()+time_hour_to_sec(number(8, 12)))		    if need_alignment>0 then			    if pc.learn_grand_master_skill(skill_vnum) then				    pc.change_alignment(-need_alignment)				    say_title(string.format("%s Success", title))				    if 40 == pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum) then					    say(string.format("%s became a perfect Master.", skill_name))				    else					    say(string.format("Through the Skill Training of the Grand Masters you raised %s to Level %d.", skill_name, skill_level-30+1+1))				    end				    say("")				    say_reward("You raised your Level successfully!")				    say_reward(string.format("You used %d Good/Evil Points..", need_alignment))				    say("")			    else				    say_title(string.format("%s failed!", title))				    say("You couldn't increase your Skill.")				    say("")				    say_reward("You lost some Good/Evil Points.")				    say("")				    pc.change_alignment(-number(need_alignment/3, need_alignment/2))			    end		    end		    item.remove()	    end        	    function BuildGrandMasterSkillList(job, group)		    GRAND_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL = 30		    PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL = 40		    local skill_list = special.active_skill_list[job+1][group]		    local ret_vnum_list = {}		    local ret_name_list = {}		    table.foreach(skill_list,		    function(i, skill_vnum)			    local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum)			    if skill_level >= GRAND_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL and skill_level < PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL then				    table.insert(ret_vnum_list, skill_vnum)				    local name=locale.GM_SKILL_NAME_DICT[skill_vnum]				    if name == nil then name=skill_vnum end				    table.insert(ret_name_list, name)			    end		    end)		    return {ret_vnum_list, ret_name_list}	    end    endend
quest training_grandmaster_skill begin    state start begin    when 50513.use begin   	 say_title("Pedra de Alma")   	 if pc.get_skill_group() == 0 then        say("Não tens Habilidades "..pc.get_skill_group())        return   	 end   	 if get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then -- and not is_test_server() then        if pc.is_skill_book_no_delay() then       	 say ( "Com esta Pedra Podes" )       	 say ( "Perfecionar as tuas habilidades." )       	 wait()       	 say_title ( "Que Habilidade Queres Melhorar? " )        else       	 say ( "Tens que esperar um dia para voltares a ler uma" )            say ( "pedra de alma, ou podes ler usando um pergaminho de" )            say ( "exorcismo para poder continuar o treino." )       	 return        end   	 end   	 local result = training_grandmaster_skill.BuildGrandMasterSkillList(pc.get_job(), pc.get_skill_group())   	 local vnum_list = result[1]   	 local name_list = result[2]   	 if table.getn(vnum_list) == 0 then        say ( "Não há habilidades que se possam melhorar." )        return   	 end   	 say ( "Escolhe a habilidade que queres melhorar:" )   	 say("")   	 local menu_list = {}   	 table.foreach(name_list, function(i, name) table.insert(menu_list, name) end)   	 table.insert(menu_list, "Cancelar")   	 local s=select_table(menu_list)   	 if table.getn(menu_list) == s then        return   	 end   	 local skill_name=name_list[s]   	 local skill_vnum=vnum_list[s]   	 local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum)   	 local cur_alignment = pc.get_real_alignment()   	 local need_alignment = 1000+800*(skill_level-30)   	 test_chat("Honra atual: "..cur_alignment)   	 test_chat("Precisas de: "..need_alignment)   	 local title = string . format ( "%s Nivel:  %d de Perfeção" , skill_name , skill_level - 30 + 1 )   	 say_title(title)   	 say ( "Estás num processo de melhoramento de habilidades." )   	 say ( "Recordo que deves ter Honra negativa. " )   	 say("")   	 if cur_alignment<-19000+need_alignment then        say_reward ( "Os teus pontos de Honra são muito baixos para continuar." )        return   	 end   	 if cur_alignment<0 then        say_reward ( string . format ( "Pontos de Honra: %d -> %d" , need_alignment , need_alignment * 2 ) )        say_reward ( "Mantém-te Dentro dos Limítes Para Obter Maior Probabilidade de Éxito." )        need_alignment=need_alignment*2   	 elseif cur_alignment<need_alignment then        say_reward ( string . format ( "Pontos de Honra Necessários: %d" , need_alignment ) )        say_reward ( "Em qualquer caso, sua Honra diminuirá." )   	 else        say_reward ( string . format ( "Pontos necessários de Honra: %d" , need_alignment ) )   	 end   	 say("")   	 local s = select ( "Aceitar" , "Cancelar" )   	 if s==2 then        return   	 end   	 if cur_alignment>=0 and cur_alignment<need_alignment then        say_title ( string . format ( "%s Estado" , title ) )        say ( "Tem pouca Honra" )        say ( "para ler a pedra da alma," )        say ( "Precisas do número maior de Honra." )        say("")        say_reward ( "Melhorar habilidades'" )        say("")        say ( "Queres?" )        local s=input()        if s!="Sim" then       	 return        end   	 end   	 if get_time() < pc.getqf("next_time") then -- and not is_test_server() then        if pc.is_skill_book_no_delay() then       	 pc.remove_skill_book_no_delay()        else       	 say ( "[d: restante" )       	 return        end   	 end   	 pc.setqf("next_time", get_time()+time_hour_to_sec(number(8, 12)))   	 if need_alignment>0 then        if pc.learn_grand_master_skill(skill_vnum) then       	 pc.change_alignment(-need_alignment)       	 say_title ( string . format ( "%s Completada" , title ) )       	 if 40 == pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum) then            say(string.format("%s Já esteve Perfeito", skill_name))       	 else            say ( string . format ( "[°ª¯Åµ¥¯Å]Subiu %s Até ao Nível %d ." , skill_name , skill_level - 30 + 1 + 1 ) )       	 end       	 say("")       	 say_reward ( "Treino de melhoramento de habilidades com sucesso!" )       	 say_reward ( string . format ( "Honra perdida: %d " , need_alignment ) )       	 say("")        else       	 say_title ( string . format ( "%s A Decorrer" , title ) )       	 say ( "Que dia tão esgotador!." )       	 say("")       	 say_reward ( "Treino Falhado." )       	 say("")       	 pc.change_alignment(-number(need_alignment/3, need_alignment/2))        end   	 end   	 item.remove()    end    function BuildGrandMasterSkillList(job, group)   	 GRAND_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL = 30   	 PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL = 40   	 local skill_list = special.active_skill_list[job+1][group]   	 local ret_vnum_list = {}   	 local ret_name_list = {}   	 -- test_chat(string.format("job=%d, group=%d", job, group))   	 table.foreach(skill_list,   	 function(i, skill_vnum)        local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(skill_vnum)        -- test_chat(string.format("[%d]=%d", skill_vnum, skill_level))        if skill_level >= GRAND_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL and skill_level < PERFECT_MASTER_SKILL_LEVEL then       	 table.insert(ret_vnum_list, skill_vnum)       	 local name=locale.GM_SKILL_NAME_DICT[skill_vnum]       	 if name == nil then name=skill_vnum end       	 table.insert(ret_name_list, name)        end   	 end)   	 return {ret_vnum_list, ret_name_list}   	 --return {ret_vnum_list, ret_name_list}    end    endend

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ok , obg pela ajuda .

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